Gabrielle Union

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RECAP: "People in Glass Houses Shouldn’t Throw Fish"-Being Mary Jane Season 2 Premiere

Published February 4, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Being Mary Jane is back for what looks to be an explosive second season! Picking up from last season, Mary Jane returns home from saying goodbye to David, and is obviously upset. So upset, in fact, that she ends up throwing her fish bowl through her glass window in the living room! I was wondering what the title of this episode was about! Poor Starsky.

Later on, Mary Jane hosts a small dinner with her friends to discuss a book they read (I’m assuming she either got that glass fixed pretty quickly or this is a while later). The group debates blacks and their roles in American history. They disagree on some things, but it’s all in good fun, though MJ is getting too drunk for her own good! Her brother Paul, Jr comes over, and after a heated debate over their father and his own job, Mary Jane ends up going off about him and her other brother Patrick, who both still live at home. So drunk, MJ expresses her feelings about Patrick’s job as security for movie trailers, and Paul selling drugs. Paul goes for the jugular when he says that now he sees why David doesn’t want her and is with “that white chick” Ana, and leaves. That quickly shuts MJ up for a second, but then she turns to Val, who made some analogy comparing her brothers to ducks trying to survive or something like that. Mary Jane says that maybe she should be done with both Val and her husband Chris since they are really David’s friends! This woman is really unraveling, and it’s quite sad to watch how she’s acting…over a guy.
The next morning, Mary Jane is a hot drunk mess. She peed in the bed, and ends up throwing up outside after not being able to make it to the bathroom. She manages to pull it together and get to work, where she and Kara discuss interview ideas. Right when they’re getting somewhere, Mary Jane brings up David…AGAIN. I can’t deal with her. He’s with someone else and the girl is pregnant (though MJ doesn’t know that yet at this point), so I need her to let it go. Kara is trying to save her from going down the same road Kara herself went down with her ex, but MJ is not really trying to hear it.

Meanwhile at the Pattersons, Niecy invites a friend over without permission, which gets Mama Helen upset. She goes off on Niecy about how she’s tired of all of these grown people living in her house doing nothing. Niecy talks about plans to go to nursing school, but seems perfectly content living off Mary Jane and her grandparents. The little girl makes it seem like she can handle it all on her own, and doesn’t need to be there, but she has two kids, and doesn’t have a real plan for her life. It seems like she’s going to try to move about….but really where is she going to go?!

At work, MJ is stalking David’s girlfriend online. She then goes to meet Valerie, and apologizes for her outburst, admitting that she’s jealous of Valerie’s picture perfect life. Mary Jane even says “I want the life you post on Instagram because that looks awesome.”  Valerie tells her that both she and Chris have to work at their lives and marriages, and admits that they had a fight before they came over to MJ’s house that night. That’s SOCIETY’S problem, honestly. We see the glitz and glamour on people’s social pages, and envy them like their lives are perfect, but why? Just because you see a lot of good in someone’s life, doesn’t mean that they don’t have struggles. No one’s going to show the bad stuff going on with them online (I should write a post on about that!). Then Mary Jane pries for more information about David’s girlfriend, and Valerie refuses to talk to her about any of it. Mary Jane is making herself look crazy, and like a fake friend who’s only hanging out

with Valerie to keep up with what David has going on! When Valerie states that she thinks Mary Jane is stressed and might need a vacation. MJ gets mad at her for suggesting it, and storms off. However, the way she’s acting, it might not be such a bad idea!

That night, Mary Jane looks through old texts from David. She gets a  mysterious call, which turns out to be Niecy with her kids at the bus station. Obviously Niecy tried to run away, but how far can you really get with no job, probably no money, and two kids at the hip?  Surprise, surprise, MJ brings them all over to her house. Niecy vents about Helen, and opens up about her plans for nursing school, which Mary Jane says she’ll pay for. That night, Kara calls and suggests MJ freezing her eggs (“the modern day woman’s insurance policy”) and covering it for the show. Surprisingly, Mary Jane goes for it without hesitation. She then holds Niecy’s newborn Isabelle….and accidentally butt dials David! This guy probably thinks she’s insane.

The next day, Mary Jane comes over to Val and Chris’ house and asks again about David! She claims to need closure, and will sacrifice her pride to get it obviously. Sick of it all, Chris picks up the phone and calls David, and tells him that they both need to talk. It’s all so sad and embarrassing. From last season, I had hope that MJ was going to be stronger than this, but now she just looks clingy and crazy! She goes back home, after hearing that Anna is expecting. Niecy’s dad Patrick is there trying to convince Niecy to stay at her grandparents with him until he can put some stuff together.

David surprisingly comes over, which I swore for a second was a dream, and Mary Jane bombards him with questions. She asks outright if David is with Ana because he loves her or because of the baby? David implies that it’s because of the baby, when he says basically that he wants his baby to have two parents around all the time. Mary Jane feels like he let her believe that it was something wrong with her, that it was her fault that they broke up. MJ herself wanted to have children under the right circumstances, and feels like she’s being punished for trying to get her career together first. He grabs her hand, and assures her she’s not. They end up kissing and almost going further, until MJ cries and stops it, saying that that was supposed to be their baby. The next morning, MJ wakes up to a note from David that says “I’m sorry.” We then see her getting back to work, and hopefully that conversation gave her some kind of peace!

Be sure to check out all new episodes of Being Mary Jane on Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET only on BET! 

Being Mary Jane Season Finale (RECAP)

Published February 27, 2014 by BrittanyShawnte

Can’t believe that already we’re at the season finale of Being Mary Jane!!! Picking up from last week, the TWO-HOUR episode starts out with Mary Jane going over to her parents’ house to apologize to Niecy for how she spoke to her, and for not celebrating the baby at all. At first, Niecy refuses the gifts that MJ brings along, but eventually breaks down as to her true reason for wanting this baby. Niecy admits that the baby with Dante wasn’t a mistake at all. Her daughter is going  to be half-Filipino, half black, light-skinned, and have an easier life because of it. MJ tries to tell her that she’s beautiful, but Niecy just think she’s good at sex and that’s why guys come around. She wants her baby to have every possibility and, to her, being pretty will do it. Niecy doesn’t believe that she is herself, and MJ comforts her. The two open Niecy’s gifts, and have a little sleepover, watching movies and spending time together. It was nice to see that moment between them.

When Mary Jane returns back to her house, there are photographers EVERYWHERE. Turns out that Terrence Mitchell committed suicide, presumably from the story that Mary Jane did. At work, she has a meeting with Kara, her boss, and the lawyers to figure out to best deal with this. The lawyers and her boss both advise her that she shouldn’t make any statements until this is settled. Mary Jane wants to do an immediate response, believing the longer she remains silent, the more guilty she looks. However, her boss refuses the idea.

In fact, the network suspends her show temporarily, with Mark covering for her for the time being. Mary Jane is pissed at Kara, because Kara told her to do the story in the first place. Back at the Patterson house,  her brothers are watching a debate about how Mary Jane betrayed her friend. She drowns her sorrows in ice cream, and her father comes in to talk to her about it. Paul asks her if he would’ve done that to her? He was taught that his friends and family had to stick together no matter what. However, it’s still her life, and Paul is not going to judge her for her actions.

At the office, Mary Jane gets a copy of Terrence’s book with a note from him. Later, she watches Mark’s show, proudly. She goes for some retail therapy, still upset about her suspension. She breaks down when she gets home, and her housekeeper comforts her. Right at that moment, MJ get a call from Patrick, saying that Niecy’s baby is on the way! Meanwhile, Kara goes back to her house, where John is watching the kids. She admits what’s going on at work, and breaks down because she feels like she’s a bad mother for always being involved in work. John tells her that it’s okay to be ambitious, and that it doesn’t make her less of a mom at all. It was good to see them actually have a nice moment!

At the Pattersons, Niecy wants to wait for Dante, who is definitely not coming. Mama Helen tells everyone that she’s doing it all for attention, and that Niecy needs to get her behind up and go to the hospital! While everyone else goes on, Patrick and Paul, Jr. knock at Dante’s door and tells him the baby is coming. When Dante’s mom comes to the door and invites them in, it’s clear she doesn’t know what’s going on or that she’s about to be a grandmother! In fact, Dante is about to have TWO kids, since he got another girl pregnant as well. His mother tells him that he needs to go, though she’s in shock that her son is about to be a father.

Mary Jane and Paul walk around the baby floor, with MJ clearly in awe of the newborns. Paul tells her that she has time to have kids herself, which I know she really wants. Back at the room, Niecy comes in with the baby (she had a private procedure since she was also getting her tubes tied). The baby girl, who Niecy named Isabel Aquino, is BEAUTIFUL. Dante holds her for the first time and is in love. He and Patrick take turns holding her, but Mary Jane is the only one that can calm her down. Later, Lisa calls to check on MJ. Mary Jane reveals that David left her a sweet message too, and it’s like a sign that everything is going to be okay.

The next night, Mary Jane comes back on the air, and gives her statement on Terrence’s death. She refuses to read the pre-written statement, and says that she regrets how she handled Terrence’s journalistic fraud. Mary Jane stands up and says that she will no longer be silent about injustice, and, presumably, no longer silent about the type of stories she will cover. She apologizes to Terrence for what she did. After the show goes off air, MJ gets a round of applause from many watching, and even Kara is proud of her!

Moving on into the second part of the finale! David comes by to check on Mary Jane, but also to ask her if she stole his sperm! After MJ dodges the question, he marches into her kitchen, and opens the freezer to search. Mary Jane tells him it’s in the baking soda. He asks her if she’s pregnant, and tells her to prove it, and pulls out a pregnancy test! He refuses to leave until she takes the test, but she informs him that she froze it wrong anyway. He wonders why she was crazy enough to do it in the first place. He believes that she’s not pregnant, and tells her that if she wanted a baby, all she had to do was ask. She runs out of the door after him, and drives up the road like a mad woman! Getting his attention, they both pull over, and she lets him know that there has never been anybody but him. He tells her that she is the one who left, and she didn’t chase hard enough. She was supposed to love him, and she didn’t. Now he’s moved on, and she needs to let him go!

The next day at work, MJ vents to Kara about last night. They both have a feeling of who told David. That night, Mary Jane confronts Nichelle, who tells everybody everything, figuring it was her. Nichelle angrily denies it, and tells her that she has no room for toxic people in her life. She feels used by Mary Jane, who only seems to hang around when she wants to have a good time, but is never a real friend to Nichelle. As Nichelle walks away, Mary Jane lets her know that not only are they no longer friends, but MJ’s no longer her client. Later, Lisa comes over for drinks and hears the story. They drink and drink and Lisa finally tells her the truth: she did it. It “accidentally slipped out.” She didn’t want to tell MJ because she was afraid of losing her as a friend. The two drink and laugh about how Mary Jane cursed out Nichelle, seemingly over the whole incident with liquor in them! They drunk dial Nichelle and Mary Jane leaves all of these messages for her.

The ladies have a driver drive them to David’s house, where he’s clearly having a dinner party. His girlfriend opens the door, and tells Mary Jane that this won’t end well for her, but Mary Jane comes in anyway. David and MJ have a big fight, with MJ feeling like this was supposed to be her house, but he gave it to a white woman. He’s half-white, so it’s very awkward! She feels like she is his ride or die. She did everything for him when he was building his website, BUT, as David points out, she left him in the midst of it. She asks David if he would’ve married her if she had waited, but he doesn’t want to live in the past anymore. Embarrassed, Mary Jane leaves.

Lisa gets called into work (she was sober for a while it turns out). Leo the driver has instructions to drive Mary Jane to Kara’s. Mary Jane picks up Kara, and, after she admits her affair to Kara, they hit the liquor store to get more drinks. Back at MJ’s Kara wants to punch her because all she can see is John’s mistress when she looks at her. Kara tells her that she needs to apologize to Avery! This whole night is a MESS!

So Leo drives them both to Andre’s, where they seem him leaving with his kids, presumably to stay with him for a few days. Avery sees the car and confronts them. Surprisingly, she lets them both in, where Mary Jane genuinely apologizes to Avery, and asks her to take Andre back. Kara gives her opinion as well, about how upset she was when John cheated on her. Kara tells her that Mary Jane was obviously doing something that she wasn’t, and she should take advice from her. It actually didn’t come from a mean place. It was honesty from one woman who was cheated on to another. After Avery finally tells them they should leave, Mary Jane tries to give her own tidbits of advice that Avery should do for Andre if she takes him back. MJ apologizes to Kara too. After Leo drops Kara at home, he gives her advice that he got from a popular book written by a Rabbi Goldstein. Leo tells her to stay grateful even when faced with the storm of life. “Everything that you are going through right now is preparing you for what you asked for,” he tells her. I put my own sticky with that quote on my computer at work the very next day! Definitely something to remember. When Lisa comes over to see her, Mary Jane asks her to inseminate her with David’s sperm. Lisa tells her that she’s lost him, and he doesn’t want her. She almost does it anyway, knowing it won’t work. However, Mary Jane stops her right before she does, knowing that she needs to move on.

At the end of the episode, Mary Jane has Rabbi Goldstein on the show, who advises that the only way to move on is forgiveness. Andre goes back to Avery. Mary Jane gives the sperm back to David, and tells him that she hopes he has a good life, giving him a goodbye kiss. We also find out that David is having a baby with his girlfriend, but after that kiss, it looks like he may be having a little change of heart. However, it looks like Mary Jane is moving forward, which is all I’ve wanted for her character from the beginning. She reminds me in certain ways of myself, which I may talk about ONE DAY on my personal website, but I’m not ready yet.

I KNOW that BET is renewing this show for a second season, and I can’t wait to see what’s to come! 

What did you think of the season finale, and of the show in general? Sound off below!

Being Mary Jane Season Finale (RECAP)

Published February 27, 2014 by BrittanyShawnte

Can’t believe that already we’re at the season finale of Being Mary Jane!!! Picking up from last week, the TWO-HOUR episode starts out with Mary Jane going over to her parents’ house to apologize to Niecy for how she spoke to her, and for not celebrating the baby at all. At first, Niecy refuses the gifts that MJ brings along, but eventually breaks down as to her true reason for wanting this baby. Niecy admits that the baby with Dante wasn’t a mistake at all. Her daughter is going  to be half-Filipino, half black, light-skinned, and have an easier life because of it. MJ tries to tell her that she’s beautiful, but Niecy just think she’s good at sex and that’s why guys come around. She wants her baby to have every possibility and, to her, being pretty will do it. Niecy doesn’t believe that she is herself, and MJ comforts her. The two open Niecy’s gifts, and have a little sleepover, watching movies and spending time together. It was nice to see that moment between them.

When Mary Jane returns back to her house, there are photographers EVERYWHERE. Turns out that Terrence Mitchell committed suicide, presumably from the story that Mary Jane did. At work, she has a meeting with Kara, her boss, and the lawyers to figure out to best deal with this. The lawyers and her boss both advise her that she shouldn’t make any statements until this is settled. Mary Jane wants to do an immediate response, believing the longer she remains silent, the more guilty she looks. However, her boss refuses the idea.

In fact, the network suspends her show temporarily, with Mark covering for her for the time being. Mary Jane is pissed at Kara, because Kara told her to do the story in the first place. Back at the Patterson house,  her brothers are watching a debate about how Mary Jane betrayed her friend. She drowns her sorrows in ice cream, and her father comes in to talk to her about it. Paul asks her if he would’ve done that to her? He was taught that his friends and family had to stick together no matter what. However, it’s still her life, and Paul is not going to judge her for her actions.

At the office, Mary Jane gets a copy of Terrence’s book with a note from him. Later, she watches Mark’s show, proudly. She goes for some retail therapy, still upset about her suspension. She breaks down when she gets home, and her housekeeper comforts her. Right at that moment, MJ get a call from Patrick, saying that Niecy’s baby is on the way! Meanwhile, Kara goes back to her house, where John is watching the kids. She admits what’s going on at work, and breaks down because she feels like she’s a bad mother for always being involved in work. John tells her that it’s okay to be ambitious, and that it doesn’t make her less of a mom at all. It was good to see them actually have a nice moment!

At the Pattersons, Niecy wants to wait for Dante, who is definitely not coming. Mama Helen tells everyone that she’s doing it all for attention, and that Niecy needs to get her behind up and go to the hospital! While everyone else goes on, Patrick and Paul, Jr. knock at Dante’s door and tells him the baby is coming. When Dante’s mom comes to the door and invites them in, it’s clear she doesn’t know what’s going on or that she’s about to be a grandmother! In fact, Dante is about to have TWO kids, since he got another girl pregnant as well. His mother tells him that he needs to go, though she’s in shock that her son is about to be a father.

Mary Jane and Paul walk around the baby floor, with MJ clearly in awe of the newborns. Paul tells her that she has time to have kids herself, which I know she really wants. Back at the room, Niecy comes in with the baby (she had a private procedure since she was also getting her tubes tied). The baby girl, who Niecy named Isabel Aquino, is BEAUTIFUL. Dante holds her for the first time and is in love. He and Patrick take turns holding her, but Mary Jane is the only one that can calm her down. Later, Lisa calls to check on MJ. Mary Jane reveals that David left her a sweet message too, and it’s like a sign that everything is going to be okay.

The next night, Mary Jane comes back on the air, and gives her statement on Terrence’s death. She refuses to read the pre-written statement, and says that she regrets how she handled Terrence’s journalistic fraud. Mary Jane stands up and says that she will no longer be silent about injustice, and, presumably, no longer silent about the type of stories she will cover. She apologizes to Terrence for what she did. After the show goes off air, MJ gets a round of applause from many watching, and even Kara is proud of her!

Moving on into the second part of the finale! David comes by to check on Mary Jane, but also to ask her if she stole his sperm! After MJ dodges the question, he marches into her kitchen, and opens the freezer to search. Mary Jane tells him it’s in the baking soda. He asks her if she’s pregnant, and tells her to prove it, and pulls out a pregnancy test! He refuses to leave until she takes the test, but she informs him that she froze it wrong anyway. He wonders why she was crazy enough to do it in the first place. He believes that she’s not pregnant, and tells her that if she wanted a baby, all she had to do was ask. She runs out of the door after him, and drives up the road like a mad woman! Getting his attention, they both pull over, and she lets him know that there has never been anybody but him. He tells her that she is the one who left, and she didn’t chase hard enough. She was supposed to love him, and she didn’t. Now he’s moved on, and she needs to let him go!

The next day at work, MJ vents to Kara about last night. They both have a feeling of who told David. That night, Mary Jane confronts Nichelle, who tells everybody everything, figuring it was her. Nichelle angrily denies it, and tells her that she has no room for toxic people in her life. She feels used by Mary Jane, who only seems to hang around when she wants to have a good time, but is never a real friend to Nichelle. As Nichelle walks away, Mary Jane lets her know that not only are they no longer friends, but MJ’s no longer her client. Later, Lisa comes over for drinks and hears the story. They drink and drink and Lisa finally tells her the truth: she did it. It “accidentally slipped out.” She didn’t want to tell MJ because she was afraid of losing her as a friend. The two drink and laugh about how Mary Jane cursed out Nichelle, seemingly over the whole incident with liquor in them! They drunk dial Nichelle and Mary Jane leaves all of these messages for her.

The ladies have a driver drive them to David’s house, where he’s clearly having a dinner party. His girlfriend opens the door, and tells Mary Jane that this won’t end well for her, but Mary Jane comes in anyway. David and MJ have a big fight, with MJ feeling like this was supposed to be her house, but he gave it to a white woman. He’s half-white, so it’s very awkward! She feels like she is his ride or die. She did everything for him when he was building his website, BUT, as David points out, she left him in the midst of it. She asks David if he would’ve married her if she had waited, but he doesn’t want to live in the past anymore. Embarrassed, Mary Jane leaves.

Lisa gets called into work (she was sober for a while it turns out). Leo the driver has instructions to drive Mary Jane to Kara’s. Mary Jane picks up Kara, and, after she admits her affair to Kara, they hit the liquor store to get more drinks. Back at MJ’s Kara wants to punch her because all she can see is John’s mistress when she looks at her. Kara tells her that she needs to apologize to Avery! This whole night is a MESS!

So Leo drives them both to Andre’s, where they seem him leaving with his kids, presumably to stay with him for a few days. Avery sees the car and confronts them. Surprisingly, she lets them both in, where Mary Jane genuinely apologizes to Avery, and asks her to take Andre back. Kara gives her opinion as well, about how upset she was when John cheated on her. Kara tells her that Mary Jane was obviously doing something that she wasn’t, and she should take advice from her. It actually didn’t come from a mean place. It was honesty from one woman who was cheated on to another. After Avery finally tells them they should leave, Mary Jane tries to give her own tidbits of advice that Avery should do for Andre if she takes him back. MJ apologizes to Kara too. After Leo drops Kara at home, he gives her advice that he got from a popular book written by a Rabbi Goldstein. Leo tells her to stay grateful even when faced with the storm of life. “Everything that you are going through right now is preparing you for what you asked for,” he tells her. I put my own sticky with that quote on my computer at work the very next day! Definitely something to remember. When Lisa comes over to see her, Mary Jane asks her to inseminate her with David’s sperm. Lisa tells her that she’s lost him, and he doesn’t want her. She almost does it anyway, knowing it won’t work. However, Mary Jane stops her right before she does, knowing that she needs to move on.

At the end of the episode, Mary Jane has Rabbi Goldstein on the show, who advises that the only way to move on is forgiveness. Andre goes back to Avery. Mary Jane gives the sperm back to David, and tells him that she hopes he has a good life, giving him a goodbye kiss. We also find out that David is having a baby with his girlfriend, but after that kiss, it looks like he may be having a little change of heart. However, it looks like Mary Jane is moving forward, which is all I’ve wanted for her character from the beginning. She reminds me in certain ways of myself, which I may talk about ONE DAY on my personal website, but I’m not ready yet.

I KNOW that BET is renewing this show for a second season, and I can’t wait to see what’s to come! 

What did you think of the season finale, and of the show in general? Sound off below!

"Hindsight Is 20/40"-Being Mary Jane, S1, E6 (RECAP)

Published February 19, 2014 by BrittanyShawnte

Being Mary Jane is almost done for the season, and I’m seriously going to miss it! (Luckily Scandal comes back on February 27!) Picking up from last episode, Mary Jane cooks dinner for herself and Andre. However, he comes in the house acting funny, like he has a problem or something. Turns out a friend of his went to the gala, and showed him a picture of his wife, which had MJ dancing with David in the background. That picture turns into a full blown argument! He’s obviously resentful about being away from his kids to be with her, and feels guilty for breaking up their family. MJ wants him to tell his kids the truth! He still feels like she’s lying about David, and walks out. She pushes him, and he gets in his car to drive away. Desperately she tries to get him to stay, but it doesn’t work. A lot of drama to start the episode! In my mind, “love” shouldn’t be that hard and that complicated.

The next morning, Andre wakes up after sleeping in his car for the night. He comes back to MJ’s house. MJ admits that they can’t unravel their past relationships under the  same roof, and thinks he should get his own place. At that moment, Paul Jr. comes knocking at the door, frantically. The cops are looking for him. He went to get his re-up of weed, and the cops were called when a group came to harass his supplier for money. He jumped out the window and ran all the way there. Andre called a friend down at the precinct at that moment, and lets them know that they found PJ’s phone and a backpack with $5000 in it! Needless to say, Mary Jane is pissed! Andre thinks that it’s best that PJ goes back down to the precinct. He should act like he has nothing to hide, though he clearly does.

Meanwhile, Paul questions if Patrick is really going to N.A. They had an agreement that there would be no drugs when he first moved in. Paul lets Patrick know that he is going to test him every week from now on. Patrick then tells him at that moment that he’s moving out. He obviously feels like a kid, and I get that. Paul tells him that if he leaves this time, that’s it. He can’t rescue him anymore. Patrick tells him he needs him to mean it this. I’m not exactly sure what is going to happen to Patrick. He might just be okay, but he needs to work hard at stay off drugs, and I’m not sure if he can do it by himself.

Later, Mary Jane asks Andre if his cop friend can be trusted, and also thanks him for helping PJ. She gives him a key as well, and they make up. As she pulls into work, she gets a call from her mother about Patrick moving out, as well as the fact that Niecy is planning on getting her tubes tied (at 19!!!). On the way in, MJ sees Kara crying in the car, hesitates to go see her, and keeps walking.

At the police station, Paul Jr. tries to lie his way out of the situation, but Andre’s friend Cedric obviously isn’t falling for it! Andre asks for a favor, and he agrees to let it slide. Cedric asks Andre what is going on with him and Avery. When Andre tells him that there is somebody else, Cedric tells him that it’s not going to work. He also informs him that Andre’s “friend” Marcus took Avery out on a date last night. Andre seems a little thrown off by that, but reiterates that he will be there for his kids. If he’s not, Cedric says, Marcus will be!

After the night show, MJ and Kara talk about why Kara was crying. Turns out she and John had another argument, which gets her tearing up again. Because Mary Jane and Kara both vowed not to cry at the workplace, MJ tells her to go and get it together. They’d talk about it later. Meanwhile, after the meeting with Cedric, Paul Jr. is really feeling himself that he got off! He tells Andre that everyone has done a little dirt, and it doesn’t make him a bad person. He even brings up his education and the good he does, but Andre tells him to get a clue. His education doesn’t make him better than anyone, and Andre’s uneducated self is the reason he got out of jail. PJ seems to think that this won’t catch up with him, and he’s stupid for it.

MJ needs a copy of Garcelle magazine to look at David’s girlfriend. She’s a model and is gorgeous!

Later, Kara and John have a sit down with their kids, who John tells to be honest about their feeilings. They think it would be easier to keep a lot of their stuff with their dad, since Kara’s not around as much. It’s clear they have resentment for her not being around. She doesn’t go their school and sports events, which makes them feel bad when they see other kids have their moms. Kara feels like they’ve been coached by John, who wants them to live with them full-time. I actually can’t blame them if they were to live with their dad. I know that Kara loves her job, and it’s clear that a lot goes into that job. As hard as it may be, she might need to really consider this. It’s not about John. It’s about her kids’ happiness, and with her job duties, she’s just not able to do it all. It’s the constant struggle of the working mom. Some can make it work. Others can’t. No judgement at all.

Meanwhile, Andre gets a text from Avery about talking about the divorce with their kids. He plans on going over there the next day. When he gets back to Mary Jane’s, she’s waiting in lingerie and Louboutins. I guess it distracts him for a little bit. Later, MJ has a talk with Paul about his selling, and even offers him $5,000 just to stop. Paul gets mad, and feels like she just throws her money  around all the time. The fact of the matter is, MJ is always fixing her family’s problems, and it can get tiring, I’m sure. I couldn’t deal with it. Meanwhile, Andre goes over to his family’s house, but then leaves as he hears Avery having bath time with the kids. I really think he’s starting to miss his family, to be honest.

At the job the next night, Kara and MJ drink after the show. Kara confesses that John wants primary custody of the kids. She feels like he’s turned the kids against her. Kara is always at work, but she wants this! She hates that she’s hated for it, but admits that John is the better parent, which gets her teary. MJ pulls her into a very well-needed hug.

Later, Lisa checks out David’s new girlfriend, who was in a magazine that Mary Jane picks up. MJ asks about Niecy’s tube tying operation, and if Lisa is actually going to do it. Lisa claims patient-doctor confidentiality, but, overhearing the conversation, Niecy lets her know that she is getting this surgery. MJ tells her that she’s making bad choices, especially with Dante, who’s never around. She also tells Niecy that she’s deluded, living at her grandparents’ house with a kid and another on the way. She needs to get her life together! However, Niecy asks MJ where is her happy ending?! Mary Jane did everything right in her life, and still isn’t completely fulfilled. Niecy tells Mary Jane that it looks like she may be deluding her own self. It hits home. Mary Jane walks in cuddle up with her mother. She knows that Niecy’s right, and confesses that she’s having an affair with a married man. Mama Helen doesn’t judge her, instead telling her that she can cry about it tonight, but she has to make it right in the morning.

That night, Andre comes in, and MJ tells him to sit down to talk. She loves him, but she can’t be in this relationship anymore MJ didn’t want this life. She doesn’t want to settle. She’s been trying to break this off for the longest, but she couldn’t because of her infatuation with him. At the end of the day, I don’t think either of them were really in love. It was simply infatuation. Right afterwards, they almost have sex, but Mary Jane quickly stops before it can go too far. Good for her!

As they get ready for bed, Helen asks Paul if he’s having an affair with Kathryn. She feels like she’s possibly not fulfilling his needs because of her lupus. Paul kisses her, obviously still in love, and tells her that he isn’t going anywhere. Meanwhile, Mary Jane and Andre lie in bed, both on the edges away from each other. She tells him that she thinks Avery will take him back. Though he thinks this is about David, she promises it’s not. It’s about her.

The next morning, Mary Jane watches Andre pack his car with some of his stuff and leave. He later comes back for the rest, and leaves her a note that says “Good luck unraveling,” leaving behind the key. I’m glad that MJ walked away, but, from the preview of the season finale, it looks like she’s going to try to go after David now! Mary Jane really needs to find happiness in herself, before she’ll find someone good for her. She’s not in love with these guys. She’s in love with the idea of being in love.

The TWO-HOUR season finale of Being Mary Jane airs next Tuesday at a special time, 9 p.m. ET, only on BET!

Image via BET

"Hindsight Is 20/40"-Being Mary Jane, S1, E6 (RECAP)

Published February 19, 2014 by BrittanyShawnte

Being Mary Jane is almost done for the season, and I’m seriously going to miss it! (Luckily Scandal comes back on February 27!) Picking up from last episode, Mary Jane cooks dinner for herself and Andre. However, he comes in the house acting funny, like he has a problem or something. Turns out a friend of his went to the gala, and showed him a picture of his wife, which had MJ dancing with David in the background. That picture turns into a full blown argument! He’s obviously resentful about being away from his kids to be with her, and feels guilty for breaking up their family. MJ wants him to tell his kids the truth! He still feels like she’s lying about David, and walks out. She pushes him, and he gets in his car to drive away. Desperately she tries to get him to stay, but it doesn’t work. A lot of drama to start the episode! In my mind, “love” shouldn’t be that hard and that complicated.

The next morning, Andre wakes up after sleeping in his car for the night. He comes back to MJ’s house. MJ admits that they can’t unravel their past relationships under the  same roof, and thinks he should get his own place. At that moment, Paul Jr. comes knocking at the door, frantically. The cops are looking for him. He went to get his re-up of weed, and the cops were called when a group came to harass his supplier for money. He jumped out the window and ran all the way there. Andre called a friend down at the precinct at that moment, and lets them know that they found PJ’s phone and a backpack with $5000 in it! Needless to say, Mary Jane is pissed! Andre thinks that it’s best that PJ goes back down to the precinct. He should act like he has nothing to hide, though he clearly does.

Meanwhile, Paul questions if Patrick is really going to N.A. They had an agreement that there would be no drugs when he first moved in. Paul lets Patrick know that he is going to test him every week from now on. Patrick then tells him at that moment that he’s moving out. He obviously feels like a kid, and I get that. Paul tells him that if he leaves this time, that’s it. He can’t rescue him anymore. Patrick tells him he needs him to mean it this. I’m not exactly sure what is going to happen to Patrick. He might just be okay, but he needs to work hard at stay off drugs, and I’m not sure if he can do it by himself.

Later, Mary Jane asks Andre if his cop friend can be trusted, and also thanks him for helping PJ. She gives him a key as well, and they make up. As she pulls into work, she gets a call from her mother about Patrick moving out, as well as the fact that Niecy is planning on getting her tubes tied (at 19!!!). On the way in, MJ sees Kara crying in the car, hesitates to go see her, and keeps walking.

At the police station, Paul Jr. tries to lie his way out of the situation, but Andre’s friend Cedric obviously isn’t falling for it! Andre asks for a favor, and he agrees to let it slide. Cedric asks Andre what is going on with him and Avery. When Andre tells him that there is somebody else, Cedric tells him that it’s not going to work. He also informs him that Andre’s “friend” Marcus took Avery out on a date last night. Andre seems a little thrown off by that, but reiterates that he will be there for his kids. If he’s not, Cedric says, Marcus will be!

After the night show, MJ and Kara talk about why Kara was crying. Turns out she and John had another argument, which gets her tearing up again. Because Mary Jane and Kara both vowed not to cry at the workplace, MJ tells her to go and get it together. They’d talk about it later. Meanwhile, after the meeting with Cedric, Paul Jr. is really feeling himself that he got off! He tells Andre that everyone has done a little dirt, and it doesn’t make him a bad person. He even brings up his education and the good he does, but Andre tells him to get a clue. His education doesn’t make him better than anyone, and Andre’s uneducated self is the reason he got out of jail. PJ seems to think that this won’t catch up with him, and he’s stupid for it.

MJ needs a copy of Garcelle magazine to look at David’s girlfriend. She’s a model and is gorgeous!

Later, Kara and John have a sit down with their kids, who John tells to be honest about their feeilings. They think it would be easier to keep a lot of their stuff with their dad, since Kara’s not around as much. It’s clear they have resentment for her not being around. She doesn’t go their school and sports events, which makes them feel bad when they see other kids have their moms. Kara feels like they’ve been coached by John, who wants them to live with them full-time. I actually can’t blame them if they were to live with their dad. I know that Kara loves her job, and it’s clear that a lot goes into that job. As hard as it may be, she might need to really consider this. It’s not about John. It’s about her kids’ happiness, and with her job duties, she’s just not able to do it all. It’s the constant struggle of the working mom. Some can make it work. Others can’t. No judgement at all.

Meanwhile, Andre gets a text from Avery about talking about the divorce with their kids. He plans on going over there the next day. When he gets back to Mary Jane’s, she’s waiting in lingerie and Louboutins. I guess it distracts him for a little bit. Later, MJ has a talk with Paul about his selling, and even offers him $5,000 just to stop. Paul gets mad, and feels like she just throws her money  around all the time. The fact of the matter is, MJ is always fixing her family’s problems, and it can get tiring, I’m sure. I couldn’t deal with it. Meanwhile, Andre goes over to his family’s house, but then leaves as he hears Avery having bath time with the kids. I really think he’s starting to miss his family, to be honest.

At the job the next night, Kara and MJ drink after the show. Kara confesses that John wants primary custody of the kids. She feels like he’s turned the kids against her. Kara is always at work, but she wants this! She hates that she’s hated for it, but admits that John is the better parent, which gets her teary. MJ pulls her into a very well-needed hug.

Later, Lisa checks out David’s new girlfriend, who was in a magazine that Mary Jane picks up. MJ asks about Niecy’s tube tying operation, and if Lisa is actually going to do it. Lisa claims patient-doctor confidentiality, but, overhearing the conversation, Niecy lets her know that she is getting this surgery. MJ tells her that she’s making bad choices, especially with Dante, who’s never around. She also tells Niecy that she’s deluded, living at her grandparents’ house with a kid and another on the way. She needs to get her life together! However, Niecy asks MJ where is her happy ending?! Mary Jane did everything right in her life, and still isn’t completely fulfilled. Niecy tells Mary Jane that it looks like she may be deluding her own self. It hits home. Mary Jane walks in cuddle up with her mother. She knows that Niecy’s right, and confesses that she’s having an affair with a married man. Mama Helen doesn’t judge her, instead telling her that she can cry about it tonight, but she has to make it right in the morning.

That night, Andre comes in, and MJ tells him to sit down to talk. She loves him, but she can’t be in this relationship anymore MJ didn’t want this life. She doesn’t want to settle. She’s been trying to break this off for the longest, but she couldn’t because of her infatuation with him. At the end of the day, I don’t think either of them were really in love. It was simply infatuation. Right afterwards, they almost have sex, but Mary Jane quickly stops before it can go too far. Good for her!

As they get ready for bed, Helen asks Paul if he’s having an affair with Kathryn. She feels like she’s possibly not fulfilling his needs because of her lupus. Paul kisses her, obviously still in love, and tells her that he isn’t going anywhere. Meanwhile, Mary Jane and Andre lie in bed, both on the edges away from each other. She tells him that she thinks Avery will take him back. Though he thinks this is about David, she promises it’s not. It’s about her.

The next morning, Mary Jane watches Andre pack his car with some of his stuff and leave. He later comes back for the rest, and leaves her a note that says “Good luck unraveling,” leaving behind the key. I’m glad that MJ walked away, but, from the preview of the season finale, it looks like she’s going to try to go after David now! Mary Jane really needs to find happiness in herself, before she’ll find someone good for her. She’s not in love with these guys. She’s in love with the idea of being in love.

The TWO-HOUR season finale of Being Mary Jane airs next Tuesday at a special time, 9 p.m. ET, only on BET!

Image via BET

"Exposed"-Being Mary Jane S1, E5 (RECAP)

Published February 14, 2014 by BrittanyShawnte

Being Mary Jane is almost over for the season, but it’s definitely clear that BET is, or at least should be signing on to do another season! ! Picking up from last episode, Andre finds a new place to stay, though it’s not done. Just as MJ gets ready to undress for them , his real estate agent Leanne brings him the bad news that the place won’t be ready for another month. He needs to a place to stay, and MJ, like the crazy in “love” person she is, offers her house, OF COURSE!

Later, Andre moves in. However, when she sees Mark taking out her trash like he always does, she quickly tells Andre. The next morning, he finds a lot of her post it notes, which he wonders about, but he’s cool with it.
Turns out that Paul didn’t get a platinum table for Helen’s charity tea, which angers Helen since she’s one of the founders. However, because of their current finances, Paul couldn’t make it happen, though Helen brought up the fact that he still plays golf. She feels like she deserves to get out and have a good time after all that she’s been through. She tells him to fix it. Later, Paul tries to switch tables with Katherine. However, she doesn’t want his money, of course. It’s clear she wants something else from him (*side eye*).

At work, Kara walks in to see MJ. There’s a story about another journalist, Terrence Mitchell, accused of journalistic fraud on a story that launched his career. They both know him, but Kara wants the story…again. MJ doesn’t believe it, though.

Later, Mary Jane gives Andre a copy of Terrence’s prison expose, which he loves. She wonders out loud who she’s going to bring to the gala, with the expectation that Andre can’t go, because, obviously, too many people know that he’s married. They can’t tell anyone about them, or go anywhere. They’re basically in hiding. Andre doesn’t feel like now is the best time to go public, which upsets Mary Jane.

Kara soon delivers proof that Terrence (played by Ludacris) is lying. Later, MJ is honest with Terrence five minutes before the interview, saying that his ex-girlfriend Reina has come forward to say that some of his facts have been fabricated. He admitted it to her, and she RECORDED it! When Terrence tells her that he won’t be a part of the story if they use Raina on the show, Mary Jane lets him know that all of his progress from his work has been compromised, and this is breaking news whether her station airs it or not. She’s offering him a voice, but he wants to leave Raina out of this. She uses Raina, and Terrence refuses to come on. Though it was a good show, Mary Jane is literally sick to her stomach afterwards. Again, it’s another matter of getting the story at any means necessary, even at the risk of losing friends.

Meanwhile, Paul is still trying to get this table, by selling stock. However, it looks like Paul, Jr. is busy selling something else! His father later busts him for the money he has in the bank. Paul says that it must be a bank error. His father tells him that he needs to focus and finally graduate, and make something of his life. It’s clear that something else is going on, and it’s sure to come out soon!

Mary Jane and her brothers attend the gala with their parents and Lisa. Turns out that David is in attendance as well. Mama Helen calls David over, despite MJ’s pleas. Turns out that Papa Patterson has been advising David on his business ventures, and David even bought his own table. David and MJ chat, though Mary Jane is kind of cold towards him. Mama Helen however, makes a little speech about being grateful to be there, and gives a shout out to David, saying how she hoped one day he would become a part of the family! Mary Jane runs to the bathroom with Lisa. Lisa tells her that she should give David a chance.

After she’s out of the restroom, Mary Jane is confronted by a guy who feels that she brought down yet another black man with her story. As she tries to walk away, he grabs her arm. At that moment, David steps up to defend her, and he asks her to dance. Paul asks Katherine to dance as well, which apparently was a part of the deal to get the table for Helen. However, Mama Helen pulls rank and cuts in for a dance with her man! Put that woman in her place!

MJ and David dance, and seem to be having a good time! It turns into a slow dance to “There Goes My Baby.” David mentions how he always loved her perfume, and they almost kiss! However, he wanted to let her know that he’s seeing someone. MJ quickly walks out and goes home. She’s sad, but I think she’s more so upset that she doesn’t have the love she wants. She can’t be out with Andre. Andre senses she’s upset, and goes into the bathroom and tells her that it will be them next year. I feel for Mary Jane. She seemingly has it all, except for the love she wants.

Check out an all new episode of Being Mary Jane on Tuesday night at 10 p.m. ET only on BET! 

"Exposed"-Being Mary Jane S1, E5 (RECAP)

Published February 14, 2014 by BrittanyShawnte

Being Mary Jane is almost over for the season, but it’s definitely clear that BET is, or at least should be signing on to do another season! ! Picking up from last episode, Andre finds a new place to stay, though it’s not done. Just as MJ gets ready to undress for them , his real estate agent Leanne brings him the bad news that the place won’t be ready for another month. He needs to a place to stay, and MJ, like the crazy in “love” person she is, offers her house, OF COURSE!

Later, Andre moves in. However, when she sees Mark taking out her trash like he always does, she quickly tells Andre. The next morning, he finds a lot of her post it notes, which he wonders about, but he’s cool with it.
Turns out that Paul didn’t get a platinum table for Helen’s charity tea, which angers Helen since she’s one of the founders. However, because of their current finances, Paul couldn’t make it happen, though Helen brought up the fact that he still plays golf. She feels like she deserves to get out and have a good time after all that she’s been through. She tells him to fix it. Later, Paul tries to switch tables with Katherine. However, she doesn’t want his money, of course. It’s clear she wants something else from him (*side eye*).

At work, Kara walks in to see MJ. There’s a story about another journalist, Terrence Mitchell, accused of journalistic fraud on a story that launched his career. They both know him, but Kara wants the story…again. MJ doesn’t believe it, though.

Later, Mary Jane gives Andre a copy of Terrence’s prison expose, which he loves. She wonders out loud who she’s going to bring to the gala, with the expectation that Andre can’t go, because, obviously, too many people know that he’s married. They can’t tell anyone about them, or go anywhere. They’re basically in hiding. Andre doesn’t feel like now is the best time to go public, which upsets Mary Jane.

Kara soon delivers proof that Terrence (played by Ludacris) is lying. Later, MJ is honest with Terrence five minutes before the interview, saying that his ex-girlfriend Reina has come forward to say that some of his facts have been fabricated. He admitted it to her, and she RECORDED it! When Terrence tells her that he won’t be a part of the story if they use Raina on the show, Mary Jane lets him know that all of his progress from his work has been compromised, and this is breaking news whether her station airs it or not. She’s offering him a voice, but he wants to leave Raina out of this. She uses Raina, and Terrence refuses to come on. Though it was a good show, Mary Jane is literally sick to her stomach afterwards. Again, it’s another matter of getting the story at any means necessary, even at the risk of losing friends.

Meanwhile, Paul is still trying to get this table, by selling stock. However, it looks like Paul, Jr. is busy selling something else! His father later busts him for the money he has in the bank. Paul says that it must be a bank error. His father tells him that he needs to focus and finally graduate, and make something of his life. It’s clear that something else is going on, and it’s sure to come out soon!

Mary Jane and her brothers attend the gala with their parents and Lisa. Turns out that David is in attendance as well. Mama Helen calls David over, despite MJ’s pleas. Turns out that Papa Patterson has been advising David on his business ventures, and David even bought his own table. David and MJ chat, though Mary Jane is kind of cold towards him. Mama Helen however, makes a little speech about being grateful to be there, and gives a shout out to David, saying how she hoped one day he would become a part of the family! Mary Jane runs to the bathroom with Lisa. Lisa tells her that she should give David a chance.

After she’s out of the restroom, Mary Jane is confronted by a guy who feels that she brought down yet another black man with her story. As she tries to walk away, he grabs her arm. At that moment, David steps up to defend her, and he asks her to dance. Paul asks Katherine to dance as well, which apparently was a part of the deal to get the table for Helen. However, Mama Helen pulls rank and cuts in for a dance with her man! Put that woman in her place!

MJ and David dance, and seem to be having a good time! It turns into a slow dance to “There Goes My Baby.” David mentions how he always loved her perfume, and they almost kiss! However, he wanted to let her know that he’s seeing someone. MJ quickly walks out and goes home. She’s sad, but I think she’s more so upset that she doesn’t have the love she wants. She can’t be out with Andre. Andre senses she’s upset, and goes into the bathroom and tells her that it will be them next year. I feel for Mary Jane. She seemingly has it all, except for the love she wants.

Check out an all new episode of Being Mary Jane on Tuesday night at 10 p.m. ET only on BET! 

"Mixed Messages"-Being Mary Jane S1, E4 (RECAP)

Published February 7, 2014 by BrittanyShawnte

BET didn’t air a new episode of Being Mary Jane last week out of respect for President Obama’s State of the Union. One week gone, and fans were going crazy! Picking up from last episode, Mary Jane is out partying with her girls, and she texts Andre to ask if they’re hooking up later. Meanwhile, Andre is with his family and Avery is loving it, because she believes this is her chance to rekindle their relationship and be a family. After their night out, Kara checks her online dating profile, hungover at MJ’s house. Mary Jane herself has a profile for “research,” and claims to not be looking for anybody. She logs in, and has 12 new messages! Kara messages one for her secretly to try to find her someone (keep in mind, only a few people know that Mary Jane is hanging out with a married man!). Later, MJ messages one of her suitors, though she is still thinking about Andre.

The next morning, Avery tries oral to “wake” Andre up, though he slept in another bed and sneaked back into theirs. She pulls out a pillow because her neck hurts, which makes Andre laugh instead of turning him on, so mission failed!

At work, Kara asks about the guy that Mary Jane talked to online, but MJ refuses to tell her. Moments later, Mary Jane gets a call from Nichelle to be a speaker for her Girls’ Inc luncheon, which she agrees to. Kara reveals that she’s still messing with Carlos the intern, and Mary Jane jokingly questions his sexuality! When she accidentally says that Kara should have Mark check him out to make sure, Kara finds out that Mark is gay! Mark hadn’t told anyone other than MJ, so this is sure to be interesting when Mark finds out that Kara knows.

Later, Niecy helps MJ with her dating profile. Mary Jane tries to get some details on what’s going on between Niecy and Dante, but Niecy plays off the conversation. Meanwhile, Helen has lost her diamond bracelet and is hysterical about it. She blames Patrick’s girlfriend Tracy, and wants her out of the house! Later on in the episode, Tracy tries to talk to her, and convince her that she didn’t do it, and never would. Mama Helen is upfront about how she doesn’t feel comfortable with Tracy in the house, and wants her to leave.

That night, Mary Jane watches one of her segments with Andre about government assistance. They disagree on their stances, but they manage to joke and smile about it. He jokes that she does this thing with her eyebrow, the “Mary Jane serious face.” He starts laughing when she tries to smother him with the pillow, which makes him think of Avery trying to give him oral with the pillow. He tells MJ, and, of course, she gets angry, thinking that they’re not even sharing a bed, let alone being physical. To make him jealous, she tells him that she’s dating.

Later, Kara tries to get Mark to take off his jacket to revamp his look for the show. She wants him to walk and talk to connect with the audience. When he tries it, Kara says his walk is “gay.” Mark’s ears automatically perk up as he questions what she meant, but she tries to play it off. Definitely didn’t work though. Meanwhile, Mary Jane goes to meet her date Sean (played by Wayne Brady) that she met online. It starts off well, but then she starts getting all these texts from everyone, which completely interrupts the date. After a while, he tells her to call him when she’s free. I’m partly mad at that. I know that the show will more than likely swerve in Andre’s favor, but this is a good guy. Kid free, wife free, and he’s a professor! (I get really invested in these characters, sorry!)

The next day, MJ meets the Atlanta board members for Nichelle’s foundation. Turns out that the top financial donor for the organization just happens to be AVERY! And, of course, they’re sitting at the same table. Very awkward. MJ is going over her speech, while the rest of the ladies chat. Avery reveals that she recently found out that her husband is having an affair and that his mistress told her. Then she shadily asks Mary Jane how she would handle it, and then MJ snaps back that she would probably up her sex game, claiming that that’s the number two reason men cheat. The number one reason is that they have fallen out of love with their wives. Avery dishes a stat of her own, saying that married men almost never leaves their wives, and also proudly says to the table that she and Andre are in couples therapy. That throws Mary Jane for a little loop, but she quickly gets it back during her speech. MJ ditches her planned speech and decides to talk to the girls about how it’s good to be number two in life. That way you can figure out what the number one is missing, and make it work to your advantage! It was a MAJOR read, though a little immature for a girls’ luncheon. No one caught it but Avery obviously, and Avery looked stunned!

Later, Paul asks Patrick to take a drug test, which he takes every month. This time Patrick gets defensive, because he’s back on cocaine. He tells Paul that he doesn’t need to take the test, because he slipped and it’ll come back dirty. Patrick went to a meeting the very next day, and “got straight.” However, he insists that he didn’t take his mother’s bracelet! We find out towards the end that Mama Helen hid the bracelet in the laundry room on purpose to get rid of Tracy. I don’t know what her real beef is with this girl, but I hope it comes out in future episodes!

Meanwhile, Mark comes over to see Mary Jane to ask her about what Kara said. MJ admits that she let his business slip, and, surprisingly, he quickly forgives her. Mary Jane notices that he’s not wearing his signature suit jacket, which Kara got rid of for the show. She tells him that if he’s not comfortable, he shouldn’t do it. Personally, she prefers Mark in a suit jacket, and I do too! I also really love their friendship!

Towards the end of the episode, we see Avery and Andre are in counseling. Avery admits that she’s there because she’s invested so much into this marriage, and believes she has a good man and can make it work. However, they’ve been at this for six months and the therapist notices that Andre doesn’t seem to be committed. He doesn’t know why he’s still there himself. He goes off on Avery about everything that he himself has invested in this marriage. Andre feels like he hasn’t got anything in return, which is what he gets for her “marrying below her pay grade.” Seems like there’s a lot of bitterness there. One thing he also notes is that Avery sees him for who he was, while Mary Jane sees him for who he is now, which is why he flocks to her. At first, I called bull, but I actually understand that. People change.

Later, MJ tries another date with Sean. When her phone starts buzzing, she turns it off and puts it away. Sean opens up about his past marriage, and admits that his ex-wife taught him forgiveness. He asks her what’s the biggest mistake that she’s ever made in a relationship, and she says falling in love with a married man. Though she lies when she tells him that it’s over, Sean gives her a wise piece of advice: there is life after a bad relationship. I think that Mary Jane could be happy in a new relationship, if she tried. However, the heart wants what the heart wants, and right now, she wants Andre.

When MJ gets home, Andre is waiting for her. He claims to want her, as he always does, but now he’s tells her that he’s filing for divorce and even told Avery. Of course, that gets MJ happy because he’s never said that before. I don’t know if he’s actually going to go through with it, and, if so, what the aftermath will be. People know both Andre and Mary Jane in town. They know that Andre’s married, so if he goes prancing around with MJ, what will the backlash be? Guess we’ll have to keep watching to find out!

New episodes of Being Mary Jane air on Tuesday nights at 10 p.m. ET only on BET!

Image via BET

"Mixed Messages"-Being Mary Jane S1, E4 (RECAP)

Published February 7, 2014 by BrittanyShawnte

BET didn’t air a new episode of Being Mary Jane last week out of respect for President Obama’s State of the Union. One week gone, and fans were going crazy! Picking up from last episode, Mary Jane is out partying with her girls, and she texts Andre to ask if they’re hooking up later. Meanwhile, Andre is with his family and Avery is loving it, because she believes this is her chance to rekindle their relationship and be a family. After their night out, Kara checks her online dating profile, hungover at MJ’s house. Mary Jane herself has a profile for “research,” and claims to not be looking for anybody. She logs in, and has 12 new messages! Kara messages one for her secretly to try to find her someone (keep in mind, only a few people know that Mary Jane is hanging out with a married man!). Later, MJ messages one of her suitors, though she is still thinking about Andre.

The next morning, Avery tries oral to “wake” Andre up, though he slept in another bed and sneaked back into theirs. She pulls out a pillow because her neck hurts, which makes Andre laugh instead of turning him on, so mission failed!

At work, Kara asks about the guy that Mary Jane talked to online, but MJ refuses to tell her. Moments later, Mary Jane gets a call from Nichelle to be a speaker for her Girls’ Inc luncheon, which she agrees to. Kara reveals that she’s still messing with Carlos the intern, and Mary Jane jokingly questions his sexuality! When she accidentally says that Kara should have Mark check him out to make sure, Kara finds out that Mark is gay! Mark hadn’t told anyone other than MJ, so this is sure to be interesting when Mark finds out that Kara knows.

Later, Niecy helps MJ with her dating profile. Mary Jane tries to get some details on what’s going on between Niecy and Dante, but Niecy plays off the conversation. Meanwhile, Helen has lost her diamond bracelet and is hysterical about it. She blames Patrick’s girlfriend Tracy, and wants her out of the house! Later on in the episode, Tracy tries to talk to her, and convince her that she didn’t do it, and never would. Mama Helen is upfront about how she doesn’t feel comfortable with Tracy in the house, and wants her to leave.

That night, Mary Jane watches one of her segments with Andre about government assistance. They disagree on their stances, but they manage to joke and smile about it. He jokes that she does this thing with her eyebrow, the “Mary Jane serious face.” He starts laughing when she tries to smother him with the pillow, which makes him think of Avery trying to give him oral with the pillow. He tells MJ, and, of course, she gets angry, thinking that they’re not even sharing a bed, let alone being physical. To make him jealous, she tells him that she’s dating.

Later, Kara tries to get Mark to take off his jacket to revamp his look for the show. She wants him to walk and talk to connect with the audience. When he tries it, Kara says his walk is “gay.” Mark’s ears automatically perk up as he questions what she meant, but she tries to play it off. Definitely didn’t work though. Meanwhile, Mary Jane goes to meet her date Sean (played by Wayne Brady) that she met online. It starts off well, but then she starts getting all these texts from everyone, which completely interrupts the date. After a while, he tells her to call him when she’s free. I’m partly mad at that. I know that the show will more than likely swerve in Andre’s favor, but this is a good guy. Kid free, wife free, and he’s a professor! (I get really invested in these characters, sorry!)

The next day, MJ meets the Atlanta board members for Nichelle’s foundation. Turns out that the top financial donor for the organization just happens to be AVERY! And, of course, they’re sitting at the same table. Very awkward. MJ is going over her speech, while the rest of the ladies chat. Avery reveals that she recently found out that her husband is having an affair and that his mistress told her. Then she shadily asks Mary Jane how she would handle it, and then MJ snaps back that she would probably up her sex game, claiming that that’s the number two reason men cheat. The number one reason is that they have fallen out of love with their wives. Avery dishes a stat of her own, saying that married men almost never leaves their wives, and also proudly says to the table that she and Andre are in couples therapy. That throws Mary Jane for a little loop, but she quickly gets it back during her speech. MJ ditches her planned speech and decides to talk to the girls about how it’s good to be number two in life. That way you can figure out what the number one is missing, and make it work to your advantage! It was a MAJOR read, though a little immature for a girls’ luncheon. No one caught it but Avery obviously, and Avery looked stunned!

Later, Paul asks Patrick to take a drug test, which he takes every month. This time Patrick gets defensive, because he’s back on cocaine. He tells Paul that he doesn’t need to take the test, because he slipped and it’ll come back dirty. Patrick went to a meeting the very next day, and “got straight.” However, he insists that he didn’t take his mother’s bracelet! We find out towards the end that Mama Helen hid the bracelet in the laundry room on purpose to get rid of Tracy. I don’t know what her real beef is with this girl, but I hope it comes out in future episodes!

Meanwhile, Mark comes over to see Mary Jane to ask her about what Kara said. MJ admits that she let his business slip, and, surprisingly, he quickly forgives her. Mary Jane notices that he’s not wearing his signature suit jacket, which Kara got rid of for the show. She tells him that if he’s not comfortable, he shouldn’t do it. Personally, she prefers Mark in a suit jacket, and I do too! I also really love their friendship!

Towards the end of the episode, we see Avery and Andre are in counseling. Avery admits that she’s there because she’s invested so much into this marriage, and believes she has a good man and can make it work. However, they’ve been at this for six months and the therapist notices that Andre doesn’t seem to be committed. He doesn’t know why he’s still there himself. He goes off on Avery about everything that he himself has invested in this marriage. Andre feels like he hasn’t got anything in return, which is what he gets for her “marrying below her pay grade.” Seems like there’s a lot of bitterness there. One thing he also notes is that Avery sees him for who he was, while Mary Jane sees him for who he is now, which is why he flocks to her. At first, I called bull, but I actually understand that. People change.

Later, MJ tries another date with Sean. When her phone starts buzzing, she turns it off and puts it away. Sean opens up about his past marriage, and admits that his ex-wife taught him forgiveness. He asks her what’s the biggest mistake that she’s ever made in a relationship, and she says falling in love with a married man. Though she lies when she tells him that it’s over, Sean gives her a wise piece of advice: there is life after a bad relationship. I think that Mary Jane could be happy in a new relationship, if she tried. However, the heart wants what the heart wants, and right now, she wants Andre.

When MJ gets home, Andre is waiting for her. He claims to want her, as he always does, but now he’s tells her that he’s filing for divorce and even told Avery. Of course, that gets MJ happy because he’s never said that before. I don’t know if he’s actually going to go through with it, and, if so, what the aftermath will be. People know both Andre and Mary Jane in town. They know that Andre’s married, so if he goes prancing around with MJ, what will the backlash be? Guess we’ll have to keep watching to find out!

New episodes of Being Mary Jane air on Tuesday nights at 10 p.m. ET only on BET!

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"The Huxtables Have Fallen"-Being Mary Jane S1, E3 (RECAP)

Published January 22, 2014 by BrittanyShawnte

Another good episode of Being Mary Jane last night! Picking up from last week, right at the opening of the episode, Mary Jane’s brother Patrick catches her giving Andre oral!!! MJ really needs to get some blinds or curtains, because that glass house tells ALL of her business! Come to find out that Andre used to be a promoter at Patrick’s old club, which is how Patrick knows that he’s married! Mary Jane freaks out, of course. Again, she knows she’s wrong, and her brother just caught her in the act! She brings up the fact that Andre didn’t fix her pool light like he promised, and he jumps right in to screw the light back in. Afterwards, he asks if there’s anything else he can do for her, and he returns her sexual favor! After the implied sex, Mary Jane stares at the ring Andre gave her, but ends up giving it back, saying that she doesn’t want an engagement like this.

The next day, the family tries to plan Patrick’s birthday. He then comes in being shady, asking for an eight letter word for “unfaithful” for a crossword puzzle, right as Mary Jane is sitting there! That brings up the topic of adultery to the table, which Mama Helen is totally against (I believe her words included “vile” and “stupid!”). Patrick was completely out of line to do that though. MJ asks how much to buy his silence, and he asks for 30 grand. Mary Jane truly believes that Andre loves her, but Patrick tells her that she reminds him of himself as a crack addict. MJ is an addict to Andre. However, Patrick promises to keep his mouth shut about the whole thing.

At work, Julian pitches a story to Kara about a woman, Samantha Haven, who died three years ago in front of her TV watching Showtime. It was a little unrealistic, because nobody would get away with not paying rent or their cable bill for three years. Plus the smell would have been horrendous! But I digress. The point it she died alone, and nobody missed her. Kara pitches the story to MJ, who isn’t sure, because it’s basically an expose on lonely women. Kara spins it, stating that it’s a universal issue, not just with women, that the world is becoming so disconnected and isolated. Later, after watching some of the footage from the documentary about Samantha, MJ decides to do the story. I think that she partly sees herself. Someone who is successful, but still alone, and she kind of wonders, if she were to die, would anyone miss her?

Later, Patrick speaks with his father about possibly calling off the party. Paul tells him that sometimes celebrations aren’t for you but for others, namely his mom, who seems to be quite happy planning this whole thing. Paul makes it clear to Patrick that he better show up! He does, later on in the show, and his family celebrates him.

The next day, Kara confronts Mark about why he didn’t show up to their meeting about his show. He was caught up in traffic, apparently. She tells him that if he doesn’t want to do the work to save his show, then just let her know. She’s giving a status report on the show the next day, regardless. If Mark doesn’t put his pride aside, he might just lose his show all together!

Mary Jane runs the Samantha Haven story, and asks the question if social media and technology is disconnecting us all from the world. Rev. Jesse Jackson makes a cameo, saying he does partly blame it all for this woman being gone, and no one realizing it. It’s true. We often isolate ourselves and get so wrapped up in social media, that the line between the Internet and real life quickly becomes blurred. I know this as a blogger that it’s easy to become disconnected from the outside world.

At the station that night, Mark talks about his very first interview that lasted only 23 seconds, but impressed his boss. He worked his way up in this industry over 17 years, and it’s hard for him to change. Kara is honest that his show is boring, and he needs to revamp somehow. Kara also thinks there should be a pop culture segment as well. His work is what kept him here, but these changes need to happen in order for him to stay. Mark decides to give in and work with her.

Mary Jane’s friend Cynthia comes through. Cynthia compliments her on the angle of the Samantha Haven story. She also admits she had Greg fire Julian, saying that she thinks it’s important that everyone stays in their own lane. It seems to be a dig at Mary Jane as well. This woman might just be gunning for her to lose her job! Jealously much?!

Back at her house, MJ does an “addiction quiz” and sees that she is 100% addicted. She deletes it, but then frantically calls her provider to get the number back! Definitely an Andre addict! Meanwhile, Patrick has an idea for a “mobile lounge” aka food truck and has a meeting with a former partner at his club. Because Patrick has been out of the business for so long, it’s not looking too great for him. Afterwards, MJ calls Patrick, realizing that she is an addict, though not in the typical form. Patrick drives her to their Aunt Toni’s house, which she is totally against. However, she goes in and has a plate. A little girl calls her little cousins out, claiming that Mary Jane is not really related to them. When MJ states how she is, Kashari Amber Wallace asks why she’s never seen her around? Mary Jane is somewhat taken aback, admitting she doesn’t know. I think she does though. I think she’s been trying to forget certain parts of her life, even with changing her name from Pauletta Washington to Mary Jane Paul. She’s somewhat embarrassed of her family, even if she doesn’t directly say so.

Afterwards, Mary Jane doesn’t want to go home just yet. Patrick drives her to his old club. Patrick tells her upfront that she needs to leave Andre alone, but she’s already “in love” with him. Patrick admits that he himself was addicted to being the king of Atlanta with his club, and cocaine became a part of that. He stresses that Andre is not worth it, and she can do better. Patrick tells Mary Jane that he is working towards a new opportunity, and MJ pledges her support. All he asks is that if she feels herself slipping that she will call him, and not Andre.

Back at the house, Patrick doesn’t have a key so his father has to let him in, though it’s 2 in the morning! He looks around at his present situation, and pulls out some cocaine. Meanwhile, Mary Jane ends up having Andre over again. Looks like they both relapsed. Addiction is a serious thing.

Watching this show, I think a lot of us can be quick to judge, myself included. “She’s messing with a MARRIED man! Who does that? She knows she’s wrong.” I don’t agree, but, if it’s one thing I remembered tonight, is that many of us, if not all, have or have had an addiction somewhere along the way. Whether it be drugs, alcohol, a significant other, whoever. I don’t condone MJ’s behavior at all, or anybody else that would mess with someone married, but I got my own glass house (mine just happens to have really thick curtains!), so who I am to judge anyone else on anything? I hope that throughout the rest of the series, we will see Mary Jane grow and become stronger, and get rid of Andre. Hopefully she finds somebody good for her. I really want that for her!

Be sure to watch new episodes of Being Mary Jane on Tuesdays at 10 p.m. EST on BET!

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