Gabrielle Union

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"The Huxtables Have Fallen"-Being Mary Jane S1, E3 (RECAP)

Published January 22, 2014 by BrittanyShawnte

Another good episode of Being Mary Jane last night! Picking up from last week, right at the opening of the episode, Mary Jane’s brother Patrick catches her giving Andre oral!!! MJ really needs to get some blinds or curtains, because that glass house tells ALL of her business! Come to find out that Andre used to be a promoter at Patrick’s old club, which is how Patrick knows that he’s married! Mary Jane freaks out, of course. Again, she knows she’s wrong, and her brother just caught her in the act! She brings up the fact that Andre didn’t fix her pool light like he promised, and he jumps right in to screw the light back in. Afterwards, he asks if there’s anything else he can do for her, and he returns her sexual favor! After the implied sex, Mary Jane stares at the ring Andre gave her, but ends up giving it back, saying that she doesn’t want an engagement like this.

The next day, the family tries to plan Patrick’s birthday. He then comes in being shady, asking for an eight letter word for “unfaithful” for a crossword puzzle, right as Mary Jane is sitting there! That brings up the topic of adultery to the table, which Mama Helen is totally against (I believe her words included “vile” and “stupid!”). Patrick was completely out of line to do that though. MJ asks how much to buy his silence, and he asks for 30 grand. Mary Jane truly believes that Andre loves her, but Patrick tells her that she reminds him of himself as a crack addict. MJ is an addict to Andre. However, Patrick promises to keep his mouth shut about the whole thing.

At work, Julian pitches a story to Kara about a woman, Samantha Haven, who died three years ago in front of her TV watching Showtime. It was a little unrealistic, because nobody would get away with not paying rent or their cable bill for three years. Plus the smell would have been horrendous! But I digress. The point it she died alone, and nobody missed her. Kara pitches the story to MJ, who isn’t sure, because it’s basically an expose on lonely women. Kara spins it, stating that it’s a universal issue, not just with women, that the world is becoming so disconnected and isolated. Later, after watching some of the footage from the documentary about Samantha, MJ decides to do the story. I think that she partly sees herself. Someone who is successful, but still alone, and she kind of wonders, if she were to die, would anyone miss her?

Later, Patrick speaks with his father about possibly calling off the party. Paul tells him that sometimes celebrations aren’t for you but for others, namely his mom, who seems to be quite happy planning this whole thing. Paul makes it clear to Patrick that he better show up! He does, later on in the show, and his family celebrates him.

The next day, Kara confronts Mark about why he didn’t show up to their meeting about his show. He was caught up in traffic, apparently. She tells him that if he doesn’t want to do the work to save his show, then just let her know. She’s giving a status report on the show the next day, regardless. If Mark doesn’t put his pride aside, he might just lose his show all together!

Mary Jane runs the Samantha Haven story, and asks the question if social media and technology is disconnecting us all from the world. Rev. Jesse Jackson makes a cameo, saying he does partly blame it all for this woman being gone, and no one realizing it. It’s true. We often isolate ourselves and get so wrapped up in social media, that the line between the Internet and real life quickly becomes blurred. I know this as a blogger that it’s easy to become disconnected from the outside world.

At the station that night, Mark talks about his very first interview that lasted only 23 seconds, but impressed his boss. He worked his way up in this industry over 17 years, and it’s hard for him to change. Kara is honest that his show is boring, and he needs to revamp somehow. Kara also thinks there should be a pop culture segment as well. His work is what kept him here, but these changes need to happen in order for him to stay. Mark decides to give in and work with her.

Mary Jane’s friend Cynthia comes through. Cynthia compliments her on the angle of the Samantha Haven story. She also admits she had Greg fire Julian, saying that she thinks it’s important that everyone stays in their own lane. It seems to be a dig at Mary Jane as well. This woman might just be gunning for her to lose her job! Jealously much?!

Back at her house, MJ does an “addiction quiz” and sees that she is 100% addicted. She deletes it, but then frantically calls her provider to get the number back! Definitely an Andre addict! Meanwhile, Patrick has an idea for a “mobile lounge” aka food truck and has a meeting with a former partner at his club. Because Patrick has been out of the business for so long, it’s not looking too great for him. Afterwards, MJ calls Patrick, realizing that she is an addict, though not in the typical form. Patrick drives her to their Aunt Toni’s house, which she is totally against. However, she goes in and has a plate. A little girl calls her little cousins out, claiming that Mary Jane is not really related to them. When MJ states how she is, Kashari Amber Wallace asks why she’s never seen her around? Mary Jane is somewhat taken aback, admitting she doesn’t know. I think she does though. I think she’s been trying to forget certain parts of her life, even with changing her name from Pauletta Washington to Mary Jane Paul. She’s somewhat embarrassed of her family, even if she doesn’t directly say so.

Afterwards, Mary Jane doesn’t want to go home just yet. Patrick drives her to his old club. Patrick tells her upfront that she needs to leave Andre alone, but she’s already “in love” with him. Patrick admits that he himself was addicted to being the king of Atlanta with his club, and cocaine became a part of that. He stresses that Andre is not worth it, and she can do better. Patrick tells Mary Jane that he is working towards a new opportunity, and MJ pledges her support. All he asks is that if she feels herself slipping that she will call him, and not Andre.

Back at the house, Patrick doesn’t have a key so his father has to let him in, though it’s 2 in the morning! He looks around at his present situation, and pulls out some cocaine. Meanwhile, Mary Jane ends up having Andre over again. Looks like they both relapsed. Addiction is a serious thing.

Watching this show, I think a lot of us can be quick to judge, myself included. “She’s messing with a MARRIED man! Who does that? She knows she’s wrong.” I don’t agree, but, if it’s one thing I remembered tonight, is that many of us, if not all, have or have had an addiction somewhere along the way. Whether it be drugs, alcohol, a significant other, whoever. I don’t condone MJ’s behavior at all, or anybody else that would mess with someone married, but I got my own glass house (mine just happens to have really thick curtains!), so who I am to judge anyone else on anything? I hope that throughout the rest of the series, we will see Mary Jane grow and become stronger, and get rid of Andre. Hopefully she finds somebody good for her. I really want that for her!

Be sure to watch new episodes of Being Mary Jane on Tuesdays at 10 p.m. EST on BET!

Image via BET

"Girls Night In"-Being Mary Jane S1, E2 (RECAP)

Published January 16, 2014 by BrittanyShawnte

How many of you are loving Being Mary Jane?! I know I am! The show hasn’t been without its share of controversy about MJ’s affair with a married man, and how it sensitizes the issue like Scandal, and all that. I personally like the show, because it opens us up to some honest discussion about love, marriage, cheating, etc. I even had a interesting little debate on Twitter last night with somebody about the important factors in a relationship or marriage (In my opinion, love is the foundation, but it’s not the only thing to consider before being with someone).

After their romp in the gym last episode, Mary Jane heads over to Andre’s hotel room to “talk.” He tries to kiss her, and she shrugs him off. Deep down, she knows she’s wrong for messing with him, but she can’t seem to turn away. Then, out of the blue, the fool asks her to marry her! “We just screwed in the gym…that’s not love!” she screams. He tries to get her to see his side, and pulls out the ring, and she blocks everything out. As he continues to talk about how much he “loves” her, and wants to be with her, she tears up. “All you do is make me cry,” she says and she turns to leave. Andre yells after her saying that he needs to tell his wife “something” about their status. That right there…lets me know that he doesn’t truly care. He just wants to try to justify the situation in some way to his wife!

Read more below!

Later, MJ goes to see her dad who just bought a hot new car. They talk about Mama Patterson, who is too sick and tired to go out for a drive, which is a shame. MJ’s niece, Niecy comes down the steps. MJ was supposed to take her to a doctor’s appointment for her baby, but Niecy claims that her baby daddy Dante is going to take her. No apology or anything. Just a complete waste of Mary Jane’s time.

Meanwhile, Avery has a conversation with Andrr about the different things she needs him to do for their kids. She then brings up the fact that a girl at her firm, Jill found out her husband was cheating on her, but didn’t leave him. Instead, she drew up a post-nup that if he ever cheats, she gets everything! At that very moment, Avery pulls out a postnup of her own for Andre to sign, but he refuses. Avery sits in shock as she believes now that he does love Mary Jane. I don’t think Andre’s really in love with MJ. I think he’s in love with the idea of the newness of the situation, and the potential of what it could be. Mary Jane doesn’t love Andre either. She’s in love with the idea of having a life with someone more so than anything.

That afternoon, Niecy waits for Dante to take her to her appointment, but he sure ain’t coming! To be real, I need her to stop getting pregnant like it’s cute. Meanwhile, Mary Jane gets the ring back  from Andre in a package at her desk, and doesn’t know what to think. When she walks out for a moment, Kara tries to talk about their argument and try to fix things.

However, Mary Jane is pissed that Kara is working on Mark’s show and went behind her back to do it! She has to hear it from Gary, their supervisor, of all people.
That night, MJ goes out to dinner with her dad, and he talks about how it can be hard it can be to watch her mom so sick. He still really loves her though. The topic then turns to marriage as Mary Jane brings up the fact that she doesn’t know why we are all rushing to get married. Her father, however, can’t wait until the guy calls her up for her hand in marriage! Little does he know, she already got a proposal…from a married man! During the dinner, an old friend Kathryn comes up to them and asks to finally visit MJ’s mother. though it seems like she is really more so interested in her father! Mary Jane peeps it too!
The next morning, Mary Jane goes to talk to Mark about Kara joining his show. His show really is in trouble, and he could use the help honestly. She sees his wedding ring, and wonders if she wants to get married. Maybe it’s just something she says she wants, just because she’s supposed to. It’s a good thought. Later, she goes to see her family, and finds out Dante didn’t show up, and Niecy is heartbroken. Meanwhile, Kathryn shows up like a silver fox and hangs out with her dad.

Back at his house, Andre finds Avery sobbing in the closet. He tries to console her, but she promptly kicks him out!

Since MJ sees Kathryn’s true intentions, he asks her mother if it would kill her to go on a drive with her father. Mama Patterson already sees what Kathryn is doing. She knows that she had it back in the day, but now she knows that her disease is taking over.  There’s not so much she can do now, really.

That night, Tomiko, an old friend of MJ’s who took her old job, comes over to see Mary Jane at her girls’ night. Kara decides she can show up too, and brings wine as a peace offering. Kara apologizes, and knows that she should have told her the truth herself. They make up. As Kara walks away, a cop knocks at the door, but of course, it’s a stripper! And the party begins!

Back at her house, Avery goes OFF on Andre, asking him who is going to want her now with two kids and her stretch marks. She was with him when he had nothing, and “made him into the man other women want,” and he doesn’t even realize. 

Back at MJ’s, Tomiko shows off her wedding ring. One of her friends reveals she’s messing with a married man. The ladies start to debate about it, but Mary Jane, of course, changes the subject before the light starts to shine on her. It’s only going to be a matter of time before her secret comes out, though! From there, the ladies start talking about their secrets: Kara admits she got laid with an intern! Tomiko bought a bigger ring than her man actually gave her! The ladies want dirt on MJ, and she pulls out the sperm she took from David! In a baking soda box no less. Lisa is irritated that she did that, believing she could adopt (plus apparently MJ froze it wrong anyway). It was just an option for Mary Jane, I guess. She’s almost 40 and still single, so she’s trying to take her family planning into her own hands, I guess? But let’s talk about how that stripper stayed there and milked up all their secrets!!! I see him blackmailing MJ especially since she is a broadcast journalist! 
Back to Andre and Avery’s mess. He  tries to blame Avery for stepping outside of the marriage, claiming that the passion and sex is gone. Of course, they get into a huge argument. Meanwhile, Mary Jane is trying to text him, and he won’t answer. They keep arguing and MJ’s texts keep beeping. Surprisingly though, Avery and Andre have sex! Mary Jane wakes up the next morning to find that Andre still hasn’t responded to her. Oh but he loves her. Girl bye.
The drama continues when an all new episode of Being Mary Jane airs next Tuesday at 10 p.m. EST! 

What did you think of last night’s episode?
Image via BET

"Girls Night In"-Being Mary Jane S1, E2 (RECAP)

Published January 16, 2014 by BrittanyShawnte

How many of you are loving Being Mary Jane?! I know I am! The show hasn’t been without its share of controversy about MJ’s affair with a married man, and how it sensitizes the issue like Scandal, and all that. I personally like the show, because it opens us up to some honest discussion about love, marriage, cheating, etc. I even had a interesting little debate on Twitter last night with somebody about the important factors in a relationship or marriage (In my opinion, love is the foundation, but it’s not the only thing to consider before being with someone).

After their romp in the gym last episode, Mary Jane heads over to Andre’s hotel room to “talk.” He tries to kiss her, and she shrugs him off. Deep down, she knows she’s wrong for messing with him, but she can’t seem to turn away. Then, out of the blue, the fool asks her to marry her! “We just screwed in the gym…that’s not love!” she screams. He tries to get her to see his side, and pulls out the ring, and she blocks everything out. As he continues to talk about how much he “loves” her, and wants to be with her, she tears up. “All you do is make me cry,” she says and she turns to leave. Andre yells after her saying that he needs to tell his wife “something” about their status. That right there…lets me know that he doesn’t truly care. He just wants to try to justify the situation in some way to his wife!

Read more below!

Later, MJ goes to see her dad who just bought a hot new car. They talk about Mama Patterson, who is too sick and tired to go out for a drive, which is a shame. MJ’s niece, Niecy comes down the steps. MJ was supposed to take her to a doctor’s appointment for her baby, but Niecy claims that her baby daddy Dante is going to take her. No apology or anything. Just a complete waste of Mary Jane’s time.

Meanwhile, Avery has a conversation with Andrr about the different things she needs him to do for their kids. She then brings up the fact that a girl at her firm, Jill found out her husband was cheating on her, but didn’t leave him. Instead, she drew up a post-nup that if he ever cheats, she gets everything! At that very moment, Avery pulls out a postnup of her own for Andre to sign, but he refuses. Avery sits in shock as she believes now that he does love Mary Jane. I don’t think Andre’s really in love with MJ. I think he’s in love with the idea of the newness of the situation, and the potential of what it could be. Mary Jane doesn’t love Andre either. She’s in love with the idea of having a life with someone more so than anything.

That afternoon, Niecy waits for Dante to take her to her appointment, but he sure ain’t coming! To be real, I need her to stop getting pregnant like it’s cute. Meanwhile, Mary Jane gets the ring back  from Andre in a package at her desk, and doesn’t know what to think. When she walks out for a moment, Kara tries to talk about their argument and try to fix things.

However, Mary Jane is pissed that Kara is working on Mark’s show and went behind her back to do it! She has to hear it from Gary, their supervisor, of all people.
That night, MJ goes out to dinner with her dad, and he talks about how it can be hard it can be to watch her mom so sick. He still really loves her though. The topic then turns to marriage as Mary Jane brings up the fact that she doesn’t know why we are all rushing to get married. Her father, however, can’t wait until the guy calls her up for her hand in marriage! Little does he know, she already got a proposal…from a married man! During the dinner, an old friend Kathryn comes up to them and asks to finally visit MJ’s mother. though it seems like she is really more so interested in her father! Mary Jane peeps it too!
The next morning, Mary Jane goes to talk to Mark about Kara joining his show. His show really is in trouble, and he could use the help honestly. She sees his wedding ring, and wonders if she wants to get married. Maybe it’s just something she says she wants, just because she’s supposed to. It’s a good thought. Later, she goes to see her family, and finds out Dante didn’t show up, and Niecy is heartbroken. Meanwhile, Kathryn shows up like a silver fox and hangs out with her dad.

Back at his house, Andre finds Avery sobbing in the closet. He tries to console her, but she promptly kicks him out!

Since MJ sees Kathryn’s true intentions, he asks her mother if it would kill her to go on a drive with her father. Mama Patterson already sees what Kathryn is doing. She knows that she had it back in the day, but now she knows that her disease is taking over.  There’s not so much she can do now, really.

That night, Tomiko, an old friend of MJ’s who took her old job, comes over to see Mary Jane at her girls’ night. Kara decides she can show up too, and brings wine as a peace offering. Kara apologizes, and knows that she should have told her the truth herself. They make up. As Kara walks away, a cop knocks at the door, but of course, it’s a stripper! And the party begins!

Back at her house, Avery goes OFF on Andre, asking him who is going to want her now with two kids and her stretch marks. She was with him when he had nothing, and “made him into the man other women want,” and he doesn’t even realize. 

Back at MJ’s, Tomiko shows off her wedding ring. One of her friends reveals she’s messing with a married man. The ladies start to debate about it, but Mary Jane, of course, changes the subject before the light starts to shine on her. It’s only going to be a matter of time before her secret comes out, though! From there, the ladies start talking about their secrets: Kara admits she got laid with an intern! Tomiko bought a bigger ring than her man actually gave her! The ladies want dirt on MJ, and she pulls out the sperm she took from David! In a baking soda box no less. Lisa is irritated that she did that, believing she could adopt (plus apparently MJ froze it wrong anyway). It was just an option for Mary Jane, I guess. She’s almost 40 and still single, so she’s trying to take her family planning into her own hands, I guess? But let’s talk about how that stripper stayed there and milked up all their secrets!!! I see him blackmailing MJ especially since she is a broadcast journalist! 
Back to Andre and Avery’s mess. He  tries to blame Avery for stepping outside of the marriage, claiming that the passion and sex is gone. Of course, they get into a huge argument. Meanwhile, Mary Jane is trying to text him, and he won’t answer. They keep arguing and MJ’s texts keep beeping. Surprisingly though, Avery and Andre have sex! Mary Jane wakes up the next morning to find that Andre still hasn’t responded to her. Oh but he loves her. Girl bye.
The drama continues when an all new episode of Being Mary Jane airs next Tuesday at 10 p.m. EST! 

What did you think of last night’s episode?
Image via BET

"Storm Advisory"-Being Mary Jane Season Premiere (RECAP)

Published January 8, 2014 by BrittanyShawnte

This summer, we got a glimpse into the life of Mary Jane Paul, played by the fabulous Gabrielle Union, on BET’s new series Being Mary JaneThe two hour pilot that we saw back in July introduced Mary Jane as a broadcast journalist, who struggles with men, family and friends. The series has been picked up for a short season of eight episodes, and has already been picked up for a second (hopefully with more episodes)!

To start last night’s premiere, we see Mary Jane running frantically to her friend Lisa’s house (Lisa was seen as a doctor last season) and breaking in. Turns out that Lisa has taken a lot of pills, and is out of it on her bed. MJ quickly gets her up and helps to revive her. She stays the night with her friend, and even cooks for her the next morning. Lisa is clearly struggling with something, though we don’t know what just yet. The next morning, the two talk, and Lisa promises that she will call Mary Jane before ever doing something like that again.

Mary Jane heads back to the arms of her lover David at home. At that moment, Andre (who MJ had an
 affair with, until she found out he was MARRIED!) pops up at the gate. When David goes to find out what he’s doing, Andre claims to have pulled over to send a text, though he was definitely trying to get in! Mary Jane watches sneakily through the window, but acts like nothing at all is wrong when David comes back in. He then invites her to a concert, which she happily accepts.

Going into the office, Mary Jane stops to get coffee for her and her friend/producer Kara. Kara calls her and informs her that a co-worker has been fired, and that she needs to get into the office ASAP! At that moment, Andre shows up at MJ’s car (can we say stalker?!!), wanting to talk. MJ tells him off again, saying that he is married and needs to get away from her, and speeds away.

Changes are happening at Mary Jane’s station, and her supervisor Gary plans to have individual meetings to discuss who is best for the network. After the meeting, Kara tells MJ that she should cover a hurricane in Florida. Like most black women would, Mary Jane refuses because of her hair (and the fact that no one really wants to be in the middle of a hurricane!) and suggests a local girl to go down there. Back at her office, MJ gets word that a fan wants to meet her. Turns out that the “fan” is Avery Daniels, Andre’s wife, whom Mary Jane told about the affair, though MJ had no idea she was married! Avery is really bold, pulling out phone records of Andre calling MJ, and drilling her about their affair, if they’ve talked about a future, and if he loves her! Andre told her that he loved her once, but it probably wasn’t true. Avery walks out, seemingly with a sense of satisfaction, feeling like MJ will never actually be with her husband.

In the middle of the  broadcast on Hurricane Kenny, Kara’s kids come to see her along with her ex-husband, waiting for her to attend the oldest son’s recital. However, both Kara and Mary Jane are asked to stay to cover the hurricane. Kara has to disappoint her kids, and MJ has to break her plans with David. It’s the life of working women all over the country, especially those with significant others and children. Sometimes you have to choose between your work and your personal life, and it sucks.

During the broadcast, Lindsay tries to come home because it’s getting really bad down there, but Kara wants her to stay and get the story! Lindsay leaves the camera with a couple who is staying to ride out the hurricane, and Kara keeps rolling with them on the air for the ratings, and a possible award! Suddenly the camera goes black, implying that something bad might have happened to the couple. Mary Jane explodes on Kara, knowing that Kara used them for ratings. It doesn’t work out bad for Kara, though. Afterwards, Gary asks Kara to consider consulting on another show, which she agrees to. It’s crazy, though. Kara clearly had no conscience about using that couple the way she did. It’s an issue that many companies, and the media especially (even myself), deal with all the time–ethics versus numbers. Would you rather stand by your standards, or push them aside to get more money, better ratings, or a few more clicks? It’s a deliberate choice.

After the blowup, MJ calls David, who is driving to meet someone else. She hangs up angrily, but then calls him back and drills him about what’s going on with the other girl. David then calls her out about Andre, but she denies sleeping with him. Since she couldn’t go to the concert, he is meeting up with someone else. They aren’t together, and David really doesn’t owe her an explanation. He was honest with her about what he wanted at that point, and Mary Jane clearly wasn’t ready. Most of us have been there. That’s why I can’t do the friends with benefits thing. Emotions get involved, even if you claim they won’t.

Mary Jane’s night seems to go on as usual, but it’s clear she has a lot on her mind. She runs on the treadmill, but eventually gets off. Andre is also there (STALKER!!!) and follows that girl in the shower to talk! MJ demands the password to her phone which is her address (SERIOUSLY?! I know he just changed that for that moment!). She unlocks it, sees a picture of the man’s family, and breaks down into tears. However, with Andre’s slick talk, he gets her to have sex with her right then, right there! Again, it’s a situation that many have dealt with, not necessarily with a married man, but being involved with someone you know you have no business being with! Mary Jane knows better, but it’s hard to walk away sometimes.

What did you think of last night’s premiere of Being Mary Jane? Will you be watching this season?

Images via BET

"Storm Advisory"-Being Mary Jane Season Premiere (RECAP)

Published January 8, 2014 by BrittanyShawnte

This summer, we got a glimpse into the life of Mary Jane Paul, played by the fabulous Gabrielle Union, on BET’s new series Being Mary JaneThe two hour pilot that we saw back in July introduced Mary Jane as a broadcast journalist, who struggles with men, family and friends. The series has been picked up for a short season of eight episodes, and has already been picked up for a second (hopefully with more episodes)!

To start last night’s premiere, we see Mary Jane running frantically to her friend Lisa’s house (Lisa was seen as a doctor last season) and breaking in. Turns out that Lisa has taken a lot of pills, and is out of it on her bed. MJ quickly gets her up and helps to revive her. She stays the night with her friend, and even cooks for her the next morning. Lisa is clearly struggling with something, though we don’t know what just yet. The next morning, the two talk, and Lisa promises that she will call Mary Jane before ever doing something like that again.

Mary Jane heads back to the arms of her lover David at home. At that moment, Andre (who MJ had an
 affair with, until she found out he was MARRIED!) pops up at the gate. When David goes to find out what he’s doing, Andre claims to have pulled over to send a text, though he was definitely trying to get in! Mary Jane watches sneakily through the window, but acts like nothing at all is wrong when David comes back in. He then invites her to a concert, which she happily accepts.

Going into the office, Mary Jane stops to get coffee for her and her friend/producer Kara. Kara calls her and informs her that a co-worker has been fired, and that she needs to get into the office ASAP! At that moment, Andre shows up at MJ’s car (can we say stalker?!!), wanting to talk. MJ tells him off again, saying that he is married and needs to get away from her, and speeds away.

Changes are happening at Mary Jane’s station, and her supervisor Gary plans to have individual meetings to discuss who is best for the network. After the meeting, Kara tells MJ that she should cover a hurricane in Florida. Like most black women would, Mary Jane refuses because of her hair (and the fact that no one really wants to be in the middle of a hurricane!) and suggests a local girl to go down there. Back at her office, MJ gets word that a fan wants to meet her. Turns out that the “fan” is Avery Daniels, Andre’s wife, whom Mary Jane told about the affair, though MJ had no idea she was married! Avery is really bold, pulling out phone records of Andre calling MJ, and drilling her about their affair, if they’ve talked about a future, and if he loves her! Andre told her that he loved her once, but it probably wasn’t true. Avery walks out, seemingly with a sense of satisfaction, feeling like MJ will never actually be with her husband.

In the middle of the  broadcast on Hurricane Kenny, Kara’s kids come to see her along with her ex-husband, waiting for her to attend the oldest son’s recital. However, both Kara and Mary Jane are asked to stay to cover the hurricane. Kara has to disappoint her kids, and MJ has to break her plans with David. It’s the life of working women all over the country, especially those with significant others and children. Sometimes you have to choose between your work and your personal life, and it sucks.

During the broadcast, Lindsay tries to come home because it’s getting really bad down there, but Kara wants her to stay and get the story! Lindsay leaves the camera with a couple who is staying to ride out the hurricane, and Kara keeps rolling with them on the air for the ratings, and a possible award! Suddenly the camera goes black, implying that something bad might have happened to the couple. Mary Jane explodes on Kara, knowing that Kara used them for ratings. It doesn’t work out bad for Kara, though. Afterwards, Gary asks Kara to consider consulting on another show, which she agrees to. It’s crazy, though. Kara clearly had no conscience about using that couple the way she did. It’s an issue that many companies, and the media especially (even myself), deal with all the time–ethics versus numbers. Would you rather stand by your standards, or push them aside to get more money, better ratings, or a few more clicks? It’s a deliberate choice.

After the blowup, MJ calls David, who is driving to meet someone else. She hangs up angrily, but then calls him back and drills him about what’s going on with the other girl. David then calls her out about Andre, but she denies sleeping with him. Since she couldn’t go to the concert, he is meeting up with someone else. They aren’t together, and David really doesn’t owe her an explanation. He was honest with her about what he wanted at that point, and Mary Jane clearly wasn’t ready. Most of us have been there. That’s why I can’t do the friends with benefits thing. Emotions get involved, even if you claim they won’t.

Mary Jane’s night seems to go on as usual, but it’s clear she has a lot on her mind. She runs on the treadmill, but eventually gets off. Andre is also there (STALKER!!!) and follows that girl in the shower to talk! MJ demands the password to her phone which is her address (SERIOUSLY?! I know he just changed that for that moment!). She unlocks it, sees a picture of the man’s family, and breaks down into tears. However, with Andre’s slick talk, he gets her to have sex with her right then, right there! Again, it’s a situation that many have dealt with, not necessarily with a married man, but being involved with someone you know you have no business being with! Mary Jane knows better, but it’s hard to walk away sometimes.

What did you think of last night’s premiere of Being Mary Jane? Will you be watching this season?

Images via BET

Being Mary Jane Pilot (RECAP)

Published July 3, 2013 by BrittanyShawnte

“42% of black women have never been married. Mary Jane is one of them. But she doesn’t represent all of them.”
Being Mary Jane is an upcoming scripted series on BET which stars Gabrielle Union as Mary Jane Paul, a successful TV journalist who seems to have it all, but is struggling to meet Mr. Right. The pilot premiered last night, and I must say it was a good one!
“Successful. Sexy. Searching,” is the tagline for the show, and it’s describes Mary Jane to the tee! We see right from the get go that Mary Jane is doing her thing, with her gorgeous big house and beautiful care. However, she’s very much alone. She has had relations with one guy, but, after finding out that he’s married, she ends it, hosing him down after a romp the night before. She even goes as far as to tell the man’s wife when she sees her in passing one day, who was a big fan of hers up until that day.

At her job, Mary Jane and friend Kara work as a journalist and producer team. While Mary Jane really wants to do stories that trouble her about the black community, but the big shots at the network don’t think that it’s worth it. Aftre getting great ratings for her story on women raping men in Zimbabwe, Mary Jane marches to go talk to them about doing a story on why black women are deemed ugly by some of the mediabecause of the color of their skin. Kara brings her down to earth and tells her that she doesn’t want to be known as the angry black woman at the network with her story.

She also has issues with her family who all need to get their lives together. For starters, her brothers, both grown men, still live at home and don’t do much. Patrick, who is supposed to be taking care of his sickly mother, doesn’t do anything but sit on the couch all day. Her other brother Paul has a job spinning “Open House” signs, and selling weed on the side. Needless to say, they both don’t really have much going on for themselves. Patrick’s daughters both have kids of their own, with M.J.’s niece Niecy pregnant again (Mary Jane was surprised to find that she was eight months along!). Patrick secretly resents her success and how she always does everything for their family (as we see when M.J. buys Niecy a stroller she really wanted, after Patrick asked M.J. for $500 early on in the episode. We find out he wanted to get it for her to feel like a good father to Niecy and, I think, more of a man).
Towards the end, M.J. watches the Dark Girls documentary at the office, when she gets an IM from an old friend David who asks her to go to dinner with him that very moment. She gets ready with extra clothes left there. Tara calls her and tells her that it’s definitely just a booty call, which Mary Jane already knew, which is why she had some alone time beforehand to ward off temptation. She calls David sitting in front of the diner, and tells him that they’re both grown. A booty call should be a booty call, and dinner should be thought out and planned within a day’s notice. Good for her for putting the standards out there. David shows up that night with chips and salsa, and asks for consensual sex, which she agrees to. However, she steals his sperm from his condom and preserves it in the freezer, getting the idea from the story she did earlier in the show. Keeping her options open?!
I definitely think that this will be a good show. I love Gabrielle Union and the way she plays this character. This isn’t EVERY black woman’s story, but I’m sure many can relate in some way. It’s not far-fetched at all, and kept my eyes glued to the television. It’s a great plot, and I hope that it does well when it premieres next year. Yes, unfortunately, we have to wait til early next year for the show’s official premiere, but it will be well worth the wait!
What did you think of Being Mary Jane?

Images via BET

Being Mary Jane Pilot (RECAP)

Published July 3, 2013 by BrittanyShawnte

“42% of black women have never been married. Mary Jane is one of them. But she doesn’t represent all of them.”
Being Mary Jane is an upcoming scripted series on BET which stars Gabrielle Union as Mary Jane Paul, a successful TV journalist who seems to have it all, but is struggling to meet Mr. Right. The pilot premiered last night, and I must say it was a good one!
“Successful. Sexy. Searching,” is the tagline for the show, and it’s describes Mary Jane to the tee! We see right from the get go that Mary Jane is doing her thing, with her gorgeous big house and beautiful care. However, she’s very much alone. She has had relations with one guy, but, after finding out that he’s married, she ends it, hosing him down after a romp the night before. She even goes as far as to tell the man’s wife when she sees her in passing one day, who was a big fan of hers up until that day.

At her job, Mary Jane and friend Kara work as a journalist and producer team. While Mary Jane really wants to do stories that trouble her about the black community, but the big shots at the network don’t think that it’s worth it. Aftre getting great ratings for her story on women raping men in Zimbabwe, Mary Jane marches to go talk to them about doing a story on why black women are deemed ugly by some of the mediabecause of the color of their skin. Kara brings her down to earth and tells her that she doesn’t want to be known as the angry black woman at the network with her story.

She also has issues with her family who all need to get their lives together. For starters, her brothers, both grown men, still live at home and don’t do much. Patrick, who is supposed to be taking care of his sickly mother, doesn’t do anything but sit on the couch all day. Her other brother Paul has a job spinning “Open House” signs, and selling weed on the side. Needless to say, they both don’t really have much going on for themselves. Patrick’s daughters both have kids of their own, with M.J.’s niece Niecy pregnant again (Mary Jane was surprised to find that she was eight months along!). Patrick secretly resents her success and how she always does everything for their family (as we see when M.J. buys Niecy a stroller she really wanted, after Patrick asked M.J. for $500 early on in the episode. We find out he wanted to get it for her to feel like a good father to Niecy and, I think, more of a man).
Towards the end, M.J. watches the Dark Girls documentary at the office, when she gets an IM from an old friend David who asks her to go to dinner with him that very moment. She gets ready with extra clothes left there. Tara calls her and tells her that it’s definitely just a booty call, which Mary Jane already knew, which is why she had some alone time beforehand to ward off temptation. She calls David sitting in front of the diner, and tells him that they’re both grown. A booty call should be a booty call, and dinner should be thought out and planned within a day’s notice. Good for her for putting the standards out there. David shows up that night with chips and salsa, and asks for consensual sex, which she agrees to. However, she steals his sperm from his condom and preserves it in the freezer, getting the idea from the story she did earlier in the show. Keeping her options open?!
I definitely think that this will be a good show. I love Gabrielle Union and the way she plays this character. This isn’t EVERY black woman’s story, but I’m sure many can relate in some way. It’s not far-fetched at all, and kept my eyes glued to the television. It’s a great plot, and I hope that it does well when it premieres next year. Yes, unfortunately, we have to wait til early next year for the show’s official premiere, but it will be well worth the wait!
What did you think of Being Mary Jane?

Images via BET