First Lady Michelle Obama

All posts in the First Lady Michelle Obama category

First Lady Michelle Obama Covers April’s Vogue

Published March 14, 2013 by BrittanyShawnte

First Lady Michelle Obama is looking absolutely beautiful on the April cover of Vogue! For her second appearance in the fashion mag, Ms. Michelle is rocking her new bangs with a great sleveless blue dress that show off her toned arms.

In her interview with the magazine, First Lady Michelle reiterated how important parenting is to both her and President Barach Obama, and how they keep daughters Malia and Sasha #1 in spite of their hectic schedules. “Our job is, first and foremost, to make sure our family is whole. You know, we have small kids; they’re growing every day,” she explained. “But I think we were both pretty straightforward when we said, ‘Our No. 1 priority is making sure that our family is whole.'”

The First Lady also talked about lessons she learned from her husband. “Well, patience and calm I’m borrowing. Or trying to mirror. I’ve learned that from my husband, that sort of, you know, ability to not get too high or too low with changes and bumps in the road,” she said of the President. “To do more breathing in and just going with it. I’m learning that every day. And to the extent that I’ve made changes in my life, it’s just sort of stepping back and seeing a change not as something to guard against but as a wonderful addition. . . that can make life fun and unexpected.”

The April issue of Vogue hits stands March 26!

Image via Vogue

First Lady Michelle Obama Covers April’s Vogue

Published March 14, 2013 by BrittanyShawnte

First Lady Michelle Obama is looking absolutely beautiful on the April cover of Vogue! For her second appearance in the fashion mag, Ms. Michelle is rocking her new bangs with a great sleveless blue dress that show off her toned arms.

In her interview with the magazine, First Lady Michelle reiterated how important parenting is to both her and President Barach Obama, and how they keep daughters Malia and Sasha #1 in spite of their hectic schedules. “Our job is, first and foremost, to make sure our family is whole. You know, we have small kids; they’re growing every day,” she explained. “But I think we were both pretty straightforward when we said, ‘Our No. 1 priority is making sure that our family is whole.'”

The First Lady also talked about lessons she learned from her husband. “Well, patience and calm I’m borrowing. Or trying to mirror. I’ve learned that from my husband, that sort of, you know, ability to not get too high or too low with changes and bumps in the road,” she said of the President. “To do more breathing in and just going with it. I’m learning that every day. And to the extent that I’ve made changes in my life, it’s just sort of stepping back and seeing a change not as something to guard against but as a wonderful addition. . . that can make life fun and unexpected.”

The April issue of Vogue hits stands March 26!

Image via Vogue