Scream Queens

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RECAP: Scream Queens Season 1 Finale ("Dorkus," E12, "The Final Girl(s)," E13)

Published December 9, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Last night was the TWO-HOUR season finale of Scream Queens, and it was definitely a crazy ending! A little predictable, at least to me, but I still enjoyed watching it all unfold. Picking up from last week, Pete reveals that he is sort of, kind of the Red Devil, stating that he made a deal with the real Red Devils. Turns out the night the security guard was killed, Pete followed the Red Devil all the way back to the Dollar Scholars’ house, and he found out that it was Boone. Boone told him everything about how he was seeking revenge against the Kappas for his mother being left to die, and Pete believe their missions were the same. The only way to bring Chanel and the Kappas down was to bring all the way down….below the ground. Pete is so consumed with bringing down fraternities and sororities, and it’s clear that he’s just bitter he was rejected by the Dollar Scholars still.

Pete goes on to share that he killed Roger, after Boone and his sister threatened to kill Pete, thinking he was a double agent. He did it to try to prove himself to them, trying to survive while still getting the information he needed for his story. Pete tries so hard to justify what he did, but Grace doesn’t want to hear it. However, Pete got the idea from Grace herself! In a car ride home, as she vented about the house, Grace said, “How can you stop an evil as old as Kappa House by playing by the rules? Maybe the Red Devil has the right idea.” Another justification for Pete, In an attempt to stop the murders, Pete killed Boone, because he was the muscle that kept this whole thing going. However, he also shot Chanel and the cop at the mall in the last episode as “self-defense,” clearly showing that he doesn’t mind killing for his own purpose.

Pete also finally discusses what happened between him and Chanel, stating that she led him on for months. She acted like she wanted to try out new things in the bedroom, getting him to dress up as Daryl Hannah in The Clan of the Cave Bear. He claims to have done all of this for Grace, and their relationship, but Grace is over it, and storms out. However, Pete reveals that he knows who the other killer is, and it’s one of the Kappa girls! Pete collected DNA samples from all of the Kappas, and knows who Boone’s twin sister is. However, before he can get it out, the Red Devil storms in and stabs him! Grace grabs the Devil, and they scuffle for a while, before the Red Devil knocks G and bangs her head up against the wall repeatedly. After a scuffle, she knocks Grace out and gets away.

Later, students come back to campus and to riot against Chanel, after she writes the “missive to end all missives” to the other Kappas. She calls them all out for abandoning her at the pool to help kill the Dean in a long email, and says some pretty nasty stuff. The next day, her rant was leaked to everyone on campus, and now she’s being publicly shamed by everyone from the students to the media.

After trying to keep a strong front, Chanel makes the decision to kill herself. She even orders an asp to kill herself like Cleopatra, though Zayday reveals it’s just a garter snake in a sweater. Zayday tries to encourage Chanel, stating that she has Chanel’s back, and things will get better. Suicide isn’t even something she should joke about it. Maybe Chanel can learn a lesson here about her words. Zayday thinks this is the time that they join forces, find the killer, and rebuild Kappa. At that moment, the Red Devil walks in to try to attack them, but gets freaked out by the garter snake. Zayday manages to hit the Devil with a chair, and pulls the mask off, revealing this random guy that no one knows. Apparently he was forced by the real Red Devil to try to kill all of them, and if he didn’t, the Red Devil would detonate dynamite that’s wrapped all around this poor guy’s body. Hester then walks in, all distraught, stating that she just saw a girl with scars all over her face, walking around with a shovel and continually saying to herself, “I’m a dork.” They  who was forced to go in. Hester walks in, distraught and a girl had scars all over her face, and I’m a dork, with a shovel. Everyone ignores her when they see the bomb is really ticking! The ladies run to the kitchen for cover, and the bomb explodes, killing the pizza delivery guy, and, surprisingly, missing everyone else. With that much dynamite, the entire house probably should’ve exploded, but this is a comedy-horror show so can’t expect too much reality.

Afterwards, Chanel decides to focus on restoring her reputation. She states to the Chanels that she is a changed woman, and realizes her words are weapons like Zayday said She wants to go on an apology tour, and plans to apologize first to Melanie Dorkus, the previous Kappa president who was burned with acid. Chanel secretly believes that this is the same girl that Hester was talking about earlier, and plans to fake apologize as Number 3 records it for social media.

Later, Grace talks to Wes about Pete, who thinks that they should go to the police. However, Grace knows all Denise will do is arrest Zayday. They talk about the fact that Grace didn’t go through with having sex with Pete. Wes thinks Pete was a good guy, besides, you know, being a killer. Wes realizes now he can’t protect her from the world now, and that Grace is pretty good at protecting herself. Grace wants to get as much info about the other Kappas as possible, and tells him she needs him to take one for the team. At the Dean’s house, Wes lies on her bed with only boxers on, attempting to seduce her. The Dean sees right through it, knowing that he’s trying to use her to get information about the murders. He plays soft music, getting her attention, and they have sex, while Zayday and Grace look through files on the Chanels, It’s revealed that one of the Chanels’ entire file seems completely made up, and they go to find them all.

After their sexcapade, Wes is actually attracted to the Dean, saying that was the best sex of his life. She doesn’t believe him, still believing that he was using her. However, he truly believes that maybe they were meant to be together after all, and they kiss! However, Dean Munsch mentions that, if he wants them to be a couple, Grace needs to go away for a while to give them space.

All the while, Chanel, Number 3, and Number 5 go to see Melanie. Hester claimed to want to meet them there, but she goes back to the Kappa house to snoop through Chanel’s stuff. Number 5 ends up leaving to after getting a swipe right on Tinder, wanting to meet this guy that hit her up. As Chanel and Number 3 go into Melanie’s bedroom, Melanie reveals her scarred face, and Chanel and Number 3 rudely debate if she looks more like Jason Voorhees or Freddy Krueger. Melanie reveals that, after time in Alaska, six weeks ago, her family moved her here. Melanie thinks that Chanel did this, but Chanel denies it. Chanel seemingly tries to apologize, but then pulls out a pair of scissors, trying to kill Melanie! It kind of makes sense, since Melanie came back a week before the killings started. However, Zayday stops her before she can do anything. She and Grace reveal that Hester is the Red Devil!

The ladies all return to the Kappa House, where they hear a scream and it’s Number 5. Turns out she got a fake Tinder to lure her back to the house. As they walk into Chanel’s closet, and see Hester stabbed in the face with a heel, and she points to Number 5, stating that Number 5 is really the Red Devil! WHAT IS GOING ON?!

In the second part of the finale, we see flashbacks and flash-fowards explaining what happens next. In January, the new semester begins. Zayday is the new president  of Kappa and Grace is VP. They host a winter rush, seeming to have restored Kappa to a better place. Hester has also returned, and is the treasurer. In a voiceover, she reveals that she actually stabbed herself in the eye, and is the Red Devil. It was a plan 20 years in the making, and it worked. She and Boone planned their revenge literally as kids with Gigi in the insane asylum, even going over murder weapons. She created a weird persona, believing that the weirder you are, the less people pay attention to you. She even stole a neckbrace from one of the patients! Gigi and Hester decided to use Wallace University’s Red Devil mascot as their killer costume, so they could walk around without being noticed. In fact, their first victim was the school mascot!

It’s seen that Hester was really the brains of the operation. Even after falsifying her school records, Hester is let into Wallace as a student because of her “deformity.” She even remembers seeing Zayday and Grace at rush, who were nice to her. Hester states that being nice is a really good quality. and it could save your life one day. Clearly that worked for Zayday and Grace without them even knowing it. Hester is happy now that she has true family and sisters, now that Kappa has been restored and the Chanels are apparently gone.

Going back to last semester, it is revealed that Hester carefully planned stabbing herself by studying human anatomy, but still states that Number 5 is the Red Devil even as she is being escorted to the hospital. The remaining sisters confront Number 5, but she denies it. At that moment, Denise comes in, revealing that Boone’s body was found (though we all already knew he was dead). Hester comes back from the hospital, and Grace and Zayday confront her about falsifying her transcripts. Hester states she only did it because she was homeschooled, even bringing in her “parents” to corroborate her story. They claim that they worked for the CIA and remained deep undercover and sometimes worked in commercials (since Zayday recognizes the “dad” from TV).

Number 5’s parents come in, and they admit that they were not her real parents, stating that Number 5 was indeed the baby in the bathtub. Hester bribed them to do it, since they didn’t really love her anyway. Because of this, Denise plans to arrests Number 5, when Hester states that Number 3 is also involved! Hester gives some suspicious facts about Number 3, including the fact that Charles Manson wrote Number 3 advice on how to kill people, including strapping a bomb to a pizza guy! Hester even pulls out a fake letter from a psychologist, who supposedly treated Number 3 for split personality disorder! If Number 3 really was involved, she wouldn’t have even remembered, which makes her a suspect as well!

Of course, Hester also states that Chanel needs to be arrested. Chanel supposedly purchased all of these murder weapons at the home improvement store, and Hester even pulls out security tape. It was clearly Hester dressed as her, but perception is everything. Zayday brings up yet again that Chanel was the one who killed Ms. Bean with the oil in the deep fryer earlier in the season, though Chanel really didn’t believe it was on. Hester reveals in her voiceover to the audience that she was really the one who turned on the deep fryer, but NO ONE ELSE KNOWS ALL OF THIS. Hester “thinks” that this was Chanel’s opportunity to knock off the pledges she didn’t want. After hearing all of this, Denise brings in cops to arrest all of the Chanels, who are taken away very dramatically!

Flash forward to May 2016, it’s revealed that the Chanels’ bail was revoked and they’re in jail awaiting trial. Chad and Denise continued their love affair, but they break up when Denise goes to Quantico to be in the FBI, breaking Chad’s heart. Chad announces a foundation for the Dollar Scholars that were killed, and every party the fratenity throws will go to charity, though he doesn’t exactly know what charity that will be. Dean Munsch hired a ghostwriter for her new book on new, new feminism, and gains a lot of popularity and press.

There is even a new memorial for the students killed, which Grace, Zayday and Hester clean. Hester is happy with the changes made at Kappa, though Grace and Zayday are a little too perky now. As Hester stays behind to continuing cleaning the memorial, Dean Munsch reveals that she knows that Hester was the real Red Devil. The Dean remembers the little girl’s face in the bathtub that night, and knows what she would’ve looked like. Hester states that she might’ve had a good life, if Wes was able to be her dad, and that the Chanels should pay for what they made Kappa into. Dean Munsch still believes that she should turn Hester in. Hester gives Dean Munsch an ultimatum: she can either turn the Dean in for covering up the murder of her mother and killing her ex-husband, or they can move on and go on about their lives happily like nothing happened. Dean Munsch decides to let it go, and they shake hands and move on.

Back at Kappa, Wes is proud of the changes Grace has made at Kappa, and gives her his trust. He and Dean Munsch are going to Napa for a few weeks, giving Grace space. Meanwhile, at the Chanels’ trial, the jury actually believed the Chanels were not guilty. However, when Chanel opens her mouth and insults them, the spokesperson changes the written vote and declares them guilty. The judge thinks that these girls really are crazy, since they had no lawyers in a capital murder case, and sentences them to life in prison at the Palmer Asylum! Surprisingly though, the Chanels are happy there. Number 3 fells in love with one of the female nurses, and Number 5 was put on meds that made her actually tolerable, and she became best friends with Chanel. There’s no more pressure to be skinny for guys, or to be popular, so they can eat whatever they want. Chanel is even voted “president” of the asylum. One night, however, as Chanel attempts to go to sleep, she hears a noise and the Red Devil appears to kill her! And the episode ends.

I know that this show is crazy, but I can’t help but watch! If the show isn’t cancelled, I don’t know what Ryan Murphy and his team will bring to the table next season. With many of the original Kappas dead or in a mental asylum, I can see them potentially starting fresh with a new story. This ending seemed to be written in case the show was canceled, and had a clear resolution. No big cliffhangers, beside the Red Devil popping up to kill Chanel. I still kind of want justice for the Chanels, but the story seems complete. I enjoyed watching this season, and I hope that it’s renewed!

Images via FOX

RECAP: "Black Friday"-Scream Queens S1, E11

Published December 2, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Interesting episode of Scream Queens last night. Picking up from last week, the Chanels prep for Black Friday. Chanel loves shopping for cheap gifts for the rest of the sisters, all so she easily manipulate them. She even bribes people to let her in half an hour early to tease other shoppers. This girl is too much. As the ladies try to leave Kappa House to go shopping that night, Dean Munsch stops them. Of course, she plans to call the police since Gigi’s head was found on a platter at dinner a few hours before, and wants all of the girls to stay in. Chanel defiantly calls out the Dean for being utterly powerless in stopping the killer, believing that it’s because she is the killer herself. She states that, in all the Dean’s efforts to shut down the house, Kappa is alive and well, while the university is shut down and the dean’s job is in jeopardy. She and the Chanels leave anyway.

Meanwhile, Grace, Wes, and Pete go down to the precinct to report Gigi’s murder. However, mostly everyone there has been fired by the mayor because there were no leads on the Red Devil case. So, with a serial killer on the loose, there are essentially no cops to help anyone. Grand.

At the mall, the rest of the Chanels spend big money on Chanel, though she only buys them cheap gifts as planned. When she asks the other girls why they got her an expensive bag that she probably already has, Number 5 says simply because it’s Christmas. Chanel, seemingly moved, decides that th she should use her money for gifts that everyone will actually enjoy, like Pink Jeeps! As the ladies try to leave the mall, the lights mysteriously go out, and they find out that they are locked in! Of course, the Red Devil appears, and the girls take off, with Hester, Numbers 3 and 5 eventually escaping. Chanel stays behind, stupidly, to confront the killer, believing it to be Dean Munsch. The Red Devil shoots her in the shoulder with a cross bow, planning to shoot again to kill her. At that moment, Denise, who has been named the new Chief of Police, shows up with a few cops, waving guns. In her drawn out speech revealing that she’s chief, the Red Devil manages to shoot one of the cops with the cross bow, and get away.

Later that night, Chanel calls a house meeting with the Kappas. She truly believes now that Dean Munsch is the killer, since she knew that they would be at the mall. Chanel thinks that the only way to stop the killers is by killing Dean Munsch, and Grace actually agrees, wanting to protect everyone. The two even agree to poison her, much to Zayday’s dismay.

Meanwhile, Chad meets with Pete at the Dollar Scholars house. Chad reads Boone’s will, which leaves a lot of stuff to Pete. Turns out that Boone was Pete’s source for his investigative story on the Greek system at Wallace, but all of this stuff could hold clues to who the other killer is. We also find out that Pete tried to join the Dollar Scholars the year before, but was denied. Chad invites him to join again, which Pete now refuses. Chad challenges Pete to a duel, stating that it’s a tradition that, if you refuse entry in the Dollar Scholars, you must fight to the death. As Pete dismissively walks out, Chad states that Pete will get murdered by walking away.

That night, Grace and Chanel go suck up to Dean Munsch at her house to make her feel comfortable so they can easily poison her.  As they talk about creating a feminist movement at Wallace, the girls slide the Dean a jar of apple cider, which is the Dean’s favorite. The Dean is really touched and drinks the entire glass, but doesn’t die, and even assigns them a term paper! Grace vents to Pete about it all, later. He reveals that Chad invited him to be in the Dollar Scholars, but refused because he believes that the fraternity structure is outdated. Moments later, as they kiss, Pete attempts to have sex with Grace. However, she’s not in the right headspace, and he agrees to wait. When she makes a comment that maybe she will be after they kill Dean Munsch, Pete tries to convince her how wrong this is. If she does this, she is becoming the same type of person that she was trying to get rid of in Kappa in the first place, and it will break Pete’s heart.

Later, the Kappas try to figure out what went wrong with poisoning Dean Munsch. Moved by Pete’s words, Grace has a change of heart about killing her, and Chanel decides to kick her out of Kapa. Zayday doesn’t leave with her, having a change of heart herself, agreeing that killing Dean Munsch is the right thing to do. Afterwards, Grace goes to check on Wes, who has been doing research with Pete about Gigi. Pete reveals Gigi was checked in at the mental hospital under Jess Meyer after her sister Amy “committed suicide” after having these babies. Clearly it was a cover up for the ’95 Kappa sister dying. Gigi then raised the babies on her own, seeking revenge. After Pete leaves, Grace tries to talk to Wes about sex, which is super awkward. Wes advises her that if she doesn’t think she’s ready, she probably isn’t.

Later, the rest of the house takes the Dean to the cryosauna to “rejuvenate her skin” However, once she gets in there, the girls lower the temperature to -200 degrees so Dean Munsch will freeze to death. However, the woman still doesn’t die! At the same time, Pete gets a mysterious call, telling the person on the other end that they need to get away while they still can, and that  that person better not call him again. He opens his closet and gives his Red Devil costume another look. I knew he had to be involved somehow! With Boone being Pete’s source for his story, it’s possible that Pete knows more about the murders than he’s been letting on!

Again, the Kappas try to figure out why Dean Munsch isn’t dead. Hester compares her to Rasputin, a mystical advisor to Czar Nicholas II of Russia. Eventually, other influential people attempted to kill him, but he wouldn’t die either, and was eventually drowned. Hester thinks that maybe Dean Munsch has mystical powers of her own, and maybe drowning her might work. Chanel agrees, giving them all new smartphones.When she calls, the edge will quietly flash red. That will be a sign for them all to meet her at the university pool, where Chanel plans to lure the Dean to drown her. However, during a trip to the mall, Hester and the other Chanels miss Chanel’s call as they argue with a salesperson in a store. The Dean meets Chanel at the pool, clearly suspicious. After a short conversation, the Dean leaves, probably figuring out the plan. Chanel goes home, pissed.

Meanwhile, Grace goes to see Pete. She has decided that she’s ready to have sex with him, but he reveals he can’t. Pete tells her that she doesn’t even know him, and she can’t have sex with him, because he doesn’t want her first time to be with a murderer! Boom. Next week is the season finale, and we better find out who this Red Devil is!

The TWO-HOUR season finale of  Scream Queens airs next Tuesday, December 8  at a special time,  8 p.m. ET,  only on FOX!

Images via FOX

RECAP: "Thanksgiving"-Scream Queens S1, E10

Published November 25, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Another murderous episode of Scream Queens! Picking up from last week, Chanel admits Chad that she pushed Hester after the girl lied about being pregnant. Of course, the body was put in the meat locker, which automatically means it probably went missing. Chad, of course, wants to see the body. Chanel, believing the secret will bring them closer than ever, takes him, and…the body is missing. Shocker! Chad wonders if Hester was even dead in the first place, and believes that, if she’s not, she will be coming after Chanel.

Meanwhile, Gigi spends a boring Thanksgiving with the Red Devil. She states that Boone was crazy and the Red Devil shouldn’t feel bad about killing him. After receiving an electric knife from the bellboy, Gigi gives the Red Devil the knife to cut the quail they received for dinner, but did (s)he use it on Gigi instead?!

Later, Number 3 goes home, with her family having their standard Swenson family dinners for a very untraditional Thanksgiving dinner. After sitting for a minute, she goes off on her family about these terrible traditions spending the holiday in front of the TV with these nasty looking frozen dinners. No one has even bothered to ask her about the serial killer, either, showing that they don’t care about her wellbeing. She decides right then and there that she will never attend any more of these family occasions, and returns back to her real home–the Kappa House. When she gets there, she hears mysterious banging. She thought it was the killer, but it was actually Dean Munsch, who is alone for the holiday, killing a turkey for dinner. Number 3 suggests they have dinner together since they’re alone. Zayday and Grace also end up back at the house. After Gigi didn’t show up for dinner, Wes is lonely and calls Grace. She hesitantly invites him to come as well.

At the Radwells’ Thanksgiving feast, Chad’s family nonchalantly welcomes Chanel. The more each of them talk,  it’s clear that Chad and his family are just alike. They’re self-absorbed snobs, who think Chanel is beneath them. She even ends up snapping on his mom for making slick comments about her. At that moment, the butler announces a visitor, and it turns out Hester is alive and has come to dinner! She reveals that the neckbrace saved her life, and the fall might have just cured her scoliosis! Hester also announces to the family that she’s having Chad’s baby, which prompts his mother to go off on these “gold-digging hoochies.” Her words, not mine. The Radwells have a great legal team to handle this, and it’s clear neither Chad’s mom or the rest of the family is accepting of either Hester or Chanel.

Back at the Kappa House, as they wait for the food, Dean Munsch brings up her suspicions that
Number 3 is the other Red Devil because her father is Charles Manson. The Dean even saw Number 3 running back up the stairs, sweaty as if she had been up to something, when the Red Devil attacked the Kappa House with a chain saw. However, Number 3 thinks it’s the Dean.

Later, Chanel goes to the restroom to call her mother for advice, but her mom is drunk, providing no help to her daughter. Chad’s father walks in, and asks her to name her price to leave. Chanel refuses stating that “an Oberlin can’t be bought.” However, he thinks that she and her family is trash, and he will write a check for $50,000 for her to go away. Chanel storms off, telling Chad, who wonders if maybe she should leave. Chad is confused on who to believe about Hester’s “pregnancy,” and thinks that Chanel was immature for pushing Hester down the stairs.

At Kappa, Number 5 comes back to the house after her family leaves her behind to go to the Maldives. Number 3 continues to try to prove why Dean is the killer. Because the Dean has a vendetta against the Kappas, believing that they’re evil, why wouldn’t she try to pick them off one by one? One day even, Number 3 found her eating a half-eaten bologna sandwich, and she’s also eating stuffing with hints of Spam and drinking wine that includes the same sulfates that would kill her since she’s “allergic.” That shuts down her reasoning of not killing her husband, and the other girls are inclined to believe her.

However, Wes comes up with a surprising belief himself. He thinks that the killer might be Grace! He can explain away all of his suspicions for everyone except for her, giving specific reasons as to why she could be the killer. Grace is the only pledge who wasn’t buried in the ground when one of the pledges was decapitated earlier this season. Her campus visit was March 24-26, which was the same weekend that the president of Kappa before Chanel was spraytanned with acid. At the beginning of the year, Wes was watching over her, and heard her talking to someone in the Red Devil costume. It was actually Pete. They had a plan to show people what the Red Devil looked like, but scrapped it. After Grace explains everything, Wes believes that she’s not the killer. However, Pete, who has shown up by now to continue this investigation, believes it’s Wes.

During Pictionary, the Radwells teams up against Chanel and Hester, and makes fun of Hester so bad, Chanel steps in to defend her. She apologizes to Hester, stating that their Kappa sister bond is stronger than what they’ve gone through. Chanel goes off on each individual member of the Radwells, and breaks up with Chad, seemingly for good. She says flat out that no woman in her right mind would want to be a part of this family, and she and Hester leave together.

Back at Kappa, Pete reveals that he has looked into Wes’ background, believing that he was trying to
keep Grace from becoming a Kappa sister, and resorted to killing so the Kappa house could be shut down. From his time at Wallace, Wes was found down at the tunnels during his freshman year (but he was too drunk at the time so he couldn’t remember). Pete also found footage from the house’s security cameras of Wes in the meat locker,  only for us all to find out that Wes was just taking meat to eat since the Chanels barely eat themselves. Lastly, in a shocking turn of events,  Pete admits he obtained hair from Boone’s body for a DNA test, and reveals that Wes is the father! Therefore, he’s the father of the other baby, as well.

At the end of the episode Grace later confronts Wes, who honestly didn’t know about Boone. She convinced Pete not to call the police, believing that all this night proved is that any of them could be the killer. Wes is ashamed that it’s been his kids killing all of those people, and Grace plans to stop it all. Wes, Zayday, and the rest of the Kappas are her family, dysfunctional as they all are, and she will protect them at any cost, even if it means killing a sibling. At that moment, Chanel and Hester come back, and the house has a Kappa Thanksgiving. Chad even comes since they have turkey, and foolish Chanel, yet again, goes running back to him, thinking that he came to make things right with her. The turkey is brought in on a platter with a cover. When Chanel takes it off, we find out that it’s really Gigi’s head!!!!

Check out all new episodes of Scream Queens on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET only on FOX!

Images via FOX

RECAP: "Ghost Stories,"-Scream Queens S1, E9

Published November 18, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Another dramatic, crazy episode of Scream Queens last night! Picking up from last week, Boone is walking around in his disguise, talking on the phone as if nothing is wrong. He talks to the person on the other end about how they have agreed to take out Gigi. For a moment, Boone takes off his beard, and Number 3 spots him! However, her dumb butt thinks he’s a ghost, and that he’s come back for revenge on her for saying he couldn’t be a Kappa! She gets scared and runs off.

At the Kappa House, it’s the ladies’ last night there. Chanel is rocking a Sacagawea costume, thinking Sacagawea had something to do with Thanksgiving. Goodness. Anyway, she reveals that Chad has asked her to meet his family for Thanksgiving! In fact, she received a traditional Radwell turkey wishbone necklace, which, in her mind, means she’s pretty much set to be engaged to him by Christmas. Of course, Hester is jealous, but plays it off. She and the other ladies nonchalantly toast to Chanel’s news.

Grace has made the decision to stick around campus a bit longer to do more investigating. She’s still upset about her father lying to her, and doesn’t want to spend Thanksgiving with him and Gigi. Zayday invites Grace to her grandmother’s house, so she’s not alone.

Later, as Denise makes the Chanels wrap up all of their fancy clothes in bubble wrap, Number 3 fearfully expresses that she’s being haunted by Boone. Denise gathers them all around the fireplace to tell ghost stories. In her mind, that’s going to distract them all from their fear of Boone’s “ghost,” and the serial killer. Makes absolutely no sense, but they all go along with it. Denise tells a story of “The Red Cloak,” a tale about a ghost who lurks in women’s bathrooms. While someone is in there, she has to choose from either a red roll of tissue or a blue roll. If you pick red, your throat is slit and it looks like a red cloak. If the blue roll, you’re strangled and turn blue. Absolutely the dumbest ghost story I’ve ever heard, and it doesn’t help calm the girls’ fears either.

Meanwhile, Boone goes to see Chad, still sticking with this ghost idea, and, of course, Chad believes it. Boone states that he has come back to take Zayday on a nice date. If he can get her to have sex with him, he will be able to come back to Earth. That will be hard to manage because, for one thing, Zayday is dating one of the Scholars, Earl Gray. Secondly, everyone thinks he’s dead!

As Denise goes to the bathroom later, as in her story, she is given both red and blue rolls of tissue to choose from. At that moment, the Red Devil jumps her, and he tries to drown her in the toilet. She manages to escape, locks the door where the Chanels are, and asks to hear another ghost story to calm her fear. Hester tells a story of a Kappa who found herself on the road in the middle of the night, where she hears the story of the Meat Hook Killer’s escape from a mental institution. A truck comes blazing behind her, with the driver flashing his lights and honking his horn. Scared, the girl pulls to a gas station. Turns out the killer was actually in her car, and the truck driver honked his horn to scare him. When they open the door to catch him, the killer is gone. After this story, Number 5 decides to finally leave this time, while the rest of them wait to see if she even makes it downstairs with the killer out there.

As all this is going on, Zayday and Earl kiss in her room, with them planning to have sex. Because he wants their first time together to be perfect, he goes to get stuff from his room. After he leaves, Boone comes in through the window with flowers, and he expresses his love for Zayday. She, however, sees right through his ruse as a ghost, and believes he faked his death. Grace comes in as well, and when Zayday sees the fork mark she left on him when she was kidnapped, they attempt to capture him. However, Boone ends up accidentally flipping over the balcony, but goes missing! Earl comes back to the house, and Boone reveals himself in the Red Devil costume, and kills Earl!

On her way home, Number 5 hears a news bulletin on the radio about Boone, exactly like in Hester’s ghost story. A truck driver also tries to warn her with the killer in the car, and Number 5 stops at a gas station, When she and the driver open the door, they see there’s no one in the car. The Red Devil comes from behind them, and kills the drive with a machete, as Number 5 quickly drives off!

Later, Hester goes to confront Chad about not taking her home for Thanksgiving. Chad has been ignoring her for a multitude of reasons, including the fact that she’s not rich and the fact that now she has her neckbrace back on (bedazzled now, of course). Hester indirectly threatens both him and Chanel, stating that we’ll all see if the two of them even make it to Thanksgiving dinner.

Meanwhile, Zayday mourns for Earl, while Number 5 freaks out from her tramatic experience. They know now that Boone is one of the Red Devils, and Grace believes he could be the baby in the bathtub. Hester storms in, planning to seek revenge on Chanel,  and states that she is pregnant! Chanel goes to confront Chad about the news, which shocks him. However, he decides that he now has to take Hester home instead, since she’s “carrying his child.” Chanel threatens that he will pay the ultimate price for this, which leads Chad to believe she could be the killer!

Chanel comes back to the Kappa House, apologizing to the other Chanels, and admits she needs her sisters. Of course, this is just manipulation since she wants them to come up with a plan to kill Hester to get her invite to the Radwells’ Thanksgiving back. Meanwhile, Grace and Zayday call for the FBI to come in to capture Boone, since clearly this detective isn’t cutting it. Zayday also calls out the Dean for not doing more to stop these murders, and now Earl’s blood is also on her hands. Dean Munsch plans to get the detective fired from the case, and reveals to the girls that there were twins born that night back in 1995, a boy and a girl. The boy was probably Boone, but questions remain: Who is the girl, and how did these babies end up in an mental instituion, and then eventually with Gigi?

Later, Boone talks to the other Red Devil about Zayday, while waiting for Gigi to arrive. At that moment, she walks in, and states that Boone jeopardized this revenge plot by kidnapping Zayday, walking around in disguise, and then walking around like he was a ghost in the Kappa house. Boone masterminded a lot of the ideas behind the murders, and walks over to Gigi, with the plan to murder her. However, the other Red Devil goes back on their promise, stabbing and killing Boone instead! Gigi reveals that this Red Devil is indeed Boone’s sibling, so it has to be a girl!

At the end of the episode, the Chanels feed Hester sushi, unpasteurized cheese, and champagne infused with tobacco, all of which she eats! Obviously, she’s not pregnant, but Chad still thinks she is. Hester states that, by going to the Hamptons, she’ll have ample opportunity to get pregnant. She storms off, and Chanel runs after her, at first seemingly trying to make amends. However, Chanel pushes Hester down the long staircase, definitely cracking her spine!

Check out all new episodes of Scream Queens on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET only on FOX!

Images via FOX

RECAP: "Mommie Dearest"-Scream Queens S1, E8

Published November 11, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Another crazy episode of Scream Queens! Picking up from last week, Grace goes to talk to Dean Munsch about the Kappa baby, though the Dean dismisses the conversation, stating that Feather is the Red Devil. Therefore, Grace’s theory about someone seeking revenge for the death of the Kappa sister is incorrect. Grace warns the Dean that if she keeps ignoring what’s going on at the university, the Red Devil will eventually sneak attack the Dean and stab her in the heart. That night, as she showers, Dean Munsch is almost attacked by the Red Devil, but manages to beat him up before he could stab her. When he comes to, they have a brief fight, followed by the other Red Devil coming in, as well as someone dressed as Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia! The Dean handles herself pretty well though, able to beat up all of them pretty good! The killers eventually run off, surprisingly, and Dean Munsch is unscathed.

Meanwhile at the Kappa House, Chanel is convinced that Zayday is the killer and that Grace is helping her. The rest of the Chanels and Hester come up with terrible motives and clues to convict the duo, so Chanel decides to just hire somebody to investigate into them being involved. Later, we discover that Denise has gotten permission to live at the Kappa House from the Dean. Number 3 offers her $3 million to prove that Zayday is the Red Devil, which, of course, Denise accepts. She already thinks that Zayday is the killer, anyway. Now she just has to actually prove it.

Later, Grace goes to see Dean Munsch again. Not wanting to talk too much and implicate herself in the cover up at Kappa back in ’95, the Dean just gives Grace the name of the girl who died: Sophia Doyle. Grace truly wants to stop the murders, but she also wants to know if she’s the baby and the reason all of this is happening. Dean Munsch warns her that this could get really dirty if Grace keeps digging.

Denise goes to talk to Jennifer about Zayday possibly being the killer. Though Jennifer thinks
Zayday’s nice, she reflects on a time when Zayday told her about being bullied in high school. That day, Zayday decided she would get real revenge on little rich girls everywhere. At that moment, Zayday busts in, having heard everything. She tells both Jennifer and Zayday to stay away from her. That night, as Jennifer is recording a candle vlog, the Red Devil comes up behind her and kills her on camera!!!

Denise later admits to the Chanels that she has nothing on Zayday, and she needs an advance to “help the investigation.” Of course, Chanel stupidly agrees. At that moment, they all smell something burning, and find Jennifer’s body sitting upright on the dining room table. The girl is covered in candle wax, with her legs crossed, holding burning candles! These killers are so morbid! Afterwards, Grace admits to Pete that she feels deep down that she is the Kappa baby, feeling like there was unfinished business here for her mom. Pete suggests trying to find the Hag of Shady Lane, believing she might be in the insane asylum or someone might have known her. Picasso (the mute lady who paints) shows them paintings of Gigi, and reveals that there was actually two babies – a boy and a girl! The plot thickens!

That night, Dean Munsch announces that Wallace University would be closed indefinitely. There is a candle vigil for Jennifer, as well. Chanel freaks out at the announcement, believing that now Kappa House is shut down, there will be no more parties, which means she can’t be popular, and Chad will be break up with her. She wants to see both Grace and Zayday go down for all of this, and hires two cops from the UK to help her!

The next day, Grace confronts Gigi with the painting of Gigi holding two babies. Gigi calmly denies it, but Grace found her resume and discovered that she was a student here, and mysteriously dropped out during her sophomore year. Gigi rips Grace’s theory to shreds, stating that this doesn’t mean she was involved, and the painting could really be anyone. She then announces that she and Wes are engaged, and believes that Grace could just be doing all of this to remain the only girl in her father’s life. Though we all know that Gigi is involved, Grace is going to have a hard time proving it without making herself look crazy.

Of course, Grace confronts Wes about the engagement. Apparently, Gigi just randomly came home with an engagement ring after suggesting Wes decorate his apartment, and he just decided to play along. Though Grace tries to tell him that Gigi is crazy, Wes admits he wants happiness, especially after all this time alone. Grace then realizes that Gigi must have known her mother as fellow Kappas ,and so Wes must have known Gigi from before! She quickly leaves, and goes back to the Kappa House. Chanel has learned from the British police that Grace’s mother has a LONG criminal record, and calls Grace out on it. Apparently, after hooking up with Wes and getting pregnant, Grace’s mom changed her name, and was arrested for larceny, shoplifting, DUIs (with Grace in the car), and more! Wes sued for custody and won, and her mother died in a car crash after drunk driving. Chanel calls Grace’s mother a drunk, degenerate slut. Grace slaps her, and rightfully so!

Later, Denise decides to change things around the Kappa House, becoming House Mother. Chanel tries to shut her down, but Denise drags her into the bathroom to talk. Denise heard about what Chanel said about Grace’s mother, and calls her out on it. She tells Chanel to apologize and change the way she treats everyone, or Denise will make Chad her full-time man!

Grace finds a picture of her mother, and asks Wes about everything. He admits that most of the things that Chanel stated were true. Turns out he burned the house to burn any evidence she might find against her mother. Wes was trying to protect her by hiding all of this from her, but Grace feels like he should stay far away from her for his own protection. Gigi comes in, and states that Grace has been slowly falling apart since she got here with the murders. Grace has a 1.4 GPA and is failing out of school. Gigi thinks that maybe he needs to take real action, like committing her! That idea is very harsh, but Wes actually looks like he’s considering it.

Later, Chanel actually apologizes to Grace, though we know she probably doesn’t really mean it. Chanel thinks that maybe the two of them balance each other out, with Grace maybe helping her to be a better person, and Chanel being upfront with her about her own mother.

At the end of the episode, we see Boone in disguise at the gym. He gets a call from, I assume, the other Red Devil, and they plan to take out Gigi out and continuing on with the murders!

Check out all new episodes of Scream Queens on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET only on FOX!

Images via FOX

RECAP: "Beware of Young Girls"-Scream Queens S1, E7

Published November 5, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Soooo…last week was the World Series so, unfortunately,we didn’t get to see a new episode of Scream Queens. Picking up from last episode, Chanel hosts an open casket funeral for Chanel #2, since the girl’s own parents went on a cruise to celebrate her death! However Chanel uses the moment to go IN on the poor dead girl at her own funeral! Chanel reveals how Number 2 seduced Chad,  and even pushed her down to the stairs once, and got what she deserved. Everyone knows that Chanel has done worse, though!

Later, Chanel is upset after talking about Number 2’s betrayal, with it really hitting her that her sorority sister betrayed her. She then goes off on Hester, knowing that Hester tried to seduce Chad too, and refuses to trust her again. Number 5 reveals she found an Ouija board, and suggest maybe contacting Number 2 from the other side to prove that Number 2 is sorry for what she did to Chanel. That night, they host a seance, it looks like the board is actually working. Number 2 quickly spells out a warning to Chanel, stating, “Chad is cheating on you,” which stuns Chanel. She is so gullible, and believes Chad’s promise that he is monogamous, so she wants to prove Number 2 wrong.

Meanwhile, Gigi, admitting that she is involved in the murders for revenge, is on the phone with one of the murderers, calling the two Red Devils inefficient, and irritated that she has to try to cover everything up. However, Wes shows up in that moment, and Gigi quickly ends the call.

The next day, Grace takes Gigi shopping to try to help with Gigi’s old-fashioned style for Wes. She also tries to ask Gigi how her dad feels about Grace still being on campus. Clearly trying to put a bug into Grace’s ear, Gigi later tells her that there was drama with a former Kappa, Feather McCarthy, and Dean Munsch, prompting Grace to want to investigate.

Pete and Grace invite Feather to the Kappa House, and Feather admits that she became involved with Dean Munsch’s husband during her time there. When he told the Dean he wanted a divorce to be with Feather, Dean Munsch went crazy. Dr. Munsch had to move in with the Kappas, and the Dean would show up everywhere Feather went dressed exactly as her! Eventually, Feather got kicked out of the Kappas and couldn’t take being on campus, so she decided to finish her degree online. She also reveals how one day, while taking a bath, someone mysteriously pushed a transistor radio into her water! Believing it to be the Dean, Feather agrees to go on record to testify against Dean Munsch in Pete and Grace’s write up on the murderer for the paper. When she gets home,  Feather discovers body parts and bloody arrows and messages directing her upstairs! As she enters a room, she find Dr. Munsch’s head in the fish tank!

Meanwhile, Chanel goes to confront Chad, and finds him half naked with a goat! I don’t want to even go into how I felt about that scene. She breaks up with him in that moment, but he tells her to hear him out. By telling a suspicious tale that he is lactose intolerant, and was using the goat for milk, Chad gets Chanel to forgive him. This stupid girl believes him, of course. Chanel, come on. They have soy and almond milk at the store. Be smarter girl. He’s cheating on you with other girls and now, apparently, farm animals. Which is something extremely disgusting that I wouldn’t past him.

Later, Dean Munsch meets with Detective Chisolm, who is having a hard time connecting all of the murders without a motive. However, the police all believe that she was the one who killed Dr. Munsch, and believes that she could be connected to the other murders. The detective puts her under arrest, and officers come to put her in a straight jacket and take her to the mental hospital! Honestly, she probably killed Dr. Munsch obviously out of jealously and revenge. However, it’s too predictable to have her be involved in all of the other murders. Plus, since she was involved with covering up the death of the Kappa girl in 1995, she’s definitely one who others would be seeking revenge on, not the other way around.  With this arrest, though, Grace and Pete plan to publish their story with Dean Munsch being named as the killer. In celebration, they kiss, but Grace gets a call from Dean Munsch who wants to see them to talk.

The next day, Pete and Grace go to see the Dean, who’s actually enjoying herself in the hospital with the meds they give her and being able to sketch. She tells them that Feather probably killed her ex-husband, and could be involved in all of the murders. However, they don’t believe her, and they want to know about what happened to the baby. The Dean wants them to bring evidence against Feather first, and then she will tell them what happened with the baby. So that night, Pete and Grace are able to get evidence pics from Dr. Munsch’s murder scenes. Turns out the killer made a sandwich after the murder, and it was bologna. Dean can’t have bologna because it will put her into shock, so they deduce that the killer is actually still out there.

Meanwhile, the Chanels try again to contact Number 2. They ask her questions nobody else would know, including who’s killing everybody! Number 2 says that the killer is actually Chanel, which shocks everyone else. Afterwards, Hester calls Number 3 and 5 into her room, stating that none of them are safe. They have to kill Chanel before she can kill them. While they brainstorm ideas on how to kill her, Chanel walks in on them. Hester decides that once Chanel is knocked out, they’re killing her.

That night, Number 2’s ghost comes back to apologize to Chanel in a dream. Hell is no fun for her, of course, and she is told that, in order to get to Heaven, she has to make things right with Chanel. Number 2 admits that she was jealous of Chanel, and apologizes for sleeping with Chad and lying about Chanel being the killer. Number 2 also confesses that the other Chanels are trying to kill her, and tells her to rise up and be the leader and bring them all together again.

Meanwhile, Grace and Pete sneak into Dr. Munsch’s house and finds Feather’s toothbrush which matches the DNA on the bologna sandwich. After presenting this evidence to the police,  Feather is arrested, and Dean Munsch is released. There was no real motive that Feather was tied to the other murders, though. Grace demands to know what happened to the baby, and Dean Munsch tells her to come to the office next week, where she will reveal the truth.

Later, Chanel confronts the others about their plan to murder her. Number 3 spills their entire plan about wanting to use rat poison in Chanel’s laxative. Chanel would’ve survived anyway, though, because it doesn’t kill humans. It just makes them sick. She reveals that Number 2 came to her last night. Chanel gets them all Nancy Drew hats, believing that Grace and ZayDay are involved with the murders, and the Chanels will work to expose them.

At the end of the episode, it’s revealed that Dean Munsch really did kill her ex-husband, of course. She cleverly framed Feather, who is now locked away in a straight jacket and glass cell. Meanwhile, as ZayDay and Grace walk in the Kappa house, we see the Chanels at the top of the stairs looking down, clearly ready to strike against them!

Check out all new episodes of Scream Queens on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET only on FOX!

Images via Fox

RECAP: "Seven Minutes In Hell"-Scream Queens S1, E6

Published October 21, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Can NOT stop watching Scream Queens! I need answers on everything going on with this crazy show! Picking up from last week, the Kappa girls cast their votes for president, and it’s a TIE between Chanel and Zayday, becoming co-presidents! Chanel, of course, is upset, and blames Number 5 for not finding a way for her to president.

When Number 3 and Number 5 go to check on her, Chanel reveals she voted for Zayday and wanted her to win, surprisingly. Chanel didn’t want to be the boss in the midst of this huge crisis with a killer on the loose, believing that there would be a bigger target on her back to be killed herself. She has a “Chanel Dies Last” plan, and gives Zayday a key to the storage room, seemingly trying to give the Zayday administration a chance, but really wanting to kill her off.

Zayday’s number one goal is to stop the murders. Grace believes that some of the Kappas know more than they are letting on, and Zayday believes that it all may come out if they throw a slumber party.

At the Dollar Scholars’ house, the guys have a talk with Chad about him having sex with Dean Munsch and Denise. They all think it’s weird, so he pledges to stay committed to Chanel. They also plan a “panty raid” on the Kappas’ slumber party. The slumber party starts with Spin The Bottle. Number 3 really wants to kiss Sam to explore her feelings, and, after she does, she believes that it’s too dangerous for them to actually have sex thinking when she loves someone, it will drive that person insane because of her father being Charles Manson. Crazy.

Jennifer and Sam reveal that the doors and windows are locked, and they are trapped in the house. Grace thinks it was his father, but Chanel believes it to be the killer. Turns out Chanel turned the whole house into a panic room, and the switch to unlock everything is broken. At that moment, the lights go out! Chanel calls Chad for help, and he admits that he had sex with the Dean and Denise. She still loves him regardless, and the Dollar Scholars run to save them. After Chad break a window to get in, the Red Devil appears! Most of the guys make it up the ladder, except for the armless frat guy Caufield who can’t climb fast enough without his arms! The Scholars and Chanel watch as the Red Devil chops off his head!

Grace thinks that maybe they all need to leave school, but Zayday refuses to be afraid! She starts a game of Truth or Dare with the Kappas and Scholars to find out who the killer is. Grace asks Sam what Number 3’s deepest, darkest secret and Sam reveals her father is Charles Manson. Now, everyone thinks she may be the killer. In retaliation, Number 3 angrily dares Sam to go into the storage room and take a nap in the bloody bathtub! Of course, the Red Devil appears, and hits her before placing her in the tub. She asks to see his face before he kills her, and deep down, knew the truth about the Red Devil’s identity. The Red Devil then suffocates her to death with a plastic bag!

Hester talks to Chad about them being together, but he doesn’t think that they would work because she’s crazy! However, Hester refuses to be #2 to Chanel or stop til she gets what she wants. After Chanel walks in on Hester trying to hit on Chad, she proposes a game of Seven Minutes of Heaven, angering Hester. Chanel considers taking Chad back, if he will finally be monogamous, which he promises to (I’m sure that will be short lived). Hester screams after finding Sam’s body, and Chanel believes that Hester is the one who did it. Chanel wants to lock Hester upstairs until they can find a way out. Meanwhile, while in the closet with Number Three, Roger is shot to death by the Red Devil with a nail gun, who then just walks away!

The Kappas and Scholars find Number 3, where Chad reveals that there are two Red Devils out there. Chanel thinks that Number 3 is the killer, but also brings up an interesting point that Pete isn’t there (he’s “studying”).A secret tunnel is revealed in the closet, which may be how the Red Devil got in the house in the first place. The tunnel has pictures of past Kappa presidents, all of whom were mean girls like Chanel. The Red Devil appears with two axes, managing to grab Zayday and back her into a corner. However, Chanel hits him over the head with a vase before he can kill Zayday.

The next day, the cops makes the decision to keep Kappa House under surveillance around the clock. Wes storms in, wanting to take Grace home, and,of course, she refuses. Afterwards, Number 3 admits to Number 5she was in love with Sam, not seeing herself as a lesbian, but just as someone who wants love, wherever she may find it. The two also make a pact that they will outlive Chanel no matter what.

That night, Chanel gives everyone pink nunchuks, stating that no more Kappas will be lost. Zayday starts a random dance party to finish out their slumber party, and the girls actually. They actually have a good, standard sorority moment, while the Red Devil looks on!

Check out all new episodes of Scream Queens on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET only on FOX!

Images via Scream Queens Online 

RECAP: "Pumpkin Patch"-Scream Queens S1, E5

Published October 14, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Another crazy episode of Scream Queens! Picking up from last week, Chanel is finishing up her intense pumpkin match, complete with a corn maze and performances. She’s stressing of course, because this needs this to go well in order for her to be reelected president. Chanel lets the other Chanels know that they will all attends as wives of falls presidents, with Chanel herself as Jackie Kennedy. When Number 5 is assigned Mary Todd Lincoln (for her psychopath behavior, according to Chanel), she goes off the deep end, stating  that she’s done with Chanel and storms out. However, Number 5 loves riding on Chanel’s coattails, so she never actually is bold enough to leave Kappa.

Later, Dean Munsch and Wes call together the Kappas and Dollar Scholars, who are most likely to be targeted again. Dean Munsch announces she is closing down the campus on Halloween. Chad tries giving a stupid speech to convince her to change her mind, but she is not swayed. The Dean puts them on curfew and cancels all Halloween plans, including the pumpkin patch.  Afterwards, Chanel writes a letter to the student body, inviting everyone to the pumpkin patch at 12:01 am on November 1, when the curfew will technically be over.

After the meeting, Number 5 ends up venting to Hester about Chanel, and the fact that Chanel steals her ideas all of the time. bitter about Chanel stealing her ideas all the time. Hester reveals that she’s is a “switch-hitter,” switching sides for her own benefit. She and Number 5 o see Jennifer, to try to sway the votes to Zayday, so that Hester can become Vice President (and eventually kill Zayday to become president herself). After seeing high quality candles wasted by Chanel, Jennifer (who’s a dedicated candle vlogger, remember) decides to go along with their plan.

Later, while Chanel cheats on a test in class, she is ARRESTED for the murder of Ms. Bean. As she is taken away in the cop car, the other Chanels, Hester, and Jennifer watch, implying they turned her in. In the next scene, we see poor Zayday is stuck in this huge ditch, trapped by the Red Devil!

Back at the Kappa House, Grace and Pete are trying so hard to convince everyone to look for Zayday, but no one seems to care. In fact, they think that she should be able to escape wherever she is to prove herself as a president nominee. Grace and Pete go to find Wes to help them instead. They catch him and Gigi in bed together, though! You can tell that Grace is a little disturbed by it, but plays it off. Meanwhile, Chanel gets bailed out of jail, ready to seek revenge on Number 5.

Dean Munsch and Denise talk about the Dean’s sexual encounters with students, especially Chad. Turns out Denise slept with him, too, and it was the best night of her life, though Dean Munsch was less than impressed. At that moment, Grace and Pete, Gigi, and Wes busts in. Denise stresses that the girl can’t be dead, still holding on to this notion that Zayday is the killer herself. Dean Munsch has hired Denise to find her, and everyone else decides to go along to come up with a plan.

Later, Number 5 dresses up as Jackie Kennedy for the pumpkin patch, and Chanel busts in on her. It was all a part of Hester’s master plan for them to turn on each other like this, of course. Though Chanel, at first, threatens to kill Number 5, she instead states that Number 5’s punishment will be to finish setting up the pumpkin patch. Of course, with it being nighttime and the Red Devil still at large, Number 5 refuses. However, Chanel blackmails her, stating she has a video of Number 5 self-loving…while watching Dora The Explorer. These writers are absolutely crazy.

Meanwhile, Wes, Gigi, Grace, Pete, and Denise try to come up with the best plan to find Zayday.
Grace remembers the “Find My Device” app, and is able to find where Zayday probably is!

At the Pumpkin Patch, Number 5 takes Roger and Dodger the Dollar Scholars (twin brothers who are both seeing Number 5) to light the jack-o-lanterns in the patch. Of course, the Red Devil shows up, and there’s a wild chase in the corn maze. In the end, a life is lost, with Dodger being cut up by the Red Devil’s shears!

Later, Grace and everyone manage to find the cellar where Zayday is being held. Wes, Pete, and Grace find the Red Devil’s lair and the hatch where Zayday is…or was. When they open it, it is completely empty. Meanwhile, Denise and Gigi find all of the Red Devil’s weapons. The lights mysteriously go out, as the Red Devil uses night goggles and starts up a chain saw Gigi manages to tase him, but, of course, he gets away. Grace thanks Gigi anyway for trying, and they come to a good conclusion about Gigi and Wes’ new relationship. However, Denise is now further convinced that Zayday is involved now that neither she nor the Red Devil can be found.

Back at the Kappa House, Chanel tries to start the vote for Kappa President, without Grace and Zayday there. However, Zayday pops back in at that moment! She tells them that she was kidnapped, but the Red Devil actually gave her little treats. He let her out of the ditch, giving her a bouquet of roses, and even made her favorite nachos for her, like he was in love with her or something! Grace comes in, too, corroborating Zayday’s story. Looks like this won’t be an easy vote after all, Chanel!

At the end of the episode, Gigi herself meets up with the Red Devil, telling him that someone apparently has to go. And it’s a “he.” Could it be Wes? Or Pete for meddling? Who’s next on the chopping block? Guess we’ll see nest week!

Check out all new episodes of Scream Queens on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET only on FOX!

Images via FOX 

RECAP: "Haunted House"-Scream Queens S1, E4

Published October 7, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Scream Queens was ABSOLUTELY CRAZY last night! I’m really getting into this show! Picking up from last week, we find that Chanel is obsessed with Halloween, and she uses her own event, “Chanel-o-Ween” to give crazy presents for her fans. We actually see excited Chanel fans recording them receiving their “gifts,” including razor apples, dead heads, severed hands, and even a box filled with blood blood. Chanel even delivers one present in person, and she gets a lot of print and social media coverage because of it all.

In present day, at the Kappa House, a detective questions Dean Munsch about the last episode’s Red Devil appearance, but quickly releases her, much to the disappointment of Wes and Gigi. After all, how could she have dressed up as the Red Devil, causes the ruckus in the house, and then gotten changed in her nightgown in a matter of minutes? Obviously, the audience knows that there is more than one Red Devil, so this doesn’t rule her out. However, it seems like it would be too obvious of a choice to have her involved. Plus the Red Devil seems to be avenging the Kappa death in 1995, which would make Dean Munsch at the top of the hit list. Just my theory. Anyways, the Dean tells Wes that he will be her date to the faculty Halloween party. Denise appears, still believing it’s Zayday  involved in all this, determined to solve this case in honor of Shondell.

The next day, Grace and Pete go to this ex-Kappa Mandy’s house dressed as Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson in How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days. Apparently, the lady has been dying to tell people what happened. Mandy reveals that the story behind the 1995 Kappa party is real. Dean Munsch apparently warned the girls then that they could go to jail for negligent homicide, for leaving the girl in the bathtub while they went to party. She tells them that they will bury the body in the woods themselves. In fact, the Dean made the girls wear hoods in the car on the way to the woods, so they wouldn’t see where they were going. She also informs them that they will have to leave school and never talk to each other again. Dean Munsch, who at the time was only a supervisor of Greek Life at the time, wanted to “help the girls” for her own benefit, in order to advance in her position at Wallace. We also find out that the baby was a girl, which makes Grace suspicious! Meanwhile, one of the Dollar Scholars, Earl, talks to Zayday about running her Kappa president campaign, suggesting she throw a fundraiser for a cause that’s dear to her heart.

Later, as the Kappas carve pumpkins, Zayday announces her plan to run for president to Chanel and the rest of the house, planning a haunted house for a sickle cell anemia fundraiser. Chanel states that WHEN Zayday loses, Chanel will ruin her reputation. However, Zayday threatens her with the fact that Chanel murdered Ms. Bean, to which Chanel threatens to possibly murder Zayday! In fact, later, she’s seen in her closet sharpening knives! Number 5 suggests throwing another party, and Chanel decides to do a haunted pumpkin patch herself!

That night, Mandy gets a knock at her door, but when she answers, no one’s there. We hear bangs and thumps on her trailer, and I already knew what was coming. The Red Devil gets in, and stabs her to death! Meanwhle, Chad is in the cemetery, for his own weird self-pleasure, when Hester catches him, They both connect off of the fact that they are very dark people that are obsessed with death. Hester reveals that she thinks she will snag VP when Zayday wins President, but plans to kill Zayday to become president herself later on. She also seduces Chad, planning to have sex with him in a scary location soon.

In his class, Wes creepily shows another scary movie, truly making me wonder if he could be thekiller. Afterwards, Grace confronts him about her mother’s death. Wes states that Grace was born in a hospital, but she doesn’t believe him, thinking he could be the killer trying to avenge her mother’s death. Right after, she gets a text from Pete to meet at 53 Shady Lane, the house where Zayday will host the haunted house. Zayday, Earl, and Denise pop up, and Denise reveals that this house is very haunted. There was a rumor about a woman dressed in black who was always moaning about the loss of her three kids in this house. Kids actually saw the “Hag of Shady Lane,” but no one believed them. One day, these kids went upstairs and saw a room full of toys from all over the neighborhood, which everyone sees still exists. This happened in 1995, the same year as the birth of the Bathtub Baby. Denise pulls Zayday aside, thinking that her haunted house party will be a buffet for Zayday to murder! Zayday flips the script though, revealing that Denise went to Wallace and tried to pledge Kappa in 1988, but was rejected, seemingly because of her race, and dropped out of school. Zayday thinks Denise is jealous that Zayday was able to make it in, and may be the killer herself! Hmm…interesting.

Meanwhile, Chanel goes around passing out flyers to her pumpkin patch, telling people that they will die at Zayday’s party. She tells Hester and the Chanels that they need to crush Zayday’s spirit so she will drop out. As they go to get lunch, another Dollar Scholar, Tommy, whistles at them and mocks them, and Chanel calls him out for treating girls like meat. In this feminist moment, the ladies attack him and his friend who was laughing as well. They even get a standing ovation from everyone in the cafeteria. It was a little odd, since Chanel is definitely evil. However, she stood for her Kappa sisters and other women in that moment, which gave me a slight sense of hope for her.

That night, Chad and Hester meet up at the old house, thinking the other texted them to meet. They find a “wax replica” of Ms. Bean’s body, only it’s real! As they scream and run from room to room, they find all of the bodies of everyone that the Red Devil has killed, even Coney! Chad and Hester warn people that they are dead bodies at the house, which make people even more excited to go to Zayday’s party! Weirdos.

That night, Zayday, Grace and Pete see all the dead bodies for themselves. Zayday tries to call help, but the dispatcher doesn’t believe her. As she’s on the phone, the Red Devil snatches Zayday! Later, Dean Munsch and the detective tries to disconnect the murders from the school.Because the party took place at an off-campus house,  However, Coney and Number 2 went to Wallace, so there’s no denying that there is a connection there. Chanel and the rest of the pledges walk away, even though Zayday is missing. Pete pulls Grace aside, thinking that they should tell the police about Mandy, who was also found at the house. However, Grace also reveals that she found out some reports of two thefts from a woman in black stealing diapers and milk one month after the bathtub incident! Grace thinks that the Hag of Shady Lane had the Kappa baby, and they have to figure out who that woman was! At the last moment, we see the woman in black sitting in her chair…and it’s Gigi! This is all slowly starting to make sense, but you never know how Ryan Murphy is going to spin things! My biggest question of the night though? WHERE IS ZAYDAY?!

Check out all new episodes of Scream Queens on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET only on FOX! 

RECAP: "Chainsaw"-Scream Queens S1, E3

Published September 30, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Another dramatic episode of Scream Queens! It’s a horror-comedy soap opera that I can’t help watching. (By the way, last week’s two hour premiere counts as two episodes, in case there’s any confusion why we’re at episode 3).  At the beginning of the episode, Zayday and Grace go to a convenience store to grab some snacks, and talk about Pete’s having a Red Devil costume in his closet. Zayday is extremely suspicious of him, and she makes Grace promise to never go anywhere alone. At that moment, though, we see that the Red Devil is in the store! Once the ladies see him, Grace tases him  and Zayday pushes over a shelf on him. Turns out that it’s this guy Eugene from Zayday’s Political Science class! But is he really involved?

Back at the Kappa House, Chanel and Number 5 discover that, like Ms. Bean, Number Two’s body is missing from the freezer. Number 5 is over this entire situation, and wants to quit Kappa, stating that all of this is Chanel’s problem since she’s Kappa president.

Meanwhile, Zayday and Grace goes into Number 2’s room, and finds a huge stain on the floor. Denise comes in stating that it probably is blood, telling them to hit the light as she sprays luminol, revealing that it is blood (duh). She’s the only one who makes any kind of sense on this show. Nobody’s looking for this girl, even though Number 2 tweeted that she was being murdered by the Red Devil! However, there are still current Instagram posts from her account, which throws Zayday and Grace off. They decide to go to Bel Air to visit Number 2’s parents to see if they can get any insight on where she might be.

Later that night, there is a Take Back The Night vigil in honor of Tiffany and Boone (though only Tiffany is really dead). While there, people are holding up signs to separate themselves from Kappa so they don’t get killed by the Red Devil. Clearly, Kappa House is a social pariah at Wallace University this year. Chanel tries to make up with Chad, simply asking him to have sex with a smaller number of people (GIRL WHET?!), but Chad freaks out like it’s not a problem at all that he cheats, of course. He tells her to pray that all the pledges get murdered so she can be popular again, and maybe he’ll give her another chance. Dean Munsch tries to silence the truth that there is a serial killer on the loose, stating that Tiffany’s murder is still being investigated to see if it was a murder and that Boone’s death was a suicide (but who slashes their own throat to kill themselves lady?). She also announces that Eugene was not actually the serial killer. Because of the incident at the store, it has been determined that the Red Devil mascot is no longer appropriate to represent the university now, and they get a new mascot–Coney, an actual ice cream cone. The Wallace University Cones…how about that?

Later, Zayday, Grace and Denise go to Bel Air to talk to Number 2’s parents and express their concerns
that she may be missing. Her parents reveal that Chad and Number 2 were messing around, and he even came to their house for Thanksgiving! Who hasn’t this boy slept with?! Though normally parents would be worried about their kid, Number 2’s parents don’t even want the girl to come home! But why?

The next day, during Grace’s film studies class, her father Wes pops up as the new professor, though he actually teaches literature. She storms out angrily, knowing that he’s only here to watch her. Wes continues the class though, showing The Texas Chainsaw Massacre in class, which is freaky considering everything going on on campus. Afterwards, Gigi speaks to him, announcing that she is starting a teacher’s neighborhood watch, and invites him too. Dean Munsch comes in, and invites Gigi to her tennis court to talk about something later as well.

Later, a young nerd named Aaron Cohen is revealed to be the Coney mascot. Surprisingly, everyone loves the mascot, and he even plans to be a professional mascot. However, the Red Devil comes in, and hacks him to death with a chainsaw at his prime!

Meanwhile, Hester goes into Chanel’s closet and tries on clothes, and, of course, Chanel busts her. Apparently, Karl Lagerfeld is close to Chanel’s parents, so that’s why she gets so many clothes. Hester always wanted to be a fashionista herself, and Chanel plans to fix her up a bit so she won’t be such a disaster. Dean Munsch and Gigi meet up for tennis, where the Dean tells Gigi that they are going to move into Kappa House for a week to continue to try to be “good examples” for the Kappa girls. She also warns Gigi  to stay away from “her man” Wes. Delusional woman.

Later, Number 3 talks to Sam (the lesbian pledge in the house…this is the first time I remember actually hearing the girl’s real name), and reveals that she wants to be best friends. “Like…soul mates,” she says with a huge hug, because she wants to reveal a secret. She is a child of the owners of Swenson frozen dinners (the B-list of Swanson frozen dinners), stating she is a billionaire. However, her dad isn’t her real dad. She reveals that her mom was crazy paranoid, and a year before Number 3 was born, she started corresponding and having conjugal visits with serial killer Charles Manson! Number 3 took a DNA test, which revealed that he is her real dad. She doesn’t want anyone to know because if people found out the truth, they would automatically think that she is the killer. Number 3 asks Sam to be her alibi when the next murder happens, and she’ll look out for Sam, too.

Meanwhile Grace and Zayday go talk to Number 5 about Chad dating Number 2, and we find out that he dated Number 5 too (again, who wasn’t this boy sleeping with?!). Chanel reveals Hester’s new look, and that Hester will become Chanel #6. Number 5 goes off on Chanel, telling her that a pledge shouldn’t get to be a Chanel and that Chanel herself isn’t fit to be president. Chanel dismisses Number 5’s words, and announces another hazing activity for the pledges, when Dean Munsch and Gigi walk in with their bags to stay there for the rest of the week. Needless to say, the pledges are shocked!

Later, Chad holds a meeting with the senior council of the Dickie Dollar Scholars, who find out that Boone was gay, though Chad doesn’t think his death was a suicide. He even saw bloody footprints in the hallway! He proposes that they run through the streets with baseball bats, call out the Red Devil, and avenge Boone’s death, which the rest of these fools go along with.

Meanwhile, Grace goes to see Pete, and apologizes for not returning his messages and thinking that he
was the killer. She thinks that Chad is actually the killer, revealing how he’s been with basically every girl at Kappa, and has a knife obsession. She wonders if Chad is the baby from 20 years ago? Pete has been doing some research himself, but there is no record of any of the girls at Kappa that year except for a former sister with the last name Greenwell, who was two credits short of graduating that year. He found her, though she’s six hours away.

That night, the Dickie Dollar Scholars roam the streets, jacking up a random car they see. The Red Devil appears with a chainsaw, but then another one appears behind him! They split up to try to attack both, but, of course, the chainsaws rips their bats apart. One guy gets his arms cut off trying to save Chad! Meanwhile, Denise picks up Zayday as she walks back to Kappa, but handcuffs Zayday to her, believing that she’s the killer. Denise has found out that Zayday plans to challenge Chanel to become Kappa president, and found a CD the girl bought from Best Buy where Shondell worked. She thinks Zayday may be working with someone else, and that’s how Shondell was killed, even though Zayday was in the Kappa house at the time of the murder. Denise even pulls out a tweet Zayday sent to Shonda Rhimes about her show, How To Get Away With Murder, stating that if Annalise Keating really wanted to get away with murder, she would team up with somebody to do it! AND ZAYDAY HAD A CHAINSAW UNDER HER BED TOO! Zayday explains that her grandmother sent her the chainsaw after her taser was taken away, and Denise lets her go. However, she plans to keep an eye on Zayday, and now I am too. It makes some sense, and, with this crazy show, everybody is a suspect here!

Gigi and Wes have dinner with Dean Munsch, and Zayday practices pulling out the chainsaw from under her bed. When she comes downstairs to go to her philosophy study group, Wes discovers Grace isn’t with her and Zayday has no idea where she could be. He quickly leaves to call Grace, who lies and says she’s at the library, though she left with Pete to go find this ex-Kappa.

As they try to sleep, Gigi butts heads with the Dean over the Dean playing loud whale distress calls to lull herself to sleep, which she changes to murder victims screaming. Gigi leaves the room, which Dean Munsch planned all along. As Gigi makes a bed on the couch downstairs, the Red Devil appears with his chainsaw, trying to kill her! Wes comes in to try to save her, and gets cut in the process, and the Red Devil escapes. As Dean Munsch comes down to see what the commotion is, Wes and Gigi stop her in her tracks, believing that Dean Munsch is the killer! This is all too much. Literally EVERYONE IS A SUSPECT!

Check out all new episodes of Scream Queens on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET only on FOX!

Images via FOX