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RECAP: "Some Things Are Black and White"-Being Mary Jane Season 3 Finale

Published December 16, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Last night was the season 3 finale of Being Mary Jane, and I can’t believe it’s already over! Picking up from last week, Mary Jane wakes up in bed with Gorgeous Guy (apparently that’s the white boy’s official nickname, though we STILL do not know his actual name). They talk about potential dates when the doorball rings, and it’s David’s mother Simone at the door! Though MJ ignores her knocks at first, Simone is persistent and MJ eventually lets her in. Simone, of course, is here to try to convince Mary Jane to go back to David, which MJ is NOT here for! She asks if Simone forgive her son if she was in Mary Jane’s shoes? Probably not. Mary Jane firmly tells Simone that it’s over between MJ and David, and that Simone needs to let go. I was proud of MJ in that moment, because she could have very easily slipped back into her old ways, pining after this man. Glad to see she’s moved on!

Later, Mary Jane goes to Cece’s bookstore to talk about injustices in the black community. Afterwards, she reveals to Cece that she has been offered a publishing deal for a memoir that targets the black demographic. She wants to mention how the two of them met through Cece’s extortion, and the hardships that led them both to that moment. Cece, really needing money for her bookstore, agrees to it happily.

That night, at the club, Mary Jane and Gorgeous Guy participate in a fun karaoke session. However, Mary Jane notices a black couple is looking at them funny, seemingly because they are an interracial couple. The next day, social media is buzzing about Mary Jane’s date! On hit talk show The Real the next day, the ladies talk about Mary Jane dating a white guy. Of course, many black women feel like MJ is a hypocrite for being in an interracial relationship, especially after her “Ugly Black Woman” segment. The ladies have a short discussion about interracial dating, and people passing judgement, especially with one of the hosts, Tamera Mowry-Housley, being not only in an interracial relationship, but also the product of an interracial relationship. It was nice to see how BET added in their show!

Back at SNC, Greg, of course, wants to capitalize on all of the attention Mary Jane is getting, and suggests she relaunches talkBACK by discussing interracial relationships for talkBACK! Mary Jane doesn’t want to start the show off by speaking on her personal life, but she owes Greg a few favors for even getting the show back in the first place. MJ reluctantly agrees to go through with it. When she tells her young team about the topic, Nina states adamantly that she didn’t sign up to do the fluff pieces. However, Mary Jane tells her that sometimes you have to go along to get along. “This is life. Deal with it,” she says. This is true. However, I do hope that Mary Jane doesn’t revert to her Primetime stories with talkBACK. Give Greg and the higher ups what they want every now and then, but really use this show to focus on stories that make a difference!

At the Pattersons, Niecy plays with Trayvion, and quietly asks PJ if he’s talked to Patrick, and he says no. As Paul walks into the room, PJ states that he and Niecy are going to go car shopping to get Niecy a new ride.  Paul says that he’s proud of PJ, feeling like Niecy deserves to have a man stand up for her, since Paul thinks Patrick doesn’t. I know Paul is upset at Patrick for using these pills, but that was a low blow.

Meanwhile, back at SNC, Kara and Marison have a short, tense encounter in the lunch room, Kara tries to spark a conversation, but Marisol quickly storms out because of their last confrontation where Kara basically stated Marisol is sleeping her way to the top. Greg later asks Kara to meet in private, where he confronts her about her accusing Marisol of having an affair with him! Marisol plans to file a complaint to HR against Kara, and Kara could get fired! He tells her to go down to HR, clear his name, and fix this ASAP! Mary Jane suggests talking to Marisol, but Kara is so caught up with how she dealt with these kinds of situations herself instead of running to a boss or HR. When Mary Jane asks what Marisol has on her exactly, Kara admits what she’s said about Marisol and Greg. She feels like maybe she should’ve been a tease and gotten ahead a lot faster. She’s going to hate it, but Kara has to try to talk to Marisol and fix this, for the sake of her job!

On talkBack, Mary Jane does talk about interracial dating, asking have attitudes truly changed? That night, while having dinner with Gorgeous Guy, she states calmly that she can’t date him anymore. She admits that she does care about the judgement that others pass on her for dating a white man. She already have struggles that she didn’t ask for as a woman of color, so she doesn’t want to bring on another struggle by being with him. Mary Jane wants black love, which is all well and good. To each his own. However, I find it interesting that she did this whole segment on the matter, seeming to try to convince others against prejudice, and then breaks up with him because she herself can’t deal with it. Then again, Mary Jane is just playing the field right now, so this probably wasn’t going to last too long anyway.

The next day, Kara tries to play nice with Marisol, complimenting her on her shoes. She casually brings up their issue and apologizes cooly, wanting Marisol to drop the complaint. Marisol sees right through it, and tells Kara to offer her the anchor spot on the  new show Kara’s producing. Kara laughs, seeing how Marisol is trying to play this situation to her advantage, and walks away.

That night, Kara and Mary Jane go to get some barbecue, and MJ sees David with his fiancee and daughter. They make eye contact, but Mary Jane calmly turns around and goes on about her business. Kara asks if she’s okay, and Mary Jane truly is. She’s been thinking a lot about Lisa, and admits she still has a lot of guilt. MJ’s also been thinking about her car accident, considering it a blessing. Getting blackmailed by Cece oddly reminded her of why she got into journalism in the first place. She’s in a much better place than she was last season. She’s dating for fun, she has TWO shows, and just seems to be happier. Mary Jane tells Kara that maybe Marisol is Kara’s own “car accident,” or blessing in disguise, Maybe this is the universe’s way of pushing Kara to do what she is meant to do.

Later, we see Marisol as the anchor on Kara’s new show, showing us that Kara went along with Marisol’s deal to try to get this complaint resolved. However, Kara later gets a visit from a woman in HR, stating that Marisol has filed a harassment complaint against Kara anyway, and HR will be investigating! In the meantime, Kara is not to have any contact with Marisol, which will be hard since Kara is the producer on the show Marisol’s heading up! So it looks like Kara will probably lose that position. Marisol played her VERY WELL. I feel bad and mad too, because Kara’s job shouldn’t be in jeopardy. However, you have to be careful about what you say in the workplace, especially in today’s age.

Meanwhile, Mary Jane and Cece go to the publisher to sell their book idea at the publishing company. Cece loves the attention, and spills everything about how she blackmailed Mary Jane, but that it ultimately allowed them to bond. The associates at the publishing company soak it all up, seeing how this could be sold as a bizarre memoir of friendship. However, it turns out that this was really Mary Jane setting her up to be arrested! Two cops were posing as employees, recorded EVERYTHING Cece said, and quickly arrest her! Of course, Cece is pissed off, but MJ is sick of people taking it too far with her, and using her. BOOM! I really did like Cece’s role on the show, but I get why Mary Jane did it. If I was being extorted for thousands of dollars, I’d try to plan something like that too.

At the end of the episode, Mary Jane stands in front of the mirror and reflects on her life over the past three seasons, from dealing with her family and relationships, to work and her car accident, and even her fight with Lisa and Lisa’s eventual suicide. It’s been a rough road for MJ, but again, she’s in a much better place now, and I’m happy to see it.

The episode ends with Niecy getting pulled over in her new car, with her babies in tow. Pulled over for “loud music” and not having license plates, Niecy gets confrontational with the cop and is eventually dragged out of the car, She keeps arguing with the cop, and he tases and arrests WHILE HER SON IS WATCHING! Of course, in this social media age, someone records the entire thing. Nina watches it back at SNC, and shows Mary Jane, not knowing that’s MJ’s niece. Mary Jane freezes as she watches Niecy being tackled to the ground, in the same manner that we’ve seen several cops aggressively take down people in the past few years.

Now, I have to be honest about this. I do not condone the cop’s actions completely. With the babies in the car, he probably should have taken another approach to this. HOWEVER, people are natural reactors. We react to how people approach us, and Niecy approached him rudely which set him off. I believe in knowing and asserting your rights, but there’s a way to go about it. In fact, BET wrote a piece on what people should do if they get pulled over. To me, I feel like the main piece is remaining calm even when you know you didn’t do anything. Niecy was aggressive from the jump, which caused him to be aggressive as well. I’m sure that this will be a debate online for a few days. I’m not sure what the end result will be for Niecy, but that was definitely an interesting way to end the season!

What did you think of the Being Mary Jane season 3 finale?

Images via BET

RECAP: "Purging and Cleansing," Being Mary Jane S3, E9

Published December 10, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Can’t believe this is the second to last episode of Being Mary Jane for the season! Picking up from last week, right after Patrick storms out, Paul tells Mary Jane that all of this is necessary, even if they did ambush him. I get why everyone is upset, though. Even though this is a lighter drug, it’s still a drug, and for Patrick to relapse into his old ways would be terrible. MJ brings D’Asia to her house that night, and, of course, D’Asia asks about her dad. MJ tells her that Patrick had to work, and D’Asia is happy just spending time over at her aunt’s house. D’Asia asks MJ upfront, however, if her dad is back on drugs, but MJ plays it off, saying again that he is just working late.

The next morning, Patrick sits outside of D’Asia’s school, waiting to see her. D’Asia’s teacher spots him, and they talk a bit, with Patrick explaining that he brought lunch for D’Asia. He gets a little emotional of everything going on, and gives the teacher D’Asia’s lunch. When he pulls off, the teacher finds a sweet note to D’Asia from him. However, she senses that something is off when she sees D’Asia come in with Mary Jane and another lunch box in hand.

Later, at work, Mary Jane vents to Kara about Patrick and her parents, and Kara feels like MJ’s parents are using her as their guard dog. She tells Mary Jane that this isn’t her fight, believing MJ needs to be a little selfish right now and focus on the good in her life. Later, MJ calls Paul explaining that she can’t pick D’Asia up (with her work, she wouldn’t always be able to anyway). She tries to get Paul to back down on this, Paul refuses to send D’Asia back to Patrick. In fact, when PJ comes back home to try to help with D’Asia, Paul tells his son upfront that there is only one side in all of this–his.

Later, Marisol tries to get a spot on the talkBack team, even as a producer. However, MJ spent all of her budget already, and wouldn’t be able to take Marisol on. In fact, Mary Jane’s team is small and young. She invites Nina, one of the students who called her out at Clark Atlanta, as a news consultant. Khalil, also a student, is working as an intern at SNC and hops on board, though he is upset to have to be getting Nina coffee as an intern. After being kicked out of the main conference room, and moving to the lunch room to try to meet, the team ends up going to Mary Jane’s house to brainstorm. These young aspiring journalists have a heavy debate on government assistance to minorities, and plan to pitch Greg a show on welfare. Cece comes by, asking for Mary Jane to make an appearance to the bookstore to encourage sales and black people to read. Mary Jane hesitantly agrees. Cece looks at the team’s work and asks about the format of the show, which she calls predictable. Most of the topics they’ve chosen have divides from gender and race to even generational. Cece then comes up with great ideas, but all MJ can remember is Cece blackmailing her in a voiceover.

After school, Patrick tries to get D’Asia from Paul but fails. Her teacher comes over concerned, stating that school is not the place to go through all this. Patrick gets emotional and calls out of work. The teacher kindly volunteers to give him a ride home and he admits that he is a drug addict. Recently, he started taking something to keep up with work, and his family called him out on it, and took D’Asia. She tells Patrick that he needs to reflect and have a conversation with himself about what he needs to do to be better going forward. However, Patrick decides to go to the Pattersons and takes D’Asia anyway.

That night Paul and Helen talk privately in their room. Helen wants Patrick to move back in to keep an eye on him, an idea that Paul doesn’t like. He gets upset, because he feels like they have blown most of their money on these adults, and haven’t spent time making enough memories, just the two of them. However, Helen comforts Paul, telling him that he’s always done the right thing. All the while, Niecy and PJ eavesdrop on their conversation. Honestly, Paul and Helen are enablers. They always came in to save their kids instead of giving them tough love.

On Primetime, Mary Jane announces the official relaunch of talkBack. After work, she calls Kara, planning to talk to her parents. Kara states that MJ needs to see who else is capable of showing up in these family situations, because most times, it’s Mary Jane. Back at her house, Kara runs into John, who’s attempting to write an essay for possible publication. After he tells her that the main breaker in the house tripped again, Kara goes into a rant about her work ethic that she got from her mom. She wants the best, and doesn’t understand, as a white man in America, how his ambition could be so low, and how he lets her take care of everything? He could be whatever he wanted, and not struggling to make it as a writer. However, John states that, if he wasn’t there, Kara wouldn’t be able to work endlessly and come and go as she pleases. Kara wishes him luck with that essay, since they need it to be able to help keep the lights on for their kids.

Later, PJ talks to Niecy about her needing to handle herself and her kids on her own. She has a job, sure, and yes, I applaud her for doing something, but it’s only part-time. It’s BEEN time for her to grow up. Niecy feels like she’s trying, but also thinks that, no matter what she does, her life is never going anywhere. PJ tells her honestly that people will be there to help her, but they’re not going to rescue her.  He mentions that she needs to ask for more help from her babies’ fathers. PJ will help cover daycare and preschool for the kids, and help her establish her credit. Niecy can also get her cosmetology license so she can do hair! This girl really doesn’t realize how successful she could be by getting into the hair game, especially with her mother doing hair as well. Niecy has to WANT to be successful, and go after something wholeheartedly instead of depending on other people.

At the end of the episode, MJ texts Patrick stating that she loves him and will always be there for him. He’s still angry, though, and ignores the text. The next morning, Cece is outside of MJ’s door, and congratulates her on the return of talkBack. Cece again asks for contributions, since these are her ideas. It was even Cece’s idea for Mary Jane to go after both shows. “A woman’s gotta eat, after all,” Cece explains. Of course this woman still wants to blackmail and get money of MJ! Her bookstore is struggling because, let’s be honest, not too many people actually read too much these days at all, let alone physical copies of books (shout out to my fellow bookworms who still believe in actual books. Screw a tablet). Cece is an opportunist, and will continue to try to play Mary Jane, which is unfortunate, because I actually think they could be decent friends if she wasn’t.

Be sure to check out the SEASON FINALE of Being Mary Jane at 10 p.m. ET next Tuesday only on BET!

Images via BET

RECAP: "Wake Up Call"-Being Mary Jane S3, E8

Published December 3, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Another great episode of Being Mary Jane! Picking up from last week, Mary Jane and her family have a cookout at her house. Patrick excitedly talks to Paul about his work, clearly hopped up on those pills he’s been taking. At the table, Niecy mentions possibly getting a car and MJ tells her that she needs to think about saving her money instead. Paul agrees, stating that he will buy her a car. Irritated, Mary Jane tells them that they all need to do better with their finances as a family. She thinks they need to brainstorm ideas about financial security and communal accountability, and literally the entire family walks away from the table. She wasn’t lying though! Don’t get me wrong. Mary Jane can be judgmental and preachy, but, in my opinion, she has a right to be when it comes to her family. A lot of times, they all end up falling back on her because of the money she makes and it’s not a bad idea for them all to really get their finances together, especially Niecy and Patrick.


The next day, Mary Jane goes to speak at a class of journalism students at Clark Atlanta University, who have mixed opinions on if TV reporters are real reporters or just going along to get along with mainstream stories. Mary Jane talks about how all people really look at now are headlines and sound bites, believing “I didn’t sell out. I bought in.” It’s a clear formula. Ratings = Advertising = Money. It’s just the game. She tells the students that drama sells, which is why quite a few of her stories are fluff, especially for her slot being literally prime time for viewers. Viewers complain about wanting real, in depth stories that matter, but then the majority of them either skim over them or don’t watch at all. It was very interesting to watch.  However, a student calls Mary Jane out for losing her real voice on PrimeTime, calling her indeed a sellout, and it clearly affects her.


Later, Cece hosts an author at her bookstore, where they and the attendees discuss black children living in America today. Again, what I love about this show, is that it brings up many different topics that can start great discussions in your own house, with co-workers, on social media, etc. Mary Jane swings through to give Cece her final payment, and asks Cece if she’s a sellout like the students believed. Cece answers honestly, and says yes. MJ admits that her episodes surrounding people of color brought in her lowest ratings, bringing up the issue again of mainstream stories doing well. However, Cece mentions that if MJ’s position now is so good, she wouldn’t be so defensive. She thinks that MJ misses the freedom she had with Talk Back, and advises that MJ should get back into it, even if it is less money and billboards. Mary Jane congratulates Cece on her bookstore, and wishes her luck. That night, though, Mary Jane watches her past episode of Prime Time, seeming to be contemplating what Cece and the students says.


The next morning, MJ meditates and takes before spending with the white boy she met at the club (we still don’t know his name, and I doubt she does still, either). Before they have sex, she brings out a wide variety of home HIV/STD tests. Though he’s a little thrown off, he agrees to go along with it. She fakes taking her tests, and then administers his. He tests negative, and they get it in! As they sleep, she takes a picture of him and send to Kara. Kara comes over the next day, and MJ admits she had never been with a white boy before that.


A little later, Cece comes by advising Mary Jane not to “tear down to build,” meaning that she shouldn’t quit PrimeTime, a major opportunity, to go back to Talk Back. Cece tells her to go for both. MJ tells Cece not to come back to her house, warning her that she’ll call the cops if Cece does. However, she takes the woman’s advice, going to talk to Greg about returning to Talk Back. She pitches the idea that the show can be revamped and she’ll do a better job than the journalist running it now. She even tells Greg that they can “exploit” the black audience, getting ratings on issues that matter to them, which gets Greg happy. However, Mary Jane really wants to have the show again to use her voice and discuss issues that matter.

Later that night, Kara notices that MJ is still in the office, working on a new format for Talk Back. Mary Jane proposes having an hour long show to discuss issues surrounding not just blacks, but also other minorities, including Latinos and women. Kara thinks it’s great that MJ wants to do this, but admits that she can’t do this show on top of everything that she has going on, and still be a good mom to her kids. She suggests that Mary Jane produces the show herself and find new people who come up with fresh ideas, saying that it’s time that she trusts herself without Kara. Mary Jane thinks maybe Marisol could be brought in, which Kara doesn’t like, but I think that could be a great idea as well.


Meanwhile, Patrick, Tracy and D’Asia have dinner together. When D’Asia goes to bed, Tracy announces that she’s getting out of the halfway house, and wants to talk about getting them back together. Patrick rejects the idea, just wanting to co-parent. He wants her to do well, but doesn’t want to be with her. Tracy is hurt, because she was with him through so much. He loves her, but however, he never promised her anything after she got herself together. Patrick just wants them to do right by D’Asia. Of course, Tracy storms off, enraged.

The next day at the office, Mary Jane has made the decision to produce Talk Back herself, and is steadily working on it. She gets a visit from her “sister-in-law,” Tracy, who thinks that Patrick’s on drugs again, after seeing him all energized at dinner. MJ doesn’t believe her, but Tracy, as an addict, seeing the signs well, and knows that Mary Jane is probably the only person he’ll come to. Mary Jane asks for proof, which Tracy doesn’t have, of course. Mary Jane tells Tracy the next time she comes to SNC like that, MJ will have her arrested.


However, Tracy’s words must have struck a nerve, because later on Mary Jane talks with Patrick, telling him what happened with Tracy and asking him nonchalantly if he’s taking drugs Patrick admits he’s taking a little something to help him focus, and Helen and Paul walk in on him as he says it. Angry, Paul states that Patrick promised he wouldn’t take any drugs at all, and, until he gets himself together, they’re taking D’Asia. Though Patrick denies being into anything serious, Paul also says he needs to go back to rehab, because they can’t do anything more to help him, which Helen agrees with. Patrick storms out, pissed off at his parents, and especially at Mary Jane for bringing them. I get their anger and concern, though. Patrick’s family has seen him at his lowest, and he can easily fall back into addiction.

Be sure to check out all new episodes of Being Mary Jane at 10 p.m. ET on Tuesdays only on BET.

Images via BET

RECAP: "If The Shoe Fits…"-Being Mary Jane S3, E7

Published November 26, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Being Mary Jane was great last night! Picking up from last week, Mary Jane gets more bag options from the stylists, and gets a Birkin bag for herself for her 39th birthday. Meanwhile, Niecy tries to sell expensive flat irons at the mall, where a customer encourages her to do hair. Niecy could really be making some great money. I don’t know why she doesn’t, really. She talks with other employees in the mall, who help each other out with employee discounts to their different stores.

In addition to the Birkin bag, MJ also gets a new car. While driving home, she sees Mark’s house for sale. She ss shocked and upset that he is really leaving for Nigeria, and also that he seemingly forgot her birthday. At that moment, Patrick calls and says that Helen had another fall and had to stay overnight in the hospital. She quickly comes over, of course. PJ comes in too, from LA, and is apparently doing well for himself at his new job, albeit illegal. MJ is suspicious that her brothers and family are planning something for her birthday, but I doubt it. Patrick asks her to come back to help Helen that night, which she takes to mean to come back for the surprise. However, with everything going on, I really think they forgot!

At work, Patrick gets invited for a “donut break,” by his boss and a few employees, which turns out to be pills to focus. It works for Patrick, though. His sales have been up, and he’s been able to get his work done. However, I see this becoming an addiction slowly but surely.

We then see clips from the events going on over in Nigeria. Back at SNC, Mark gets a great severance package now that he’s leaving. Kara tells him to take care of himself out there, and lets him know that she’ll be pissed if anything happens to him. Afterwards, Mary Jane reads birthday wishes from her viewers online, Kara brings her a homemade cake for her and the crew. During the celebration, a team member lets MJ know that it has been discovered that Barbara Ling-Cho, the employer that PJ works for, has been openly accused of bid rigging. There will be an investigative report, and MJ is encouraged to take a look at the email sent about it.

Later, Kara and MJ talk in MJ’s new Tesla, with Kara’s kids in the back. Kara is trying to work things out with John and the kids, and it seems to be working all right. She admits that she’s mad that Mark is leaving, because now anchors will be rotated in, messing up the flow of the show. MJ tells that she has plans for a surprise party at her family’s house, which Kara wasn’t invited to. Kara thinks it’s weird that she wouldn’t be invited if there was a surprise party going on, but Mary Jane thinks it could just be a family thing.

MJ goes over to the Pattersons’, walking around the dark house, thinking she’ll be surprised.
However, absolutely nothing is going on. PJ reveals that they forgot, which would irritate me with everything that girl has done for them. Instead of getting too mad, Mary Jane brings up the bid rigging. PJ arrogantly admits he is involved, and Mary Jane states that there is already an investigation on his firm. Regardless of what he does, Mary Jane believes that he will end up being the fall guy on this, warning him to get out while he can. He wants to make this work to set the Pattersons back up for greatness. However, his methods make him a criminal, and it will come with burden and consequences. Mary Jane tells him he can make a lot of money from this, but it doesn’t buy peace of mind.

Later, MJ gives Helen a bath, and helps her to bed, giving her medicine and a leg massage. At that moment, Helen reveals she never danced in public, not even at her wedding, out of fear of looking silly. Now these legs won’t let her change her mind. Helen encourages Mary Jane that, whenever she gets a chance to dance, to dance, and wishes her a happy birthday. At least someone remembered!

At his job, Patrick slides his co-worker money for more pills to stay up and knock out orders. Meanwhile, Niecy and Paul come home, and we see Niecy did a little shopping with her first check, buying a lot of designer stuff with her friends’ employee discounts. She even got MJ a candle for her birthday. Mary Jane calls Niecy for spending up half her check, when she has responsibilities with her kids. Of course, it upsets Niecy, who storms away and takes back the candle. Paul tells Mary Jane that Niecy needs to feel the independence of money, and is somewhat progressing. I mean, for the past two years, I’ve been wanting the girl to get a job, so yes, that’s progress. When I got my first pay check, I spent it up too. However, I was 14 and didn’t have kids. Niecy has two, so I understood where Mary Jane was coming from. MJ admits at that moment that she had an abortion, trying to do the reasonable, responsible thing to not be a burden to others. She clearly feels a little bitterness behind the fact that Niecy has been babied by Paul and Helen with her babies in tow, as well as the fact that her family her birthday, after she’s worked to help them. She says outright that she could have had a six year old to spend her birthday with if she had known she could’ve been taken care of like Niecy. Paul grabs her in a hug and comforts her.

At the end of the episode, Mark does his last broadcast, and gives a little speech to the crew, stating
that it’s time for the next part of his journey. He gets emotional, and admits he’ll miss everyone, thanking them for an amazing five years at SNC. At Mary Jane’s, Mark surprises her with a little cake, proving he actually didn’t forget her birthday. He reveals he officially sold his house, and has found a crew in London to check out before going to Nigeria. He admits he’s scared, but he’s more scared to not do what he wants to do, and not live in the moment. Mary Jane and Mark will definitely miss each other, especially Mary Jane since Mark is often her voice of reason. The two of them end the episode with a dance battle to Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock‘s “It Takes Two.” I love their friendship, and will miss seeing that on the show. I’m not sure what is going to happen with Mark’s character going forward, but I hope he comes back.

Be sure to check out all new episodes of Being Mary Jane at 10 p.m. ET on Tuesdays only on BET. 

Images via BET

RECAP: "Don’t Call It A Comeback"-Being Mary Jane S3, E6

Published November 19, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

How are you all liking Being Mary Jane this season? Picking up from last week, Mary Jane has a great
night at the club with Nichelle and other girlfriends, as they drink and talk about their sex lives! As the ladies all begin to leave to go home, Mary Jane sees the white boy she made out with in the last episode, and goes back in the club. They make out again, as Nichelle texts to see if MJ made it home safe. He wants to go home with her, or have her come home with him, but she wants to keep things at the club. We still don’t even know his name, and neither does Mary Jane, but she’s good with that.

The next morning,  stylists come in to fit Mary Jane for the show. She gets a text from Brandon, and the stylist gives her some tips on how to deal with him just as a cutty buddy.  That night, Mary Jane has another great show, just going with the flow and enjoying the perks. Kara stays behind to work, upset at her loss of personal life, while Mary Jane is out having fun all of the time. In fact, MJ doesn’t even bother inviting Kara anymore, knowing that the answer will probably be no, or she’ll back out last minute. It upsets Kara a little bit, but what can she do?

That night, MJ and Brandon have sex, but he has a seizure shortly after! It’s scary and unexpected, and Mary Jane stays up with him. However, the next day, at work, she reveals that she can’t deal with her life at SNC, family, and Brandon’s seizures on top of that. “Seizures aren’t sexy,” she tells Kara nonchalantly. I thought more about it, and I don’t know if Brandon and MJ would be a good couple. Though Brandon is a good person, personality-wise, they are very different. Plus, Mary Jane can be a little stuck up sometimes.

At that moment, it’s revealed that Mark has a sex scandal going on! A photographer snapped some
pictures of him coming out of the club hugged up with another a guy, causing quite a stir. MJ tries to calm him down, offensively stating that that being gay is trendy, and this will blow over. However, gossip and public opinion means more than the truth now a days, and Mark knows that this will have a big effect on his career. Greg, of course, asks for to speak to him, and reveals that their legal team will do whatever it takes to get these pictures down, and will support him as the public is doing. The VP of Marketing wants him to officially come out on air, and then do LGBTQ lifestyle and policy stories, using his scandal to help broaden the network’s audience. Mark is not all interested in being the face of gay politics, but wants to be on the ground in Syria and Nigeria to cover international policy. However, with journalists being kidnapped there already, Greg says that sending Mark over there now is completely off the table now that his sexuality has come out full force like this. Mark fires back, stating that if he can’t do his actual job, then he quits!

On the next Primetime, MJ hosts a discussion about immigration reform and voting. Afterwards, one of the panelists tells her that people of color still need her highlighting their issues on PrimeTime, like she did on Talk Back. Afterwards, Greg goes to ask Mary Jane to get Mark back, who is the strongest day talk show host they have. MJ apologizes to Greg, realizing how hard he fought for her as well. He accepts, stating  that she is the face of the network now, but knows she can handle it just fine.

Later, Kara talks to Marisol, who is working to keep a name for herself at SNC. Marisol asks Kara what she has against her. Kara is upset thinking Marisol is only here to fill a quota, screwing all of her hard work and the work of other Latinos. It could very well be true, but let the girl prove herself, Kara! Meanwhile, Mark and Mary Jane talks about him quitting, and MJ asks him to reconsider SNC’s proposal about the lifestyle stories. However, Mark feels like people won’t truly hear him, focusing only on the fact that he’s gay. MJ is worried about his safety overseas, and encourages him to talk things through with Greg.

That night, Brandon texts MJ, and she invites him to come over. However, before they get it on, she has to discuss the huge elephant in the room with these seizures! Brandon reveals that the seizures started two months ago, and he’s scared of how that will affect his football career. Mary Jane suggests that maybe he should give up football, and something else like go back to school, which upsets him and he storms out. The next day, she reveals to Nichelle she’s not invested in Brandon, believing that they know too much about each other and the mystery is gone. Now MJ’s found this new white boy to play with, which leads to an interesting discussion about being single and the “hoe threshold.” It’s good to see them spending time with each other again, rekindling their friendship.

At the end of the episode, Mark talks to Greg. SNC is not willing to take on the liability still, and Mark decides to hire his own team and go to Nigeria independently. Mary Jane thinks it’s time for them both to live a little and stop fighting on these types of things, clearly happy just going with the flow now. Mark states that they’re SNC puppets now, but MJ is good with that, because people don’t care about the truth. Why keep fighting a losing battle? She may be a sell out, but now she’s getting what she wants. Mark, however, refuses to.

Later Mary Jane goes to the club, and meets up with the white boy, who watched her show that night. The mystery is a little ruined by him watching her on TV, but, by the look on her face, she plans to enjoy herself anyway!

Be sure to check out all new episodes of Being Mary Jane Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET only on BET. 

Images via BET

RECAP: "Hot Seat"-Being Mary Jane S3, E5

Published November 12, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Another great episode of Being Mary Jane last night! Picking up from last week, Mary Jane is
adamant about getting her spot back on the show. However, Greg refuses to pull Marisol from the chair. MJ then decides to make some moves of her own, and makes a donation and call to the Rainbow Coalition. A representative comes in to question Greg, wondering if race is the reason why Mary Jane hasn’t been brought back on the show. Greg offers the Coalition time to speak on their organization to avoid this accusation going public, but the rep demands that MJ be put back on the air within 3-6 weeks or the Coalition will hit the press. Mary Jane doesn’t feel like the rep pressed hard enough, but, for the coalition, there is a process to getting this to happen. Yet again, Mary Jane takes things into her own hands, and announces to the intrigued reporters outside that she’ll be back on the air on Monday, forcing SNC’s hand herself.

Back at her house, Mary Jane calls to cancel her donation to the Coalition,  since she went on a limb making the announcement that she’ll be back. Mark disagrees with her move, though understanding Mary Jane felt backed into a corner. She realizes that she went a little too far, but what’s done is done.

At the Pattersons, Helen is clearly still struggling with her lupus, but manages to shake it off as Patrick walks in to drop off samples as he is now a salesman for different soft drinks. When he tries to offer Niecy a sample, she gets upset and storms off, clearly still mad that he’s now deciding to put forth effort in his life, and trying to be a better parent to D’Asia. Patrick calls her out for being rude and ungrateful. Afterwards, Niecy calls her mother, who promises that she’s coming to see Niecy.

Later, Kara calls MJ on speaker with Greg, who wants her in the office now. When MJ gets there, he plays the video of her statement to the reporters. Irritated, he states that he is the one constantly advocating for her. Contrary to her belief, his decisions about her has nothing to do with her black. He’s taken note of her constant tardiness, as well as her never taking proper time to prepare beforehand for her shows. Hearing that truly shakes MJ up a little bit, but Greg lets her know that she is set to be back on air on Monday, as she announced, but she better be prepared.

Niecy’s mom Jackie (played by Jill Scott) comes in toting gifts for her daughter. As they talk, Niecy admits that she wants her kids to know their grandmother, who is always busy working, doing hair for Nicki Minaj on tour. Jackie states that Niecy could work in hair herself,  if she gets a portfolio together. Niecy can have a real career that takes her around the world, using her skills. It’s actually not a bad idea, if Niecy actually could follow through. She’s so used to people taking care of her, though.

That night, after calling her stylist for a new look, Mary Jane shows off her new short hair cut at the club with Mark. She admits that she’s nervous about going back on air, but Mark states confidently that she will do well. Mary Jane talks about her cutty buddy, Brandon, and believes that he could maybe be the right one. However, Mark thinks she needs to keep Brandon as a scratch for her sex itch. That’s really what she likes him for. Mark encourages her to take the rest of the free time she has for herself, and let love come to her.

On her first night back on Primetime, it’s clear that MJ took Greg’s words to heart, and prepped very well for her show. The teleprompter even breaks on her, and the girl doesn’t miss a beat on her topic! She needed that kick in the butt!

Meanwhile Jackie and Niecy walk in late from dinner, and Patrick confronts Niecy, who left the kids with their grandparents yet again. She should’ve been back at a certain time, which upsets Jackie, who had no idea. Jackie even tells her that being late isn’t cute, and that Niecy is not a kid anymore. She needs to be on time, and stick to her word, especially when it comes to her kids. Of course, Niecy gets mad and storms off. Jackie lets her go, but then invites Patrick out to dinner with her the next night.

After her show, Mary Jane and Kara have a brief celebration. When Mary Jane gets home, she sees all of her fans giving her praise on social media, and also gets love from her family and friends, and she’s happy. However, Greg’s words haunt her as she tries to sleep, and she comes into the office to work. She has another great show the next night, though still self-conscious about how she’s really doing.

Later, Jackie and Patrick spend time together at his apartment. She looks at a picture of their
daughters, and says kindly that Patrick needs to stop babying Niecy. All it’s going to do is stunt her growth. He then states that she really needs to come around more. At the end of the day, Niecy is mad at both of them, but takes it out on Patrick since he’s the only one really around. Jackie reveals that she actually doesn’t do Nicki’s hair, but the dancers’ hair. Though that’s still great and Jackie loves what she does, she spends most of her time in airports and always being on call. That part of it sucks. Because of it, she thinks she messed her daughters up. Patrick comforts her with a kiss, and they end up making out and having sex. The next day, Jackie says goodbye to Niecy, and promises to stay in better contact with her.

After MJ hits the club again at the end of the episode, she finds a handsome, white guy to keep her company. They talk, dance, and eventually make out in the club. At work the next day, Mary Jane happily tells Mark how she kissed her first white boy. Kara comes in with news about the show, stating that they came in last place, which always happens, but they maintained their numbers. MJ is clearly not satisfied with that. However, at the end of the day she still won by getting her spot back. That night, she sits by the pool, smokes a cigar and has a drink, as Brandon suggested in the last episode, and smiles.

Be sure to check out all new episodes of Being Mary Jane Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET only on BET. 

Images via BET

RECAP: "Being Kara"-Being Mary Jane S3, E4

Published November 5, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Another great episode of Being Mary Jane last night! Picking up from last week, this episode mostly surrounds Kara, hence the title of the episode. We see Kara having some romantic time with Gael, going off to finish some work, and falling asleep. However, she oversleeps, and rushes to get ready for the day. We’ve seen before that she has a problem balancing her work and personal life. As she gets ready in the car, she pops a pill to, assumedly, calm herself down and get on with the day.

Because she overslept, Kara misses a parent-teacher conference, and her ex-husband John reveals that their youngest son Scott may have dyscalculia, a specific learning disability for math. His teacher wants him to get tested, to be sure. Though Kara begins to freak out, she suggests the kids living with her for a while, offering to help with Scott’s math. Clearly seeing she is overwhelmed by this news, John asks why she feels like she has to be Superwoman all the time. This statement causes Kara to break down, feeling like John keeps the kids from her. If anything, she really doesn’t seem to feel like she’s as good a mother as she could be, and beats herself up for it.

At SNC, Mary Jane reveals to Kara she got sidelined another week on the show because of her scar. Honestly, in her test shots, she looked great with the makeup, and Gary made a stupid decision by not letting her on. It was probably on purpose, honestly, to try to push MJ out of the show completely.
Back at her house, MJ notices she’s received a letter from Lisa, and asks Brandon (her Cutty Buddy) to come over to distract her from her sadness.

The next morning at Kara’s, her sons have spent the night, along with their dog, and the morning is chaotic. Scott had an accident in the bed, the dog Lucy chews up her shoes, and Scott and Max get in a fight. It causes Kara to yell a bit, which she later apologizes for, reminding her sons that she loves them more than anything. She tells them that her dad will pick them up and bring them back, which the kids object to, since they’re not used to actually staying with her much. John calls to check in after Max called him earlier upset, which gets her angry again. It all seems like it’s too much for her, though she tries to act like she can handle it.

Meanwhile, Mary Jane slips away from Brandon to meet up with Cece in the park to give her the first installment of funds. They get into a short debate about race, with Cece then offering her condolences on the loss of Lisa which angers Mary Jane. Cece is trying to be civil while extorting her, so I understand Mary Jane being upset. No need for small talk when you’re blackmailing someone for her money!

At work, Marisol meets with Greg without Kara to pitch stories, which irritates Kara. Though it is a natural thing for a journalist, Kara sees it as Marisol not only trying to secure a spot at SNC, but also cutting Kara out of the creative process as the producer. That night, MJ shops for shoes and has some good loving with Brandon. Niecy walks in on them in the jacuzzi, needing help with her resume. Embarrassed, MJ puts Brandon on hold to assist, convincing Niecy to tell a tiny white life that she had an internship at SNC. Honestly, Niecy has ZERO work experience so she needs something to get her foot in the door.

Meanwhile, Kara buys a whole bunch of ingredients to make brownies for a fundraiser at school. John and Kara have wine, and talk about their son, with Kara believing that she may have passed along her issues to Scott. Afterwards, she attempts to make the brownies and research her son’s learning disability, and ends up burning the brownies. As Mary Jane and Brandon are STILL going at it, Kara comes by,  distraught, asking MJ to make the brownies. She even left the kids alone to go over there! Kara breaks down about how she feels inadequate as a mother, and that she’s screwed up her life, and now she’s screwed them up. Mary Jane gives her a long, well-needed hug, and makes her some great brownies to take to Scott’s school, which cheers Kara up.

The next day, Niecy goes on an interview for a beauty supply company. When the interviewer gives her an attitude about being a little late, Niecy states firmly that, as a black woman, she probably knows more about the products than the lady does and could still be a great asset for the company. She says that she was late because she is a mother, but she hopes that she will still be considered for the job.

Later, Mary Jane goes to see Cece at her bookstore, which she bought with the extortion money. Mary Jane, who has been digging up info on Cece, warns her that the extortion will stop. However, Cece doesn’t care what MJ brings out about her. She can still end MJ’s career. Mary Jane calls Cece out and says that she is no better than the white man, and “slave owners” using the blacks, which is what Cece is always bringing up. Mary Jane is right, too. At the end of the day, Cece is blackmailing MJ, and in the name of God, claiming it as HER BLESSING! It’s wrong.

Towards the end of the episode, Gael comes to SNC to see Kara. After they have passionate sex in the car, they talk, and Kara reveals that she feels like she’s not being fair to her kids by spending more of her free time with him, or fair stringing him along. The two break up. Though I like them as a couple, I think Kara made the right choice for now. She does need to make more time for her kids, so hopefully this will help. She even brings up moving back into her old house to John, so the entire family can be together. She wants to be a better mother, and thinks this is the best way. Though John thinks it’s a terrible idea, he goes along with it.

Niecy later reveals to MJ that she got the job. She’s starting out part-time on a small salary, but it’s a start. After more sex with Brandon, Mary Jane finally opens the letter from Lisa, which was an invitation for a gala event Lisa was supposed to be honored at at the beginning of 2016. Mary Jane breaks down and Brandon comforts her. He even preps Cuban cigars and whiskey for her, saying that his grandfather taught him that this was the best way to balance out so much death and to find a way to enjoy life. I like him. I don’t know if he’s the right one for MJ, but he makes a good cutty buddy for sure!

Be sure to check out all new episodes of Being Mary Jane Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET only on BET. 

Images via BET

RECAP: "Sparrow"- Being Mary Jane S3, E3

Published October 28, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Last night’s episode of Being Mary Jane was HEAVY! Picking up from last week’s season three premiere, the episode starts with Lisa having what seems, at first, like a typical night. She makes herself dinner, takes a shower, before putting on a nice nightgown. In a very calm and weirdly happy manner, though, she slowly takes a bunch of pills with wine, committing suicide! Afterwards, Mary Jane gets a call from David, but ignores him and deletes his number from her phone. He eventually shows up at her house, but she’s already at work. Niecy calls MJ asking her to come over, as David tells the Pattersons what happened to Lisa. Niecy ends up telling Mary Jane over the phone, as Helen cries and Paul sits in shock.

That same night, Mary Jane looks through all of the calls she’s been ignoring since her accident. She comes across all the ignored calls from Lisa too, including Friday, which I’m assuming, may have been the day (or close to it) that Lisa killed herself.

Later, Kara comes to visit Mary Jane, along with Mark and Nichelle, and they all reflect on memories about Lisa. Mary Jane takes matters into her own hands, planning the funeral service. Nichele reveals that David is actually the one who found Lisa, which prompts Mary Jane to have an actual conversation with him, albeit short and awkward.
The next day, Mary Jane goes to see her parents, with Helen believing that they played a part in Lisa’s death by ignoring her. Mary Jane seems very numb, as she focuses on planning the funeral. Helen told Lisa’s family what happened, which upsets Mary Jane since Lisa hadn’t spoken to them in 15 years, and, for good reason, as we find out later on. MJ then goes to Lisa’s house and sees Lisa’s last dinner on the table, still in a sense of shock and numbness. At that moment, Lisa’s mother and stepfather arrive, and, by the little details, it’s clear that MJ had a stronger connection with Lisa than they did. Mary Jane refuses to have the stepfather Charles at the funeral, and states that she will not be there if he is, implying something happened specifically between the two of them. Lisa’s mother later states that she lied to the family about what happened to Lisa, and that people will talk if Mary Jane doesn’t come. She doesn’t want a scene, so she asks Charles not to come, which he agrees to. Seems like she doesn’t even care that her daughter is dead, instead worrying about what people will think. 

Right before the funeral at the end of the episode, Mary Jane and David talk, and she reveals that she finally broke down and cried the night before. Instead of writing her eulogy, she spent time picking out a dress for the funeral, and oddly got this bad pain in her chest before finally crying for hours, It was because the dress she picked, Lisa had told her not to buy because it was too expensive. That was the one of the last times they went shopping together and spend real time together as friends, and now Mary Jane is giving the eulogy at Lisa’s funeral. It’s all really sad to watch and think about.  David struggles to find the right thing to say, but encourages MJ, stating her eulogy will be great. He also tells her that Lisa’s death is not her fault, which, understandably, she gets angry at. For one thing, you don’t say that to somebody, especially on the day that she has to bury a friend she’s had from childhood. Mary Jane is angry at him implying that it was her fault, instead of saying they both could have done better by Lisa. To be quite honest, everyone could’ve done better by Lisa. Not saying that her messing around with David was right, but when you have a good friend like that, you need to rally behind them even in their hard times. It’s clear that Lisa was struggling with serious demons, and she was often pushed away, specifically by MJ.

At the funeral, Charles still comes, and the minister shuts MJ down before she can make a major scene. During her eulogy, MJ admits that she and all of us really are constantly pretending that we’re okay in life, when we’re really not. We’re afraid to be honest with each other. “The lies we tell each other are what killed my friend Lisa,” Mary Jane said, before opening up about some of Lisa’s ugly truths. Mary Jane shockingly states how Lisa’s stepfather molested Lisa from the ages 9 to 16, and that she suffered from depression and insecurities. Lisa’s mother breaks down, and I don’t even think it was because all of this happened to her daughter, but because of the fact that now everyone knows about it. Sad. Though a shocking eulogy, Mary Jane expresses that the best way to celebrate Lisa’s life is to tell the truth. She encourages everyone to tell those around them that they are loved, no matter how ugly their truths are.

I posed a question on The Spotlight‘s Twitter page, asking was Mary Jane wrong for telling Lisa’s truth or was it necessary? My goodness, I felt like it was needed, though shocking and awkward at a funeral. Lisa was wrestling with real problems, which ultimately led to her death. If she had talked about it more with others, and people hadn’t swept it under the rug or ignored her, she might have still been around. What I love about this show, what I’ve always loved about this show, is that, even though you’re wrapped up in the plot, it discusses real issues that impact us all, especially people of color. It opens the door to have some much needed discussion. This episode had me thinking about mental health and suicide. I have been trying my personal hardest to be more of an open ear to others and more observant and understanding of what they’re going through, because life is hard, man. It takes a lot out of you, and, often times, people struggle with problems alone. I don’t want to ever miss or ignore signs that someone in my life is seriously struggling, and may need help. I hope you all don’t either.

If someone has said something to you about wanting to kill themselves or you are noticing a lot of signs, PLEASE DO NOT sit idly by. Call a doctor, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or try to convince your loved one to go to the hospital immediately and seek help.

Be sure to check out all new episodes of Being Mary Jane at Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET only on BET. 

Images via BET

RECAP: Being Mary Jane Season 3 Premiere ("Facing Fears," E1 & "Louie, Louie," E2)

Published October 21, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Being Mary Jane is back for a third season, and this is going to be a crazy one! Picking up from last season, last night’s two-hour season premiere the Pattersons, Lisa, David, are at the hospital to see about Mary Jane, who was in a terrible accident. Kara is also there, fighting over the phone to protect MJ at SNC and also covering the mirror with paper towels in MJ’s hospital room. Mary Jane’s face is severely cut and bruised, but she is alive. Another woman named Cecilia (Loretta Devine) was the other driver involved in the accident, but looks to be okay. After Mary Jane gets a CAT scan, she goes off  after seeing David in the hallway, alarming her parents, who try to get an explanation from him. David attempts to tell them that he mistakenly called MJ while he was talking to Lisa about some things in their past. When David refuses to go into detail, Paul punches him!

Back at her room, MJ is adamant about seeing

her face. Though Kara tells her to wait for the doctor, MJ eventually rips the paper towels off the mirror, and looks in shock. The doctor explains to her later that she will have even more bruising and swelling in the next few days. However, he’s optimistic that she will heal nicely. While all of this is going on, the higher ups at SNC are trying to see how they can spin this so the network comes out looking good, especially since Mary Jane had some alcohol in her system.

Meanwhile, Lisa talks to Helen about how she wanted David to approve her decision to be honest with Mary Jane about what happened with them. Helen is understandably angry because Lisa could’ve been with any man! She considers Lisa and David to both be family, and for them to hurt MJ like this is unacceptable. Later, Mary Jane goes to try to apologize to Cecilia, who prefers to be called Cece. Cece seems nice and positive, since they both made it out alive.

When Mary Jane eventually leaves the hospital, reporters swarm trying to get her story. She makes sure to give Cece a check for $3,000 as well. Later, MJ’s lawyer meets with her about SNC’s pending investigation into the accident and her alcohol level,  and she realizes that the network is low key trying to get rid of her by using this as possible grounds for termination. Helen also comes by to see her afterwards, telling MJ that she needs to accept that David never wanted her, and to move through the pain. MJ can still be happy, and she needs to believe that in her heart.

The next day, Cece meets the SNC executives, getting some hush money. However, she states firmly
that she’ll need more since she doesn’t have medical insurance. This woman knows the game. She says that, since advertisers pay all of their salaries, they won’t want to hear that their star anchor is an alcoholic or drunk driver! After this subtle threat, CeCe manages to snag $100K, with part of the deal being that she will have to sign a confidentiality agreement, which she agrees to.

That night, Mary Jane gets a visit from PJ. In their conversation, he asks what is about David that always gets her riled up? MJ thinks that he reminds her of their father. MJ realizes that she a man who will be there for her, but she put all of her eggs into David’s basket, and now finds it too hard to start over. PJ admits that he, along with David, are “silver spoon brothers,” stating that when a man’s been catered to his whole life, he doesn’t know how to work for anything. He also states that she and other women need to learn to say no to guys like that, which is true. David isn’t going to fight for her, and she deserves a man who will.

Later that same night, Patrick brings Lisa to talk to Mary Jane. MJ angrily confronts her,  “apologizing” for all of of Lisa’s insecurities and that she’s so angry and couldn’t find a man of her own to love her, She even asks Lisa if they would really be friends if they met today, or have all these years of “friendship” just been out of obligation. Though Lisa wants to address the conversation Mary Jane overheard, MJ wants time and space to deal with the fact that she was betrayed. I understand her anger, I do. However, Mary Jane should’ve let David go a LONG time ago!

As Mary Jane heals, SNC is still going forward with their internal investigation of Mary Jane’s accident. Her lawyer, Arthur, fights for her, though they are trying so hard to depict her as an angry black woman with a drinking problem to try to get rid of her. Cece eventually goes to see MJ, and reveals that she has MJ’s lab reports from the hospital, and wants $25,000 from her to keep quiet. Though Cece did sign a non-disclosure agreement, that protects SNC, not Mary Jane herself! I couldn’t believe this greedy woman! And here I was thinking Cece was going to be a nice character, I guess like how Loretta’s characters typically are. Nope! MJ decide to mull it over, with CeCe planning to come back the next day for an answer.

At the network, Mary Jane’s boss Greg reveals that they want a female of color to replace Mary Jane for now, since the ratings dipped a bit. However, SNC won’t commit to a time frame for MJ’s return. When she talks with Arthur, he argues that the longer the fans wait, the greater the appetite will be for her to come back, especially with her “Ugly, Black Woman” piece still getting a lot of attention. MJ casually asks about the non-disclosure agreement with Cece, without admitting the blackmail. Arthur claims it will protect her regardless, but she isn’t so sure. Meanwhile a representative from an agency representing Latinos meet with Greg, stating that Latino staff and reports on Latino staff are basically nonexistent at SNC. He would hate for the network to get an “F” in diversity on their public standings.

Later, Patrick’s daughter D’Asia has basketball practice, and her mom Tracy shows up from her stint in jail. When D’Asia notices her mom’s house arrest bracelet, Tracy admits to Patrick that she has to be in her half-way house by 7, as well as take a drug counseling class. Clearly against his better judgement, Patrick offers to pick her up so she can make it to D’Asia’s game that week.

At MJ’s, Kara admits that SNC is trying to hire a temporary replacement that looks like her. MJ is
freaking out, because she worked hard to get her position and doesn’t want to lose it. She suggests finding an “ugly, black woman” to fill her spot, which is how SNC sees all women of color apparently. Ugly and interchangeable. If Kara pitches it right, Mary Jane believes the network can get amazing press on this while MJ waits to reclaim her throne. Later on we see though, that, instead of choosing an ugly, black woman (obviously), SNC hires a pretty Latina, Marisol Esparza, as MJ’s replacement.

The next day, Tracy and Patrick go to D’Asia’s game, along with Paul, Helen and Niecy. Tracy gets upset that people don’t recognize her as D’Asia’s mom, and feels like she doesn’t belong. She starts to make a scene, but eventually leaves, after stating that both she and Patrick were addicts. I guess she feels some type of way now that Patrick is getting his life together.

Later, Cece comes over for her money, but MJ only has $5000, since she’s taking care of everybody else. Cece boldly puts her on an installment plan. The two have a talk about the slavery system and discrimination blocking the black man’s success. However, MJ feels like sometimes that is used as an excuse for laziness, calling Cece out for her blackmail. At that moment, Marisol’s segment comes on, and MJ’s bitterness comes out. Cece tells her that she should be worried with the growth of the Latino community in the country, and the fact that, if MJ doesn’t make a move, she won’t be able to get Marisol out of her chair. Though Cece is an extortionist, she’s really got Mary Jane thinking. She’s like a harsh life coach that MJ needs!

That night, Patrick finally puts aside his pride to ask Paul to help him find a steady job so that he can be there for D’Asia regularly. Niecy gets upset though, because he wasn’t there for her and their other sister like that. Niecy actually admired that independence that kept him away working at all hours, but they could’ve used the perfect father that he’s now trying to be for D’Asia. However, she has to realize that he was in a different place in his life then.

The next day, Mary Jane takes Cece’s advice, and boldly walks into the network. All glammed up, she busts into the meeting for PrimeTime ready to discuss the show, even casually moving Marisol from the head of the table! Mary Jane Paul is back!

Be sure to check out all new episodes of Being Mary Jane on Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET only on BET!

Images via BET

Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union Release Full Trailer of Their Wedding

Published September 11, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

This one is for the romantics out there! Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union have previously
released pictures and some video from their nuptials last August in Miami. Well now the couple has released an ENTIRE trailer for The Wade Union in honor of their first anniversary!

Complete with a gorgeous venue, beautiful attire, and a star-studded guest list including LaLa, Chris Bosh, Essence Atkins, and Kevin Hart, the ceremony looked absolutely beautiful! Dwayne and Gabrielle look so happy!

According to PEOPLE, this is a trailer for potentially an actual movie about their wedding?! The hopeful romantic in me would definitely watch!

Check out the cute trailer below!
Image via Bob Metelus for Bob Metelus Images