
All posts in the Detroit category

In The Spotlight: Hip-Hop Artist Young Holley

Published October 19, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Another spotlight today, with more on the way! As always, if you are or represent an upcoming artist, designer, producer, etc., and are interested in a feature, please visit our Features/Submissions page for more information!

Hailing from the West Side of Detroit, we have rapper Young Holley! He got his start in music after his brother-in- law showed him the movie Krush Groove (Hey Uncle Rush!) when he was a kid. The most memorable scene for him was when LL Cool J rushed into an audition when the auditions were already over. They were trying to kick him out but he was so good when he rapped for them that they signed him on the spot. This had such a great impact on Holley as a child that it became one of his favorite movies and birthed his love of rap. 

Young Holley said the difference between him and other rappers is that his ability to create real music that will hold the attention of listeners. “I’m not afraid to be myself in my music or speak on very personal situations,” the rapper said. “Music is therapy for me and it’s the only thing I am passionate about.” Young Holly also noted that he was inspired by his doubters and anyone overcoming obstacles and chasing their dreams. This type of passion and inspiration helped create his new single, “Grind For It. He stated that everyone has “to work for what you want. That’s the only way you’ll get it. Nothing was ever given to me.”

Currently, the rapper is working on an untitled project, which features “Grind For It” as the first single. The track is available for purchase now on iTunes. In the meantime, fans and new listeners should check out his latest mixtape GRIP 

We ended our interview by asking Holley about any potential work with frequent collaborator, friend and fellow rapper Cash McKenzie. As of now, they are both focused on their individual projects, but he hopes to have some new collaborations with the rapper  in the future. 

Top 3 Albums of 2015
1. King LosGod, Money, War
2. Kendrick LamarTo Pimp A Butterfly
3. Big SeanDark Sky Paradise
**Even though it was released in 2014, J. Cole‘s 2014 Forest Hills Drive is Holley’s favorite album overall right now.**

You can check out more music from Young Holley on YouTube and Soundcloud. You can also follow him on TwitterInstagram and on Snapchat (YoungHolley)!