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Que Gets Kicked Out of Day26!!!!!!

Published December 19, 2009 by BrittanyShawnte

Dang…I knew it was coming! I knew it was coming! I knew it was coming! And to tell you the truth, I’m not that sad about it! Que (center) from Day26 has been kicked out of the group! That’s right! In the video below, Willie (on the right of Que)confirms it!

For those of you who watched the last season of Making the Band 4, you saw that Que was acting a dag on fool, acting like he didn’t have any type of common sense. Walking around giving everybody the stank eye and all of that, yelling and screaming, trying to fight people. Now the group is preparing for their third album, and since Que can’t be reached, HE’S OUT!

Me and my friend were just talking about Day 26 the other day! I love the group, and I think they have a bright future ahead with or without Que. What I think he failed to realize was that his behind could be cut at any moment, and that he should’ve got cut after that season! Now this is just Brittany Shawnté’s logic, but I would think that after showing your ass on national television, you would want to get back into people’s good graces. But no, NOT QUE! NOT QWANELL! Now you ain’t got no job no more, and maybe Day26 will be better because of it. Diddy said NO BITCHASSNESS QUE!!!!

Love to MediaTakeOut, always shocking me with the best news! I wanna write for them one day LOL


~Brittany Shawnté

Que Gets Kicked Out of Day26!!!!!!

Published December 19, 2009 by BrittanyShawnte

Dang…I knew it was coming! I knew it was coming! I knew it was coming! And to tell you the truth, I’m not that sad about it! Que (center) from Day26 has been kicked out of the group! That’s right! In the video below, Willie (on the right of Que)confirms it!

For those of you who watched the last season of Making the Band 4, you saw that Que was acting a dag on fool, acting like he didn’t have any type of common sense. Walking around giving everybody the stank eye and all of that, yelling and screaming, trying to fight people. Now the group is preparing for their third album, and since Que can’t be reached, HE’S OUT!

Me and my friend were just talking about Day 26 the other day! I love the group, and I think they have a bright future ahead with or without Que. What I think he failed to realize was that his behind could be cut at any moment, and that he should’ve got cut after that season! Now this is just Brittany Shawnté’s logic, but I would think that after showing your ass on national television, you would want to get back into people’s good graces. But no, NOT QUE! NOT QWANELL! Now you ain’t got no job no more, and maybe Day26 will be better because of it. Diddy said NO BITCHASSNESS QUE!!!!

Love to MediaTakeOut, always shocking me with the best news! I wanna write for them one day LOL


~Brittany Shawnté

This Is It!

Published November 2, 2009 by BrittanyShawnte

This Is It!, the movie that shows the late great Michael Jackson during his final rehearsals for his This Is It Tour in London, premiered this past Wednesday and has since made $101 million worldwide, according to OMG! Yahoo.

I went to go see the movie opening day, and was very impressed. This movie shows just what a musical genius and loving human being that man was. It was sad, though, because you see him dancing and performing like nothing was wrong with him and you see how big this comeback would’ve been. It’s just sad to know that Michael is no longer around to make more music, but his legacy will live on.

Some of his new music is going to be released soon from what I’ve heard, and This Is It!‘s run is going to be extended from the original two weeks! So definitely, if you are an MJ fan, go see the movie! You will definitely be touched and inspired.


~Brittany Shawnté

This Is It!

Published November 2, 2009 by BrittanyShawnte

This Is It!, the movie that shows the late great Michael Jackson during his final rehearsals for his This Is It Tour in London, premiered this past Wednesday and has since made $101 million worldwide, according to OMG! Yahoo.

I went to go see the movie opening day, and was very impressed. This movie shows just what a musical genius and loving human being that man was. It was sad, though, because you see him dancing and performing like nothing was wrong with him and you see how big this comeback would’ve been. It’s just sad to know that Michael is no longer around to make more music, but his legacy will live on.

Some of his new music is going to be released soon from what I’ve heard, and This Is It!‘s run is going to be extended from the original two weeks! So definitely, if you are an MJ fan, go see the movie! You will definitely be touched and inspired.


~Brittany Shawnté

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith To Host Nobel Peace Prize Concert

Published September 30, 2009 by BrittanyShawnte

One of the hottest Hollywood couples, if not the hottest, will be hosting this year’s Nobel Peace Prize Concert in Oslo, Norway. According to Access Hollywood, organizers have announced that Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith will cohost the event.

The show is set to take place a day after the actual Nobel Peace Prize ceremony on December 11. It will feature performances from Wyclef Jean, Toby Keith, Donna Summer, Puerto Rican singer Luis Fonsi as well as Amadou&Mariam, a blues and jazz duet from Mali.

“The opportunity to recognize the laureate’s contributions to the world peace movement will be an awe-inspiring experience,” the Smiths said in a joint statement. “We are both humbled and honored to take part in the Nobel Peace Prize Concert this year.”

The winner of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize is to be announced in Oslo on Oct. 9. The award is always handed out Dec. 10, the anniversary of prize founder Alfred Nobel’s death in 1896.

“We’re excited to have Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith join us as hosts for the Nobel Peace Prize Concert,” said Geir Lundestad, secretary of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. “Together they’ve had a global impact on the arts and philanthropy and will be excellent ambassadors for peace.”

It’s always good to see Will and Jada out and about. They are a classy couple, so the event should be a good one.


~Brittany Shawnté

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith To Host Nobel Peace Prize Concert

Published September 30, 2009 by BrittanyShawnte

One of the hottest Hollywood couples, if not the hottest, will be hosting this year’s Nobel Peace Prize Concert in Oslo, Norway. According to Access Hollywood, organizers have announced that Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith will cohost the event.

The show is set to take place a day after the actual Nobel Peace Prize ceremony on December 11. It will feature performances from Wyclef Jean, Toby Keith, Donna Summer, Puerto Rican singer Luis Fonsi as well as Amadou&Mariam, a blues and jazz duet from Mali.

“The opportunity to recognize the laureate’s contributions to the world peace movement will be an awe-inspiring experience,” the Smiths said in a joint statement. “We are both humbled and honored to take part in the Nobel Peace Prize Concert this year.”

The winner of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize is to be announced in Oslo on Oct. 9. The award is always handed out Dec. 10, the anniversary of prize founder Alfred Nobel’s death in 1896.

“We’re excited to have Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith join us as hosts for the Nobel Peace Prize Concert,” said Geir Lundestad, secretary of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. “Together they’ve had a global impact on the arts and philanthropy and will be excellent ambassadors for peace.”

It’s always good to see Will and Jada out and about. They are a classy couple, so the event should be a good one.


~Brittany Shawnté

Kate Plus Eight

Published September 29, 2009 by BrittanyShawnte

I’m just reporting some celeb news yall! See that pic up there? The beautiful Gosselin family before all this mess between Jon and Kate got started. Well, scratch Jon out of the picture. Kate thought she could do better without him, and, apparently so does TLC. TLC’s Jon & Kate Plus Eight will make the name change to “Kate Plus Eight” starting November 2, according to the Associated Press.

The renamed show will continue to chronicle the lives of the Gosselin kids (5-year-old sextuplets and 8-year-old twins) but will also focus on Kate being a single mother.

“It’s not a huge shift, but it’s reflective of where the show was already going,” said Eileen O’Neill, TLC’s president and general manager.

“Jon’s going to be involved in the show,” she said, adding that he will be seen less often than before. TLC retains an exclusive arrangement with him, as well as the rest of the family, O’Neill said.

And here I was thinking that the show was about to be over. For those of you who believed the tweet that Kate supposedly sent out, you were fooled. Kate doesn’t even have a Twitter account, according O’Neill. Well, who needed Jon anyway? Kate’s name is the one that rhymes with “eight.” Plus, he’s not at their house much anymore anyway, so the show title might as well reflect it. Are you guys gonna watch?


~Brittany Shawnté


Published September 3, 2009 by BrittanyShawnte

All right, yall, I know that I have faithful readers. LOL it may not show in the followers but people read my stuff. And I appreciate the positive comments I get soooo much. This is what I want to do with my life, so I don’t take it lightly. I try to write as much as I can when I can.

However, with school heating up (sophomore status in college! 2012 stand up! lol), from time to time, there may be days when I don’t write simply because I do not have the time. There also may be days that I don’t write because I don’t see anything that interesting to me to put on here or it’s just getting worn out. Like these new developments about Michael Jackson (God rest his soul). I’m not going to report all that firstly because I think that people just need to let the man rest in peace after all the hell he caught on earth, and secondly because there seems to be some new report on him or his family EVERY DAY!!! Case in point, yesterday Access Hollywood showed some of LeToya’s new video dedicated to Michael called “Home.” It never ceases. So unless it’s something important (like today I will probably write about his proposed burial), I won’t be writing about Michael on here. But I seriously digress LOL. I just say all this to say that I hope yall understand and don’t just think that I’m slacking on the job. I have a more important job right now, and that’s to finish my education so I can get to what I really want to do and that is writing for the media. You do what you have to do now so you can do what you want to do later. Feel me?

Secondly, from now on, posts on In The Spotlight will be posted on Facebook. So if you’re friends with me on there, you can read it on there as well in my notes. If not, the name is Brittany Shawnté. Look me up!


~Brittany Shawnté


Published August 16, 2009 by BrittanyShawnte

Ok yall, I am back from vacation and it’s back to work. Sorry I couldn’t update all week. Turns out that the hotel I was staying at did have internet access, but I FORGOT MY LAPTOP THE MORNING I LEFT!!! UGH!!! I was so mad, especially with the big news that has hit this week like Michael Vick signing with the Eagles, and Kourtney Kardashian pregnant with her first child!!! Man, I missed it all!!!! But that’s ok, because now I’m back and I’m ready to get back to doing what I do!!! Missed u guys!!!!


~Brittany Shawnté


Published June 30, 2009 by BrittanyShawnte

If you are a musical artist, dancer, actor, poet, basically anything dealing with the arts, and you are looking for a little bit more exposure than you have now, contact me at inthespotlight1 @live.com to have a feature story on In The Spotlight! I would love to have an interview with you and feature you on the blog! Make sure to have samples of your work and pictures of you ready that can be embedded into the blog!