Pooch Hall

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The Game Season 6 Premiere! (RECAP)

Published March 28, 2013 by BrittanyShawnte

I wasn’t sure if I was going to do a review of The Game this season (partly because I’m mad at BET putting Tia Mowry-Hardrict and Pooch Hall down as recurring characters, thus forcing Tia’s hand to leave the show). However, it’s a tradition that I’ve done since the show moved to BET, and because I’ve been watching this show since the very beginning, I feel a sense of loyalty.

Picking up from last season, the premiere starts off with footage of all of the characters present day.  Jason (Coby Bell) and Chardonnay (Brandy) are still together going strong, Malik (Hosea Chanchez) is being the typical man-ho that he used to be before Jenna, Tasha (Wendy Raquel Robinson) is still her same old crazy self, and Derwin (Pooch) is in training. Of course, we see two new characters Keira Whitaker (played by Lauren London) and Bryce “Blueprint” Westbrook (played by Jay Ellis) as well.

Everyone’s in New York. At the 2013 Pro Football Draft, Jason is reporting, while Malik and Derwin discuss their own draft experiences. The guys also discuss new dude Bryce who is said to be the game-changing player this football season. In that moment, Baltimore selects Bryce to join their team as the #1 pick.

Meanwhile, Keira is a seasoned actress who starred in a 90s sitcom and wants new challenges. However, no one really takes her seriously. At a meeting about a new role, the director tells her that he will give her an extra role for no money IF she will get him a date with her agent. She angrily walks away from the table.

Tasha and Chardonnay talk over drinks, with Chardonnay branching out into NY fashion…which isn’t always the best look for her ha! Tasha is still getting texts from Rick Fox, even though she’s with Pookie! It’s clear that she will have to choose between them later on in the season. Right then, Bryce was quickly traded from Baltimore to the San Diego Sabers, and they traded Derwin to do it…on LIVE TV. That, of course, changed the game seriously! Derwin is definitely on the verge of losing it as he walks out of the crowded room, and Jason tries to keep him together. Malik is pissed off as well, and angrily approaches the owner. The owner got rid of Derwin because of Derwin’s altercation with quarterback Kwan last season that put Kwan on the injured list.

In his hotel room, Derwin is eerily quiet. Jason plays “Dance With My Father” to lighten the mood, but Derwin is still in shock. Everything for him is in San Diego now, even though Melanie is in Baltimore for her residency. He feels betrayed. He’s being traded to “the worst team in the league in the most dangerous city possible.” His words, not mine! (Ironically Baltimore won the Super Bowl this year HA!).

We see that Bryce is the cockiest dude on the field. Already girls are coming to him. His dad (played by William Allen Young, Frank Mitchell from Moesha), is very much involved in his career. Keira bumps into him and he asks her if she wanted his autograph. She doesn’t even know who she is, nor cares. She kisses him though, and shows him that the blogs will take that kiss and turn it around to be way more than it is. He’ll see the real cost of fame soon.

At his party, Malik is still upset about Derwin being traded. He’s started drinking again. Jason congratulates Bryce to try to get an interview with him, but GMA already has the exclusive. Jason wants to be taken seriously as a sports journalist, but all he tends to get are fluff pieces. Keira is also at the party. She and Bryce have a brief exchange on Twitter. The chemistry continues.

Derwin comes by the party to let out some steam. He and Malik drink, while he continues to ignore Melanie’s calls. Derwin approaches Bryce ready to fight, because he feels Bryce stole his spot. Of course, Bryce gets smart, and Derwin head butts him and they fight. Derwin has officially lost it, and Malik and Jason try to calm him down. The Sabers are his family, and he is upset, but Malik tells him to get it together. Malik realizes in that moment that the owners run the game, and the players are just pawns. Jason tells him that it doesn’t matter where any of them play. They play because they love the game.

Later, Keira walks with Bryce to his room and acts to be concerned about his “eye.” He was also half naked too, so I’m sure that caught HER eye! Keira tells him that he has to get it together himself, and not fall for everything that will happen in this game. They talk about the pros and cons of fame, and laugh with each other. It’s clear that there’s chemistry between them, and they kiss. They’re interrupted by Tasha who wants to talk to Bryce about being a part of the Sabers. Keira answers the door, as Bryce runs to the bedroom.

Tasha gets into agent mode, and marches in the bedroom to tell Bryce how to handle the fight with Derwin in front of the press. However, he is there laying on the bed, butt naked! He assumed that Keira wanted to have sex with him after that kiss. She gets offended, and leaves.

In the limo, Malik is drunk and messy as hell, as Tee Tee and Malik’s bodyguard look on in disgust. Tee Tee wants him to go to AA, while his assistant is just enabling him. Malik feels like he might as well drink because he feels like he’s not in charge of his own life. Tee Tee tells him that he used to be the same way under Malik, but he changed his mindset and went after his own dream. He gets through to Malik, who decides to go to AA in that moment.

At the end of the episode, Tasha goes to talk to Derwin about his trade. He’s trying to look at the good of the situation (that he and Melanie get to be in the same place). But he wanted to leave on his own terms. He felt invincible, and now he realizes he’s not. She encourages him to move forward with his life in spite of this.

Ciara, who appeared as one of Keira’s friends in the episode, ends up having sex with Bryce, showing that he’ll get it from whoever with this newfound fame. However, as he’s leaving, he sees Keira in the room. She tries to shrug it off, but it’s clear she’s upset.

Back at her room, she and Pookie have a little FaceTime date, which is cute! After the call, Tasha calls Rick to tell him why she hasn’t been returning his calls. She tells him in his voicemail that she still cares about him, but she is happy and wants to let the past go. But in the middle of the call, she is interrupted by the doorbell, and it’s Rick!

Later, Derwin is leaving and gives a look back at the camera, showing that it’s time to move on to his new life phase (for those who don’t know Pooch has a new role on a show on Showtime now). It’s sad to a loyal viewer like me that Melanie and Derwin are gone. They were such a huge part of the show from beginning to end. But bravo to both Pooch and Tia for moving forward!

The show is no longer a comedic show like it was in the past. There’s a few chuckles here and there, but it’s pure drama now. Changes have happened. Even the video is different. I’ve accepted that. However, I actually liked this episode! The storylines are keeping my interest, and I actually do want to know and see more with Lauren and Jay’s characters! We’ll see how the rest of this season pans out!

What did you think of the season 6 premiere of The Game?

The Game Season 4 Premiere!!! (Review)

Published January 12, 2011 by BrittanyShawnte

(Click here for the Season 5 Premiere Recap/Review!)

Morning all! Hope everything is good. After getting my hopes up on this little bit of snow DMV had, I’m in the office sighhhh lol. But it’s cool.

Ok, so I just HAD to do my review of the Season 4 premiere of The Game last night! It was a momentous occasion with the show being gone for two years. I can honestly say that I love BET for bringing it back. Sooooo before I begin, if you have yet to see the premiere, do not continue. Cuz I’m laying it ALL out after the jump!

All right, this is a long one so bear with me, or skip around. Set two years later, everybody on the show has a new life. Derwin (played by Pooch Hall), is now a megastar on the Sabers, worth millions, has major endorsement deals, and everything. Melanie (played by Tia Mowry Hardrict) has settled into the housewife position, caring for Derwin and his two-year-old son by baby mama Janay, D.J. Girl Melanie and Ding Dong have become quite the little power couple!

Tasha Mack (Wendy Raquel Robinson) still works for Derwin as manager, and is doing a hell of a lot better than she did when they first started out. Malik’s (Hosea Chanchez) first scene is in the bathroom with him making out with Meagan Good, who plays Parker, the wifey of the new owner of the Sabers haha, one of many little twists.

Kelly (Brittany Daniel) and Jason (Coby Bell) are now officially divorced. Jason is hanging on a thread with his spot on the Sabers, while Kelly has become a reality TV star on the wack “Ex-Ballers Wives” or whatever it’s called (correlation-Football Wives lol).

Of course, the premiere continued with several different twists and turns. Expected and major part of the whole episode, was Melanie still questioning if Derwin was really D.J.’s father. While watching D.J., she quickly swabs his mouth and sends it off to one of her doctor friends. This part was in debate on Twitterland, with The Game’s official Twitter account posing the question if Melanie should have done that. Ok. Here’s my thoughts. Maybe it wasn’t really her place, and honestly she was just doing it to try to get her and Derwin back to just her and Derwin. But can you blame her? And if you were in her shoes, wouldn’t you do the same? She was with Derwin for YEARS, and now this baby comes in that Derwin is too in love with to even question. In my opinion, she should’ve done it sooner. Cuz if it were me, I would have been swabbing the baby and my man right after the birth lol.

Another twist was with Miss Tasha Mack. I was wondering how Terrence J was going to come into play, and apparently now he’s Dante, Tasha’s younger BOYFRIEND! When I saw this, I screamed to the top of my lungs: Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ewwwwwwwww!!!!!!! Tasha’s a COUGAR! With Terrence J!!!!! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!! Lol it’s how I felt.

And Tee Tee quit Malik to own his own chicken truck! My people smh LOL but it was good to see Tee Tee doing something besides being Malik’s errand boy, standing up to him. Malik just couldn’t get it into his head that Tee Tee no longer works for him, still asking him to do things and getting upset when denied. Then to go and have a presumed threeway with Tee Tee’s girlfriend and Meagan Good? Malik was mad foul. And I’d be careful. See Tee Tee has always been the funny character, but I’m feeling like he could be the type of guy that goes off when pushed to the edge…

Back to the paternity test. Of course, Melanie finds out that Derwin is not the father, and Derwin turns to mush since he loves D.J. so much. But the twist that Derwin really was the father was too predictable. It was too easy. Melanie got what she wanted just too easy. So the minute we found out “Derwin wasn’t the father,” I figured that he was. However, I’m glad they went ahead and knocked this out the first episode instead of dragging it out over the whole season. Now I’m interested to see how Melanie is going to tell Derwin the real truth, or if she even will…

There were definitely a few things that I was disappointed about. One was the predictability of things, especially with the paternity test, but it’s all good. I was upset with holes in the writing. The first spot I noticed this was with Tasha and Dante. I can’t lie…Terrence J did pretty decent. His acting on Stomp the Yard 2 did NOT impress me, so I was positive he was gonna be wack….but he wasn’t. He did well. I just can’t believe he’s dating TASHA!!!! Where is Rick Fox?! This was a major relationship for Tasha, and for it to just disappear without even a few lines to explain was disappointing.

I was definitely also upset with the change of Kelly. She got MAD annoying. I wasn’t feeling her new reality TV stint, her new attitude, and definitely not that new haircut! Sorry Brittany lol. She’s not the fun, borderline alcoholic Kelly that I know and love lol. Now she’s just a bitter ex-wife. However, I know this will change. See, I believe that Kelly and Jason are going to get back together by the end of the season. You can definitely see that Kelly is still not over the whole divorce, and deep down, I don’t think Jason is either. His relationship with Stacey Dash’s character is over, which kind of opens the door to possibly go back to Kelly since he’s not in a serious relationship right now. Again, that’s another hole that the writers should have filled, but ok.

Oh, and speaking of Jason and Kelly, did anyone notice that teenage almost grown looking girl that’s supposed to be Brittany?! Ok let’s do some basic math. Brittany, the couple’s daughter, was 5 turning 6 when the show began. So around the time CW canceled, she was about 9 or 10. Meaning that now she would be about 11, 12. That girl ain’t EVEN look like she was a pre-teen. She looked like a high school junior to me! Writers fix that! It was reminding me of Bobbi Kristina (perhaps purposeful???? Alluding to Bobby and Whitney’s breakup seeming to have messed up their daughter? Idk…) I just know that Brittany is still supposed to be kind of a baby, and she’s not right now.

Moving on. Malik is going to get hurt by Tee Tee. I don’t get Malik’s deal. I mean, his storyline to me, was the most “hole-ly” I guess. I know that he’s jealous of Derwin for receiving more attention and he’s mad that the new owner is not going to kick out money for a better offensive line for Malik to work with. Maybe that’s why Malik is messing with Meagan Good’s character as a thing of revenge I don’t know. I’m just not sure where his story is going. Everybody else, there’s a sense of what’s going on with them, but with Malik, I was blank. Jason’s was a little blah too. I need more on his status with the Sabers.

The premiere was definitely more drama than comedy, which I didn’t really like. I expect that to get better. And some of it was a little predictable, especially the paternity test. The show got mixed reviews according to my Twitter and Facebook timelines lol Some say it was over the top, but I thought it was pretty good.. After two years, no table could be left unturned in my opinion. You had to know what was going on with every character. The good, the bad, the changes, everything. Like I said, I’m glad they knocked out the paternity test instead of making that one whole big to-do the entire season. And it was interesting to see how all of the characters had turned out over these past two years. I’m expecting it to get better as the season progresses. As of now I give it a solid B+. I’m ecstatic and grateful that BET took this on! Just please don’t mess it up!!! lol It’s definitely going to be a dramatic season, with twists and turns that I’m sure Game fans will get into. In the words of Tasha Mack, “Game on bitches!” Haha

Meanwhile, Let’s Stay Together? Uhhhhh….I tried it. I figure we always talk about not having black sitcoms that we need to at least try new ones that develop. Plus Ronreaco Lee (coincidentally Tia Mowry’s boyfriend Tyreke from Sister Sister) and Erica Hubbard (from my show Lincoln Heights that ABC Family cancelled *anger!*) were in it, so I definitely wanted to support. But it bored me, honestly. Sorry. I’ll try again next week, but that’s the last shot. And I mean, at least I tried. Half of my Twitter TL changed over to Teen Mom 2 after The Game was done lol

What’s your take on The Game?


The Game Season 4 Premiere!!! (Review)

Published January 12, 2011 by BrittanyShawnte

(Click here for the Season 5 Premiere Recap/Review!)

Morning all! Hope everything is good. After getting my hopes up on this little bit of snow DMV had, I’m in the office sighhhh lol. But it’s cool.

Ok, so I just HAD to do my review of the Season 4 premiere of The Game last night! It was a momentous occasion with the show being gone for two years. I can honestly say that I love BET for bringing it back. Sooooo before I begin, if you have yet to see the premiere, do not continue. Cuz I’m laying it ALL out after the jump!

All right, this is a long one so bear with me, or skip around. Set two years later, everybody on the show has a new life. Derwin (played by Pooch Hall), is now a megastar on the Sabers, worth millions, has major endorsement deals, and everything. Melanie (played by Tia Mowry Hardrict) has settled into the housewife position, caring for Derwin and his two-year-old son by baby mama Janay, D.J. Girl Melanie and Ding Dong have become quite the little power couple!

Tasha Mack (Wendy Raquel Robinson) still works for Derwin as manager, and is doing a hell of a lot better than she did when they first started out. Malik’s (Hosea Chanchez) first scene is in the bathroom with him making out with Meagan Good, who plays Parker, the wifey of the new owner of the Sabers haha, one of many little twists.

Kelly (Brittany Daniel) and Jason (Coby Bell) are now officially divorced. Jason is hanging on a thread with his spot on the Sabers, while Kelly has become a reality TV star on the wack “Ex-Ballers Wives” or whatever it’s called (correlation-Football Wives lol).

Of course, the premiere continued with several different twists and turns. Expected and major part of the whole episode, was Melanie still questioning if Derwin was really D.J.’s father. While watching D.J., she quickly swabs his mouth and sends it off to one of her doctor friends. This part was in debate on Twitterland, with The Game’s official Twitter account posing the question if Melanie should have done that. Ok. Here’s my thoughts. Maybe it wasn’t really her place, and honestly she was just doing it to try to get her and Derwin back to just her and Derwin. But can you blame her? And if you were in her shoes, wouldn’t you do the same? She was with Derwin for YEARS, and now this baby comes in that Derwin is too in love with to even question. In my opinion, she should’ve done it sooner. Cuz if it were me, I would have been swabbing the baby and my man right after the birth lol.

Another twist was with Miss Tasha Mack. I was wondering how Terrence J was going to come into play, and apparently now he’s Dante, Tasha’s younger BOYFRIEND! When I saw this, I screamed to the top of my lungs: Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ewwwwwwwww!!!!!!! Tasha’s a COUGAR! With Terrence J!!!!! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!! Lol it’s how I felt.

And Tee Tee quit Malik to own his own chicken truck! My people smh LOL but it was good to see Tee Tee doing something besides being Malik’s errand boy, standing up to him. Malik just couldn’t get it into his head that Tee Tee no longer works for him, still asking him to do things and getting upset when denied. Then to go and have a presumed threeway with Tee Tee’s girlfriend and Meagan Good? Malik was mad foul. And I’d be careful. See Tee Tee has always been the funny character, but I’m feeling like he could be the type of guy that goes off when pushed to the edge…

Back to the paternity test. Of course, Melanie finds out that Derwin is not the father, and Derwin turns to mush since he loves D.J. so much. But the twist that Derwin really was the father was too predictable. It was too easy. Melanie got what she wanted just too easy. So the minute we found out “Derwin wasn’t the father,” I figured that he was. However, I’m glad they went ahead and knocked this out the first episode instead of dragging it out over the whole season. Now I’m interested to see how Melanie is going to tell Derwin the real truth, or if she even will…

There were definitely a few things that I was disappointed about. One was the predictability of things, especially with the paternity test, but it’s all good. I was upset with holes in the writing. The first spot I noticed this was with Tasha and Dante. I can’t lie…Terrence J did pretty decent. His acting on Stomp the Yard 2 did NOT impress me, so I was positive he was gonna be wack….but he wasn’t. He did well. I just can’t believe he’s dating TASHA!!!! Where is Rick Fox?! This was a major relationship for Tasha, and for it to just disappear without even a few lines to explain was disappointing.

I was definitely also upset with the change of Kelly. She got MAD annoying. I wasn’t feeling her new reality TV stint, her new attitude, and definitely not that new haircut! Sorry Brittany lol. She’s not the fun, borderline alcoholic Kelly that I know and love lol. Now she’s just a bitter ex-wife. However, I know this will change. See, I believe that Kelly and Jason are going to get back together by the end of the season. You can definitely see that Kelly is still not over the whole divorce, and deep down, I don’t think Jason is either. His relationship with Stacey Dash’s character is over, which kind of opens the door to possibly go back to Kelly since he’s not in a serious relationship right now. Again, that’s another hole that the writers should have filled, but ok.

Oh, and speaking of Jason and Kelly, did anyone notice that teenage almost grown looking girl that’s supposed to be Brittany?! Ok let’s do some basic math. Brittany, the couple’s daughter, was 5 turning 6 when the show began. So around the time CW canceled, she was about 9 or 10. Meaning that now she would be about 11, 12. That girl ain’t EVEN look like she was a pre-teen. She looked like a high school junior to me! Writers fix that! It was reminding me of Bobbi Kristina (perhaps purposeful???? Alluding to Bobby and Whitney’s breakup seeming to have messed up their daughter? Idk…) I just know that Brittany is still supposed to be kind of a baby, and she’s not right now.

Moving on. Malik is going to get hurt by Tee Tee. I don’t get Malik’s deal. I mean, his storyline to me, was the most “hole-ly” I guess. I know that he’s jealous of Derwin for receiving more attention and he’s mad that the new owner is not going to kick out money for a better offensive line for Malik to work with. Maybe that’s why Malik is messing with Meagan Good’s character as a thing of revenge I don’t know. I’m just not sure where his story is going. Everybody else, there’s a sense of what’s going on with them, but with Malik, I was blank. Jason’s was a little blah too. I need more on his status with the Sabers.

The premiere was definitely more drama than comedy, which I didn’t really like. I expect that to get better. And some of it was a little predictable, especially the paternity test. The show got mixed reviews according to my Twitter and Facebook timelines lol Some say it was over the top, but I thought it was pretty good.. After two years, no table could be left unturned in my opinion. You had to know what was going on with every character. The good, the bad, the changes, everything. Like I said, I’m glad they knocked out the paternity test instead of making that one whole big to-do the entire season. And it was interesting to see how all of the characters had turned out over these past two years. I’m expecting it to get better as the season progresses. As of now I give it a solid B+. I’m ecstatic and grateful that BET took this on! Just please don’t mess it up!!! lol It’s definitely going to be a dramatic season, with twists and turns that I’m sure Game fans will get into. In the words of Tasha Mack, “Game on bitches!” Haha

Meanwhile, Let’s Stay Together? Uhhhhh….I tried it. I figure we always talk about not having black sitcoms that we need to at least try new ones that develop. Plus Ronreaco Lee (coincidentally Tia Mowry’s boyfriend Tyreke from Sister Sister) and Erica Hubbard (from my show Lincoln Heights that ABC Family cancelled *anger!*) were in it, so I definitely wanted to support. But it bored me, honestly. Sorry. I’ll try again next week, but that’s the last shot. And I mean, at least I tried. Half of my Twitter TL changed over to Teen Mom 2 after The Game was done lol

What’s your take on The Game?


The Game Is Almost Back!!!!!

Published March 15, 2010 by BrittanyShawnte

So I got back from a more difficult than necessary computer exam (gotta love college) and found this great news on my FB home page! And it’s for real this time! According to BV Buzz.com, BET has struck a deal with Paramount to make new episodes of the hit TV show The Game, a football-themed sitcom previously shown on the CW that was canceled last year. The cancellation left me, and several other fans, majorly disappointed.

There was light at the end of the tunnel announced a short while after the cancellation. BET was working desperately to secure a deal with Paramount to make more episodes! However, it was taking so long that many people had given up hope. Oh, but not me! I mean, BET got its issues, but I refused to believe that The Game was over. There ain’t that many black sitcoms out now as is. Done lost Girlfriends, Half and Half, The Parkers, etc, as far as new episodes. Reruns are great, but there is nothing like the anticipation of a fresh new episode of your favorite TV show! Knowing that there was a new episode of The Game coming every Friday last season got me excited all the time LOL So I believed that BET would work this out. And they did.

Now BET has to negotiate new contracts with the actors, which is expected to be done within the next two weeks. The show starred Tia Mowry, Pooch Hall, Wendy Raquel Robinson, Hosea Chanchez, Brittany Daniel, and Coby Bell. “The show will have the same production value, so the actors will make the same type of money they made when they did The Gamefor The CW,” the source shared.

The only problem now is with Coby, who played Jason Pitts on the show. It was just announced that he is joining the cast of the hit USA show, Burn Notice. “He will likely still be able to work on ‘The Game,’ but only as a recurring character instead of being a series regular,” the source explained. Which, if you watch the show on the regular, will probably mean that Jason and Kelly (played by Brittany) probably won’t get back together, but Jason will still come around to see their daughter or something like that.

But it’s okay. I can deal with one loss. The fact that the rest of the cast, including my fine loves Pooch and Hosea LOL, are back is good with me! Can’t wait to see new episodes. Might be wishful thinking, but I’m hoping they get it back on line before the fall season starts back up!


~Brittany Shawnté

The Game Is Almost Back!!!!!

Published March 15, 2010 by BrittanyShawnte

So I got back from a more difficult than necessary computer exam (gotta love college) and found this great news on my FB home page! And it’s for real this time! According to BV Buzz.com, BET has struck a deal with Paramount to make new episodes of the hit TV show The Game, a football-themed sitcom previously shown on the CW that was canceled last year. The cancellation left me, and several other fans, majorly disappointed.

There was light at the end of the tunnel announced a short while after the cancellation. BET was working desperately to secure a deal with Paramount to make more episodes! However, it was taking so long that many people had given up hope. Oh, but not me! I mean, BET got its issues, but I refused to believe that The Game was over. There ain’t that many black sitcoms out now as is. Done lost Girlfriends, Half and Half, The Parkers, etc, as far as new episodes. Reruns are great, but there is nothing like the anticipation of a fresh new episode of your favorite TV show! Knowing that there was a new episode of The Game coming every Friday last season got me excited all the time LOL So I believed that BET would work this out. And they did.

Now BET has to negotiate new contracts with the actors, which is expected to be done within the next two weeks. The show starred Tia Mowry, Pooch Hall, Wendy Raquel Robinson, Hosea Chanchez, Brittany Daniel, and Coby Bell. “The show will have the same production value, so the actors will make the same type of money they made when they did The Gamefor The CW,” the source shared.

The only problem now is with Coby, who played Jason Pitts on the show. It was just announced that he is joining the cast of the hit USA show, Burn Notice. “He will likely still be able to work on ‘The Game,’ but only as a recurring character instead of being a series regular,” the source explained. Which, if you watch the show on the regular, will probably mean that Jason and Kelly (played by Brittany) probably won’t get back together, but Jason will still come around to see their daughter or something like that.

But it’s okay. I can deal with one loss. The fact that the rest of the cast, including my fine loves Pooch and Hosea LOL, are back is good with me! Can’t wait to see new episodes. Might be wishful thinking, but I’m hoping they get it back on line before the fall season starts back up!


~Brittany Shawnté