Will Smith

All posts in the Will Smith category

’23 Jump Street’ / ‘Men In Black’ Crossover Movie Reportedly In The Works

Published March 7, 2016 by BrittanyShawnte

Looks like we may be getting a new crossover movie between two funny films!

According to The Source, we’ll be seeing a team-up of sorts between both Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill‘s Jump Street characters Jenko and Schmidt, along with Agents J and K.
However, mainstays Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones won’t be returning as the two main characters from the Men In Black franchise. Sony Films is planning to cast younger actors for the roles in order to reboot the franchise.

The directors of the first two Jump Street films, Peter Lord and Chris Miller will be returning as producers this time around. They will not be available to direct because they are already committed to directing the upcoming Han Solo film. Filming for the crossover is expected to begin in June.

As a fan of both franchises, I’m very skeptical of how this will turn out, but will wait until there is more info on the film and see it for myself!

Image via The Source

Photos of DC Comics Suicide Squad Movie

Published May 4, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte
Director of the “Suicide Squad” movie, David Ayer posted this picture earlier today to his Twitter account. Check out the line up below!

  • Adam Beach as Slipknot
  • Jai Courtney as Captain Boomerang
  • Cara Delevingne as Enchantress
  • Karen Fukuhara as Katana
  • Joel Kinnaman as Rick Flagg
  • Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn
  • Will Smith as Deadshot
  • Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Killer Croc
  • Jay Hernandez as El Diablo
BONUS: Will Smith also upload a photo of him as Deadshot to Facebook.

Recap on Yesterday’s Events!!!

Published August 24, 2011 by BrittanyShawnte

Thought I would just do a recap on some of yesterday’s news. A LOT WAS GOING ON YESTERDAY! Too much in fact.

Soooo….East Coast, how about that earthquake yesterday?! People are still talking about it, telling their stories. Where they were, what they thought it was, and everything. I was at the movies after a failed trip to the doctor’s, and all of a sudden the theater started shaking!!! Looked around after it stopped, and everybody had that “WTF was that?!” look! Then the second shake hit, and everybody took to running (Note that it was a lot of us black folks, and we tend to run first, ask questions later. Hope that didn’t offend, but I’ve found it to be true haha). Absolutely insane…glad there were no major injuries or fatalities. I do know some buildings were condemned around the DMV region though, and extensive damage to the National Cathedral (pictured left) in D.C. at the top. I know it’s a regular day in the neighborhood to you all on the West Coast, but on the East, that ain’t us! ESPECIALLY IN D.C., MARYLAND, AND VIRGINIA! We’re not prepared for any type of extreme weather! (See Snowmageddon). Anywho, hope everyone is well.

Read more after the jump!

WILLJADA1_wide.jpgSecond, let’s talk about this mess of a rumor from InTouch Weekly about Will and Jada Pinkett Smith separating! When I first heard it, I said to myself, “If they can’t make it, who can?!” There’s not too many celebrity couples out now that have made it past a few years, let alone to the double digits like Will and Jada. Jada’s publicist got word of it and responded to TMZ, “In Touch Weekly said that? Lord. I’m going back to bed.” I laughed my head off. I also read this morning that rumors were going around that Jada was cheating on Will with Marc Anthony, her co-star from her hit show HawthoRNe! All lies. That’s why I don’t write ANYTHING on this blog unless I get it from my reliable sources online, which are few and far between, or see it myself. So that’s why the Will and Jada story wasn’t up.

Brenda Song Trace Cyrus Pregnant ExpectingAlso, the Brenda Song pregnancy story wasn’t up, because I didn’t totally believe it. Rumors came a few years ago in 2008 that she was pregnant with Joe Jonas’ baby, which of course, were untrue. According to Celebuzz, she’s pregnant with Trace Cyrus’ baby. There hasn’t been anything from either of them or their teams. So for now, I’m still a bit skeptical. I remember a while back when blogs and sites reported that Beyonce was pregnant, and I actually believed them! Come to find out that it was FALSE! And I was greatly disappointed. So I tend to be a bit suspicious if there’s no word from the actual couple. If they are having a baby together, congratulations to them!

Great day indeed!

Jay-Z Signs Willow Smith

Published September 10, 2010 by BrittanyShawnte

Good morning yall! TGIF right?! I just finished my first week of classes which wasn’t so bad actually. Hope everybody else’s week went well.

Exciting news! According to SingersRoom, Jay-Z has officially signed Miss Willow Smith, daughter of the legendary power couple Will and Jada Smith. Jay made the announcement Thursday morning on Ryan Seacrest’s show.

“We at Roc Nation are excited to work with Willow,” Jay-Z said in a statement. “She has an energy and enthusiasm about her music that is truly infectious. It’s rare to find an artist with such innate talent and creativity at such a young age. Willow is about to embark on an incredible journey and we look forward to joining her as she grows in all aspects of her career.”

Will and Jada are definitely supportive of Willow’s career, and are excited about her being signed to Roc Nation. “After meeting with several record companies, it was clear that Jay-Z, Ty Ty, Jay Brown and the Roc Nation staff was the unquestionable choice,” they said in a statement. “Their passion for Willow combined with their boundless vision and artistic integrity made Roc Nation the perfect home for our little girl.”

The girl’s only nine years old, but to me, is already showing that she’s a star from her unique style to her musical ability. And she’s under Jay too?! I know that she will take off. She has great potential, so I’m looking forward to her official debut! Listen to her song “Whip My Hair” below!


Jay-Z Signs Willow Smith

Published September 10, 2010 by BrittanyShawnte

Good morning yall! TGIF right?! I just finished my first week of classes which wasn’t so bad actually. Hope everybody else’s week went well.

Exciting news! According to SingersRoom, Jay-Z has officially signed Miss Willow Smith, daughter of the legendary power couple Will and Jada Smith. Jay made the announcement Thursday morning on Ryan Seacrest’s show.

“We at Roc Nation are excited to work with Willow,” Jay-Z said in a statement. “She has an energy and enthusiasm about her music that is truly infectious. It’s rare to find an artist with such innate talent and creativity at such a young age. Willow is about to embark on an incredible journey and we look forward to joining her as she grows in all aspects of her career.”

Will and Jada are definitely supportive of Willow’s career, and are excited about her being signed to Roc Nation. “After meeting with several record companies, it was clear that Jay-Z, Ty Ty, Jay Brown and the Roc Nation staff was the unquestionable choice,” they said in a statement. “Their passion for Willow combined with their boundless vision and artistic integrity made Roc Nation the perfect home for our little girl.”

The girl’s only nine years old, but to me, is already showing that she’s a star from her unique style to her musical ability. And she’s under Jay too?! I know that she will take off. She has great potential, so I’m looking forward to her official debut! Listen to her song “Whip My Hair” below!