Charlie Sheen

All posts in the Charlie Sheen category

Charlie Sheen Wins $100 Million Settlement!

Published September 20, 2011 by BrittanyShawnte

Winning! Charlie Sheen may have been kicked off from the hit show, Two and a Half Men (killed off actually), but he is still making his money. According to Hollyscoop, the actor has won a $100 million settlement from Warner Bros from his lawsuit against the company after he was fired.

Charlie sued Warner Bros and the show’s creator Chuck Lorre in a multi-million dollar legal battle after he was fired from Two and a Half Men for personally attacking Lorre and having too many “personal issues,” which is a nice way of saying that the guy was spazzing out! Anyway, Charlie will receive a first installment payment of $25 million. This is the money that Charlie was owed for episodes that he shot and profits from the show. When Charlie was fired, WB stopped paying him, so this is just what he was owed.

There’s still more money coming his way, though. He’s still going to make money from syndication rights. Even though Ashton Kutcher has taken Charlie’s place, episodes of past seasons still come on regularly. So Charlie will receive the remainder of the $100 million over the next 10 years from syndication profits, with about 180 episodes of the show under his belt.

I’m going to say it again. Winning!

Charlie Sheen Fired from "Two & A Half Men"

Published March 7, 2011 by BrittanyShawnte

Access Hollywood has confirmed that Charlie Sheen has been officially fired by “Two & A Half Men.” He was fired this afternoon.

Warner Bros. Television, which produces the hit CBS sitcom, confirmed the news in a statement. “After careful consideration, Warner Bros. Television has terminated Charlie Sheen’s services on ‘Two and a Half Men,’ effective immediately,” the statement read. The production of the current season of the show had been put on hold after Charlie’s public rants on radio.

What’s even funnier, but kind of foul at the same time, was that Charlie got the news via text? A text though, saying that you don’t have a job anymore? Yeah, he was super pissed. Charlie just had an interview with Access’ Billy Bush and had this to say: “I got a text or something. Here’s another thing — these guys are such yellow cockroaches that they didn’t even have the decency to call me,” Charlie said. “I put 5 bill[ion] in their cheap suit pockets and another half a bil’ in what’s-his-cheese’s pockets and this is the f***ing respect I get? It’s just deplorable and they should be ashamed of themselves!”

Now, while I agreeing that firing by text is really messed up, I mean, he can’t be surprised that he got fired. I’m not. With the domestic violence controversy, his rehab stint, and all of the public rants he’s been doing, it’s a lot of negative publicity for the show and the network. Not surprised at all. But by text though? Really? Well if it’s true…can’t say that I really trust his word all that much right now haha.