Emma Roberts

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RECAP: "Beware of Young Girls"-Scream Queens S1, E7

Published November 5, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Soooo…last week was the World Series so, unfortunately,we didn’t get to see a new episode of Scream Queens. Picking up from last episode, Chanel hosts an open casket funeral for Chanel #2, since the girl’s own parents went on a cruise to celebrate her death! However Chanel uses the moment to go IN on the poor dead girl at her own funeral! Chanel reveals how Number 2 seduced Chad,  and even pushed her down to the stairs once, and got what she deserved. Everyone knows that Chanel has done worse, though!

Later, Chanel is upset after talking about Number 2’s betrayal, with it really hitting her that her sorority sister betrayed her. She then goes off on Hester, knowing that Hester tried to seduce Chad too, and refuses to trust her again. Number 5 reveals she found an Ouija board, and suggest maybe contacting Number 2 from the other side to prove that Number 2 is sorry for what she did to Chanel. That night, they host a seance, it looks like the board is actually working. Number 2 quickly spells out a warning to Chanel, stating, “Chad is cheating on you,” which stuns Chanel. She is so gullible, and believes Chad’s promise that he is monogamous, so she wants to prove Number 2 wrong.

Meanwhile, Gigi, admitting that she is involved in the murders for revenge, is on the phone with one of the murderers, calling the two Red Devils inefficient, and irritated that she has to try to cover everything up. However, Wes shows up in that moment, and Gigi quickly ends the call.

The next day, Grace takes Gigi shopping to try to help with Gigi’s old-fashioned style for Wes. She also tries to ask Gigi how her dad feels about Grace still being on campus. Clearly trying to put a bug into Grace’s ear, Gigi later tells her that there was drama with a former Kappa, Feather McCarthy, and Dean Munsch, prompting Grace to want to investigate.

Pete and Grace invite Feather to the Kappa House, and Feather admits that she became involved with Dean Munsch’s husband during her time there. When he told the Dean he wanted a divorce to be with Feather, Dean Munsch went crazy. Dr. Munsch had to move in with the Kappas, and the Dean would show up everywhere Feather went dressed exactly as her! Eventually, Feather got kicked out of the Kappas and couldn’t take being on campus, so she decided to finish her degree online. She also reveals how one day, while taking a bath, someone mysteriously pushed a transistor radio into her water! Believing it to be the Dean, Feather agrees to go on record to testify against Dean Munsch in Pete and Grace’s write up on the murderer for the paper. When she gets home,  Feather discovers body parts and bloody arrows and messages directing her upstairs! As she enters a room, she find Dr. Munsch’s head in the fish tank!

Meanwhile, Chanel goes to confront Chad, and finds him half naked with a goat! I don’t want to even go into how I felt about that scene. She breaks up with him in that moment, but he tells her to hear him out. By telling a suspicious tale that he is lactose intolerant, and was using the goat for milk, Chad gets Chanel to forgive him. This stupid girl believes him, of course. Chanel, come on. They have soy and almond milk at the store. Be smarter girl. He’s cheating on you with other girls and now, apparently, farm animals. Which is something extremely disgusting that I wouldn’t past him.

Later, Dean Munsch meets with Detective Chisolm, who is having a hard time connecting all of the murders without a motive. However, the police all believe that she was the one who killed Dr. Munsch, and believes that she could be connected to the other murders. The detective puts her under arrest, and officers come to put her in a straight jacket and take her to the mental hospital! Honestly, she probably killed Dr. Munsch obviously out of jealously and revenge. However, it’s too predictable to have her be involved in all of the other murders. Plus, since she was involved with covering up the death of the Kappa girl in 1995, she’s definitely one who others would be seeking revenge on, not the other way around.  With this arrest, though, Grace and Pete plan to publish their story with Dean Munsch being named as the killer. In celebration, they kiss, but Grace gets a call from Dean Munsch who wants to see them to talk.

The next day, Pete and Grace go to see the Dean, who’s actually enjoying herself in the hospital with the meds they give her and being able to sketch. She tells them that Feather probably killed her ex-husband, and could be involved in all of the murders. However, they don’t believe her, and they want to know about what happened to the baby. The Dean wants them to bring evidence against Feather first, and then she will tell them what happened with the baby. So that night, Pete and Grace are able to get evidence pics from Dr. Munsch’s murder scenes. Turns out the killer made a sandwich after the murder, and it was bologna. Dean can’t have bologna because it will put her into shock, so they deduce that the killer is actually still out there.

Meanwhile, the Chanels try again to contact Number 2. They ask her questions nobody else would know, including who’s killing everybody! Number 2 says that the killer is actually Chanel, which shocks everyone else. Afterwards, Hester calls Number 3 and 5 into her room, stating that none of them are safe. They have to kill Chanel before she can kill them. While they brainstorm ideas on how to kill her, Chanel walks in on them. Hester decides that once Chanel is knocked out, they’re killing her.

That night, Number 2’s ghost comes back to apologize to Chanel in a dream. Hell is no fun for her, of course, and she is told that, in order to get to Heaven, she has to make things right with Chanel. Number 2 admits that she was jealous of Chanel, and apologizes for sleeping with Chad and lying about Chanel being the killer. Number 2 also confesses that the other Chanels are trying to kill her, and tells her to rise up and be the leader and bring them all together again.

Meanwhile, Grace and Pete sneak into Dr. Munsch’s house and finds Feather’s toothbrush which matches the DNA on the bologna sandwich. After presenting this evidence to the police,  Feather is arrested, and Dean Munsch is released. There was no real motive that Feather was tied to the other murders, though. Grace demands to know what happened to the baby, and Dean Munsch tells her to come to the office next week, where she will reveal the truth.

Later, Chanel confronts the others about their plan to murder her. Number 3 spills their entire plan about wanting to use rat poison in Chanel’s laxative. Chanel would’ve survived anyway, though, because it doesn’t kill humans. It just makes them sick. She reveals that Number 2 came to her last night. Chanel gets them all Nancy Drew hats, believing that Grace and ZayDay are involved with the murders, and the Chanels will work to expose them.

At the end of the episode, it’s revealed that Dean Munsch really did kill her ex-husband, of course. She cleverly framed Feather, who is now locked away in a straight jacket and glass cell. Meanwhile, as ZayDay and Grace walk in the Kappa house, we see the Chanels at the top of the stairs looking down, clearly ready to strike against them!

Check out all new episodes of Scream Queens on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET only on FOX!

Images via Fox

RECAP: "Chainsaw"-Scream Queens S1, E3

Published September 30, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Another dramatic episode of Scream Queens! It’s a horror-comedy soap opera that I can’t help watching. (By the way, last week’s two hour premiere counts as two episodes, in case there’s any confusion why we’re at episode 3).  At the beginning of the episode, Zayday and Grace go to a convenience store to grab some snacks, and talk about Pete’s having a Red Devil costume in his closet. Zayday is extremely suspicious of him, and she makes Grace promise to never go anywhere alone. At that moment, though, we see that the Red Devil is in the store! Once the ladies see him, Grace tases him  and Zayday pushes over a shelf on him. Turns out that it’s this guy Eugene from Zayday’s Political Science class! But is he really involved?

Back at the Kappa House, Chanel and Number 5 discover that, like Ms. Bean, Number Two’s body is missing from the freezer. Number 5 is over this entire situation, and wants to quit Kappa, stating that all of this is Chanel’s problem since she’s Kappa president.

Meanwhile, Zayday and Grace goes into Number 2’s room, and finds a huge stain on the floor. Denise comes in stating that it probably is blood, telling them to hit the light as she sprays luminol, revealing that it is blood (duh). She’s the only one who makes any kind of sense on this show. Nobody’s looking for this girl, even though Number 2 tweeted that she was being murdered by the Red Devil! However, there are still current Instagram posts from her account, which throws Zayday and Grace off. They decide to go to Bel Air to visit Number 2’s parents to see if they can get any insight on where she might be.

Later that night, there is a Take Back The Night vigil in honor of Tiffany and Boone (though only Tiffany is really dead). While there, people are holding up signs to separate themselves from Kappa so they don’t get killed by the Red Devil. Clearly, Kappa House is a social pariah at Wallace University this year. Chanel tries to make up with Chad, simply asking him to have sex with a smaller number of people (GIRL WHET?!), but Chad freaks out like it’s not a problem at all that he cheats, of course. He tells her to pray that all the pledges get murdered so she can be popular again, and maybe he’ll give her another chance. Dean Munsch tries to silence the truth that there is a serial killer on the loose, stating that Tiffany’s murder is still being investigated to see if it was a murder and that Boone’s death was a suicide (but who slashes their own throat to kill themselves lady?). She also announces that Eugene was not actually the serial killer. Because of the incident at the store, it has been determined that the Red Devil mascot is no longer appropriate to represent the university now, and they get a new mascot–Coney, an actual ice cream cone. The Wallace University Cones…how about that?

Later, Zayday, Grace and Denise go to Bel Air to talk to Number 2’s parents and express their concerns
that she may be missing. Her parents reveal that Chad and Number 2 were messing around, and he even came to their house for Thanksgiving! Who hasn’t this boy slept with?! Though normally parents would be worried about their kid, Number 2’s parents don’t even want the girl to come home! But why?

The next day, during Grace’s film studies class, her father Wes pops up as the new professor, though he actually teaches literature. She storms out angrily, knowing that he’s only here to watch her. Wes continues the class though, showing The Texas Chainsaw Massacre in class, which is freaky considering everything going on on campus. Afterwards, Gigi speaks to him, announcing that she is starting a teacher’s neighborhood watch, and invites him too. Dean Munsch comes in, and invites Gigi to her tennis court to talk about something later as well.

Later, a young nerd named Aaron Cohen is revealed to be the Coney mascot. Surprisingly, everyone loves the mascot, and he even plans to be a professional mascot. However, the Red Devil comes in, and hacks him to death with a chainsaw at his prime!

Meanwhile, Hester goes into Chanel’s closet and tries on clothes, and, of course, Chanel busts her. Apparently, Karl Lagerfeld is close to Chanel’s parents, so that’s why she gets so many clothes. Hester always wanted to be a fashionista herself, and Chanel plans to fix her up a bit so she won’t be such a disaster. Dean Munsch and Gigi meet up for tennis, where the Dean tells Gigi that they are going to move into Kappa House for a week to continue to try to be “good examples” for the Kappa girls. She also warns Gigi  to stay away from “her man” Wes. Delusional woman.

Later, Number 3 talks to Sam (the lesbian pledge in the house…this is the first time I remember actually hearing the girl’s real name), and reveals that she wants to be best friends. “Like…soul mates,” she says with a huge hug, because she wants to reveal a secret. She is a child of the owners of Swenson frozen dinners (the B-list of Swanson frozen dinners), stating she is a billionaire. However, her dad isn’t her real dad. She reveals that her mom was crazy paranoid, and a year before Number 3 was born, she started corresponding and having conjugal visits with serial killer Charles Manson! Number 3 took a DNA test, which revealed that he is her real dad. She doesn’t want anyone to know because if people found out the truth, they would automatically think that she is the killer. Number 3 asks Sam to be her alibi when the next murder happens, and she’ll look out for Sam, too.

Meanwhile Grace and Zayday go talk to Number 5 about Chad dating Number 2, and we find out that he dated Number 5 too (again, who wasn’t this boy sleeping with?!). Chanel reveals Hester’s new look, and that Hester will become Chanel #6. Number 5 goes off on Chanel, telling her that a pledge shouldn’t get to be a Chanel and that Chanel herself isn’t fit to be president. Chanel dismisses Number 5’s words, and announces another hazing activity for the pledges, when Dean Munsch and Gigi walk in with their bags to stay there for the rest of the week. Needless to say, the pledges are shocked!

Later, Chad holds a meeting with the senior council of the Dickie Dollar Scholars, who find out that Boone was gay, though Chad doesn’t think his death was a suicide. He even saw bloody footprints in the hallway! He proposes that they run through the streets with baseball bats, call out the Red Devil, and avenge Boone’s death, which the rest of these fools go along with.

Meanwhile, Grace goes to see Pete, and apologizes for not returning his messages and thinking that he
was the killer. She thinks that Chad is actually the killer, revealing how he’s been with basically every girl at Kappa, and has a knife obsession. She wonders if Chad is the baby from 20 years ago? Pete has been doing some research himself, but there is no record of any of the girls at Kappa that year except for a former sister with the last name Greenwell, who was two credits short of graduating that year. He found her, though she’s six hours away.

That night, the Dickie Dollar Scholars roam the streets, jacking up a random car they see. The Red Devil appears with a chainsaw, but then another one appears behind him! They split up to try to attack both, but, of course, the chainsaws rips their bats apart. One guy gets his arms cut off trying to save Chad! Meanwhile, Denise picks up Zayday as she walks back to Kappa, but handcuffs Zayday to her, believing that she’s the killer. Denise has found out that Zayday plans to challenge Chanel to become Kappa president, and found a CD the girl bought from Best Buy where Shondell worked. She thinks Zayday may be working with someone else, and that’s how Shondell was killed, even though Zayday was in the Kappa house at the time of the murder. Denise even pulls out a tweet Zayday sent to Shonda Rhimes about her show, How To Get Away With Murder, stating that if Annalise Keating really wanted to get away with murder, she would team up with somebody to do it! AND ZAYDAY HAD A CHAINSAW UNDER HER BED TOO! Zayday explains that her grandmother sent her the chainsaw after her taser was taken away, and Denise lets her go. However, she plans to keep an eye on Zayday, and now I am too. It makes some sense, and, with this crazy show, everybody is a suspect here!

Gigi and Wes have dinner with Dean Munsch, and Zayday practices pulling out the chainsaw from under her bed. When she comes downstairs to go to her philosophy study group, Wes discovers Grace isn’t with her and Zayday has no idea where she could be. He quickly leaves to call Grace, who lies and says she’s at the library, though she left with Pete to go find this ex-Kappa.

As they try to sleep, Gigi butts heads with the Dean over the Dean playing loud whale distress calls to lull herself to sleep, which she changes to murder victims screaming. Gigi leaves the room, which Dean Munsch planned all along. As Gigi makes a bed on the couch downstairs, the Red Devil appears with his chainsaw, trying to kill her! Wes comes in to try to save her, and gets cut in the process, and the Red Devil escapes. As Dean Munsch comes down to see what the commotion is, Wes and Gigi stop her in her tracks, believing that Dean Munsch is the killer! This is all too much. Literally EVERYONE IS A SUSPECT!

Check out all new episodes of Scream Queens on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET only on FOX!

Images via FOX

RECAP: Scream Queens Series Premiere

Published September 23, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Last night was the series premiere of FOX‘s newest show, Scream Queens! Created by Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk and Ian Brennan, the horror-comedy series has a star-studded cast including Emma Roberts, Keke Palmer, Lea Michele, Abigail Breslin, Jamie Lee Curtis, Skyler Samuels, Nick Jonas, Niecy Nash, and more!

I’m following along this season, and recapping for the blog, so read up on what went down below!

The two-hour series premiere started with a flashback to 1995 at sorority Kappa Kappa Tau at Wallace University The sorority is hosting a party, and one of the sisters comes downstairs with blood mysteriously all over her hands! Turns out another sister has had a baby (she thought she was dealing with the Freshman 15 apparently). A small group of Kappas surround the girl, who is holding the baby in a bathtub, but are more concerned about going back to the party and dancing to TLC’s “Waterfalls.” Most of the girls leave, only to come back to discover that the new mother has bled out and died in the tub!

Flash forward to 2015. Kappa sister Chanel Oberlin (Emma Roberts) runs the house now, house. She has minions, who she couldn’t care less about (including their names), so she calls them Chanel #2 (Ariana Grande), Chanel #3 (Billie Lourd), and Chanel #5 (Abigail Breslin). Apparently, Chanel #4 got meningitis and died during the school year last year. (To avoid any confusion with all these Chanels, only the original with be called Chanel in the recaps. The others will just go by their numbers. Sad, but serious note). The Dean of Students, Cathy Munsch, (Jamie Lee Curtis) calls for a meeting with Chanel to talk about Kappa, and they clearly don’t like each other. Dean Munsch calls her out about all of the issues going on at Kappa, from wild, drunken nights, to an assault case. We also find out that the president of the house mysteriously died after acid was added to her spray tan. The Dean thinks that Chanel did it, so that she could take over the house, and plans to take them all down. She revokes their charter, but Gigi Caldwell (Nasim Pedrad) , the national president of the chapter and also a lawyer, takes over, informing Dean Munsch that it’s up to the board of trustees to make that decision, not her.

Meanwhile, Grace Gardner arrives to Wallace as a freshman. Her dad, Wes (Oliver Hudson) is trying so hard to convince her not to join a sorority. However, her mom was a sorority girl at Kappa, and she feels like she would be following in her footsteps and become closer to her in a way. Grace meets her roommate Zayday (Keke Palmer) is her roommate, and she’s very talkative and confident. They establish a good relationship from the jump, with Grace admitting she’s rushing Kappa, and convincing Zayday to do the same.

That night, Grace walks to the Kappa house, where she sees a mysterious figure pass through quickly (little did we know that this was the Red Devil, a central character who seems to be avenging the death of the girl from 1995!). At the rush party, while Chanel is getting ready, Gigi and Dean Munsch announce that Kappa will be required to accept ANYONE that wants to pledge, even the misfits! That turns off A LOT of people who quickly leave. Number 5 runs to tell Chanel, who quickly freaks out. In addition to Grace and Zayday, there a few weirdos left, most of whom get cruel nicknames from Chanel: Hester “Neckbrace” Ulrich (Lea Michele), “Deaf Taylor Swift (literally the girl is deaf and only sings Taylor Swift),” “Predatory Lez,” and Jennifer who is a candle vlogger.

The next day, Chanel talks to her boyfriend Chad Radwell (Glen Powell) of the Dollar Scholars fraternity, who has an issue with the pledges because it will knock down her popularity level. “I would love you a lot more if other people love you too,” the douchbag admits. Chanel then decides to recruit the Kappas’ housekeeper, Ms. Bean, to help her with a plan to get rid of the pledges. She plans to dip Ms. Bean’s head in an unplugged deep fryer to scare the pledges off. After meeting at a coffee house, barista and editor of the school paper Pete Martinez (Diego Boneta) tries to convince Grace not to pledge Kappa, thinking that it’s truly dangerous. However, Chanel reveals that Pete was a bit of a stalker last year towards her, and Grace dismisses his warning.

That night, the Chanels see a creepy collage of Chanel along with a slew of candles in Ms. Bean’s room. They gather up the pledges, and run to Ms. Bean to confront her. At that moment, Chanel dips and holds Ms. Bean’s head in the fryer as she planned, only the fryer was actually on! After a dramatic moment, Ms. Bean falls to the floor, dead. Grace runs to get the campus police, but Chanel threatens that if Grace opens her mouth, Chanel will tell everyone that Grace was the one who did it. Chanel gets everyone else except Zayday to back her up by promising them a trip on her jet to Cancun for spring break. She swears them all to secrecy as they leave Ms. Bean in the freezer!

Later, Dean Munsch goes on a feminist rant about the Kappas, when we find her in bed with CHAD! Apparently, her love life is so terrible, the only way she gets sex is by blackmailing students on academic probation. Meanwhile, Grace runs to Pete, deciding to help him with his expose of the Kappas, and get the sorority back to its original state (not realizing that it wasn’t that great to begin with). The two go to examine Ms. Bean’s body, but Chanel and Chad pop in at that moment, scaring them off. However, we all see that the body is mysteriously missing!

That night, Chanel leads a blood oath with the other Chanels, but the others freak out, especially
Number 2 who plans to go home. As she packs, she gets a mysterious text asking if she’s brave enough to open the door! She does and it’s the Red Devil! They have a text conversation back and forth (even though they’re right in front of each other), and the Devil texts that he is going to kill her, and stabs her to death. However, not before Number 2 sends out a Facebook status about her death! Are we that wrapped up in social media and texting?!

The rest of the Chanels find Number 2’s body, with Chanel believing that  Ms. Bean is alive and that she is the one who killed Chanel #2. Later, the sisters welcome the pledges to Hell Week, and they plan to haze them BAD. Grace and Zayday, standing up for themselves, reveal that they want Kappa House to be a sorority of empowerment. Chanel then takes Grace to the coffee house to talk, inviting her to be one of her minions. Grace thinks that Chanel, deep down, is miserable, but could create a real sisterhood here. However, Chanel doesn’t really care, and refuses to hear Grace out.

That night, the Chanels leave the pledges buried in dirt overnight in the backyard. As the pledges attempt to sleep, they hear a lawnmower start! As they helplessly scream, the Red Devil runs right over Deaf Taylor Swift! The next morning, the media is all over the campus to report on the murder, not realizing that Number 2 is dead as well as Ms. Bean (whose body is still missing). Dean Munsch states that all of the Kappa girls are suspects, and none of them are excused to leave campus. The Chanels realize though, that they still have to get ride of Number 2. As they plot, Neckbrace pops in on them creepily, giving them an extremely detailed plan to cut up and get rid of the body, because she’s obsessed with death! However, Chanel is grossed out, and just throws Number 2 in the freezer.

Later, Gigi hires Officer Denise Hemphill (Niecy Nash) to be the Kappa’s security guard. She doesn’t have a gun though, so how much help can she really be?! As the pledges clean the house, Grace goes to get more soap and finds a secret locked room. Number 5 busts in on her trying to break in. and makes her leave. Grace later tells Pete, and they both plan to break into the secret room and the dean’s office to see if there are any records of craziness at the Kappa house.  The two also randomly kiss.

The next day, Dean Munsch brings Wes into her office, trying to convince him to keep Grace in the house for some reason. She confidently guarantees him that his daughter is not a target (ODD!). She also tries to seduce him, but he states firmly that he wants a job as a professor at Wallace to watch over Grace himself.

Later, Grace breaks into the locked Kappa room, finding the blood-stained tub from 20 years ago, and a trunk full of stuff from the party that night. Chanel finds her, admitting that this is where Kappa keeps its darkest secrets. She tells Grace the story of the death, and how the girls covered it up. Apparently, Dean Munsch and Ms. Bean knew about it as well. Grace wonders if it’s related to what’s happening now, but Chanel tells her to let it go.

Aftewards, Chanel breaks up with Chad. His best friend Boone (Nick Jonas) believes she’ll come running back to him. He admits to Chad that he’s scared because of the serial killer, and is having trouble sleeping. He wants to sleep in bed with Chad, but apparently, the last time that happened, he tried to touch Chad (turns out Boone is gay). However, Chad lets him sleep in the bed anyway, and Chanel catches them the next morning after trying to apologize. Chad “forgives” her, only to break up with her moments later.

That night, Pete breaks into the dean’s office, and finds a list of five names (maybe of the Kappa girls involved in the cover up?). However, he is quickly found by the Red Devil who knocks him out, and then leaves him stuck to a pillar outside of the administration building, with a small note attached to him warning Pete to “MYOB.” As Pete later tells the story to Grace, she discovers the devil costume in his closet, and immediately believes he’s the killer!

Boone himself later goes to see Chanel, admitting that he wants to come out on his own and then pledge Kappa! Though Number 5 protests, Chanel thinks that it will be a great way to advance her future media career if she is the first sorority president to let in a gay guy as a member.

That night, Denise’s security guard friend Shondell brings her burgers. As the two of them talk, Gigi spots a new car outside of the house, but it’s only Grace’s dad. Gigi runs to the car to introduce herself. The two vibe from music from 1995, oddly the same year the original sorority girl died. Gigi invites him to get a coffee, and they drive off, as Dean Munsch mysteriously pops up and looks on.

All of a sudden, Denise hears a scream from the house. Turns out Chanel was attacked by the Red Devil, but managed to escape! The girls all run upstairs, though Denise smartly tells them not to. In fact, I was surprised Zayday went with them! Upstairs, they find a message in blood, saying “Sluts will Die.” As Denise runs back to her car, attempting to call Shondell on the walkie talkie, we see the Red Devil has killed Shondell already. My question here is this: could Gigi possibly have been trying to get Wes away while all of this was going on?

Meanwhile, as Boone works out in his room, the Red Devil comes from behind him. Boone sees him, but, weirdly, isn’t scared at all. He’s later seen slashed up and laid out on a table in the fraternity house, surrounded by candles!

At the end of the episode, the Chanels and pledges debate who the killer might be, with several of them thinking it could be Chanel herself. At that moment, Chad and Denise burst in, revealing both Shondell and Boone are dead. The episode wraps with a visit to the morgue, where the Devil pulls out Boone’s body. However, Boone quickly opens his eyes, and pulls off a fake neck slash that had been applied to his neck, revealing he isn’t  actually dead! Which is great, because Nick Jonas is serious eye candy. but what is going on here?!

All in all, the premiere was decent. I don’t think it needed to be two hours long, but I’m going to keep watching and recapping.  I have so many questions already. For one thing, I’m not quite sure why the Red Devil is killing off  Kappas now if he (or she) is trying to avenge the cover up of the original Kappa death! I get him killing Ms. Bean, but why not Dean Munsch? Unless the devil is Dean Munsch! Why is Boone involved? Who else is in this murder scheme?! Could Grace be the baby from 1995, or is it Pete? Lawd, it’s so much going on! Guess we just have to keep watching to find out what happens!

Check out all new episodes of Scream Queens on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET only on FOX!