
All posts in the alternative category

In The Spotlight: Alternative Singer/Songwriter Kinney

Published August 10, 2016 by BrittanyShawnte

Another great spotlight for the day, and more on the way! If you are or represent an upcoming artist, designer, dancer, etc., please visit our Features/Submissions page for more info on how to be featured!

Today, we have singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist Kinney

Hailing from Annapolis, MD (DMV heyyy!), she spent a lot of time outside along the Chesapeake Bay, camping, sailing and playing. However, Kinney also has been performing her entire life. She started out as an acrobatic dancer, and went onto musical theater afterwards. She wrote poetry and music as well, but kept quiet about it for a long time. “It wasn’t until I was in a rock and roll show in Las Vegas with a bunch of incredible rock musicians from some iconic bands of the 70’s and 80’s that I made the decision to dive in deep and really give music a go,” Kinney said. “I was surrounded by people who had lived and breathed music their entire lives and I realized there is nothing else I could do that would fill my spirit in the same way.” Calling music a “universal language,” Kinney plans to use her music to bring about positive change!

Influenced by artists like Joni Mitchell, Melanie, Cat Stevens, the Beatles and Led Zeppelin, Kinney’s sound creatively mixes soul and folk, “I am a flower child at heart and love how inextricably linked that era of music was with the political movement of the times. It felt so rich with purpose and meaning,” she stated. I think there is a huge movement of artists nowadays who are trying to do the same thing and I’m excited and constantly inspired to be a part of it.” Kinney creatively combines elements of fashion, art, and global musicality into her music, even incorporating Acroyoga and acrobatics into her live shows (she’s  a certified Vinyasa Yoga teacher!). Kinney is also inspired by her mom, who runs a homeless shelter in her community. “Her work in the world is one of my biggest influences,” the artist revealed. “She makes the world a little bit better everyday and I strive to have my music do the same thing.

Moving out to L.A. to further her career, Kinney has released her debut single, “Soul” for listeners! She was actually initially inspired by an ex-boyfriend, who had his ex’s name tatted across his knuckles, which bothered her a bit. “He was a musician and I had to watch him play with her name every night,” she revealed. “I’m a bit sentimental and it felt symbolically like she still had ownership over his artistic decisions.” The singer soon saw a more broader message behind the situation, explaining about the track:

 “The song became a mantra of sorts to remind myself and others of the importance of diving in and figuring out what the root of your intentions are behind every action. With the power of the corporate media we have been led to believe a lot of things that are not truth. I think its exciting with the overwhelming growth of social media, how we can take back some of that control simply by consciously deciding what we choose to click on and share. Our hands have  a lot of power these days, the power to touch and heal, the power to create and share or the power to weave deception. Soul is just a little reminder that we have always have a choice to do good.”

Check out the music video “Soul” below!

Currently, Kinney is working on an electronic project with her friend and DJ, Morillo. In fact, the pair has released a track a while back called “Lost The Moon!”  “It’s got some fun, ‘summery’ surf vibes,” the artist said of the song. In addition, she’s also working on her live show, which is always on her mind. “I am constantly thinking about how to integrate more exciting acrobatics and visuals to make the experience epic,” Kinny revealed.

So what sets her apart from other artists? Obviously, her musicality and live performances could be a point of reference, but Kinney stated that it’s more than that. “I think I am a different from a lot of artists today because I am whole heartedly trying to let my mission statement for positive change drive my career,” she said. “I think the time of idolizing fame without any depth or contribution needs to come to an end. Artists and influencers can be the super heroes of these trying global times but they need to step up and take on the responsibility as leaders and conduits of change.” TRUTH. It’s always good to see an artist using her voice for others. \

In the future, Kinney hopes to continue to perform all around the globe, “spreading a message of love and unity.” She also said, “I also hope to align myself with other artists on a similar mission. By working together,  we can make powerful expressions to help shake up this industry and breathe life into the artistic and meaningful core.

Check out Kinney’s social media links below!


ALBUM REVIEW: The Perfect EP-Ash

Published February 19, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

I recently featured music and did an interview with alternative R&B/pop singer Ash! On February 10, 2015, the artist dropped her debut project, The Perfect EP, for listeners! The four-track EP was produced by T Brown, who has worked previously with Janelle Monae (Ash is also a background singer for The Electric Lady!).

Ash’s debut reflects her own feelings on love, and, between the actual music and lyrics, listeners are bound to really connect with the EP! “The Perfect EP, I hope helps change the conversation in music. I think the way I’ve chosen to write about love will add a cool twist to the dialogue that so many artists are already having. At the very least I hope it compels people to love deeper,” Ash said of the project.

Check out my review of The Perfect EP below!

“I feel like the world is ours, long as we are, are together…” The mid-tempo track, “Lost” begins the EP as Ash sings about her life and love. Even though sometimes she feels like she is far from where she is supposed to be, she’s never lost as long as she is with the one she loves. Any risks or costs are worth it to her. Personally, I’ve been here. When things are going wrong, having people, romantic or otherwise, in your life that can lift you up and be there for you is incredible. No greater feeling.

“I know you don’t want my love…I know you don’t need it, but I love you anyway…” The second song on the project, “Anyway,” is a fun, upbeat dance track that I really loved. Ash sings of wanting to make things work with her love, even though he doesn’t seem to want her. Though it all, she loves him—when he makes her happy and even when they disagree and he pisses her off! That’s true, unconditional love, that is really hard to find!

“No regrets, no apologies…love affair between you and me. I don’t care what nobody thinks cuz all I want is all I can see…”Dear Dream” is a softer ballad where Ash describes her love as being the perfect dream for her. No matter what anyone has to see, he’s all she can see and is all she really needs. It was a very beautiful track that I had on repeat for quite a while.

“You don’t have to be, all these things are extreme…Let’s forget them, and just enjoy the ride…” The EP ends with Ash’s single, “Perfect,” which was featured on The Spotlight earlier this year. The energetic and bubbly track is the perfect way to end the project! The light-hearted song gives the message of finding a love that will do the simple things and Ash states that he’s perfect just the way he is. She doesn’t need much. The song was actually a tribute to her father, who recently passed away. It’s a very fun but real track to listen to. When you really love someone, you realize that he or she doesn’t have to be perfect. Their flaws and imperfections don’t matter. The love you have for that person outweighs it all.

The EP is really chill and relaxing to listen to. When I spoke to Ash, she seemed like such a bright, fun, and positive woman, and it definitely shows in this project. Her vocals and the music production shine on their own, but the message of love throughout the EP shines even brighter. As I listened, I realized that this EP doesn’t even have to be seen just in terms of romantic love. It’s all about love in general. Regardless of what you go through, when you have real love in your life–from your significant other, your family, or your friends–it’s truly a beautiful thing. I loved the EP, and will definitely be having it play on rotation on my iPhone!

RATING: ★★★★★ (Five stars)

You can purchase The Perfect EP on iTunes now!

MUSIC: "Perfect"-Ash

Published January 9, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Some new music for you! Alternative pop/R&B singer Ash, who has toured the last four years singing background with Janelle Monae, has dropped a new track called “Perfect.”

Ash’s pretty vocals really shine on the energetic and bubbly track! She sings a light-hearted message about finding a love that will do the simple things and that’s perfect just the way he is. She doesn’t need much. It’s a very fun and light song that you just can’t help grooving to! The song is the first single off her upcoming project, The Perfect EP, which is set to be released on February 10, 2015!

Check out the track below!

You can purchase “Perfect” on iTunes now! You can also listen to more from Ash on SoundCloud, as well connect with her on Twitter and Instagram. I’m also working on getting an interview with her soon, so be on the lookout! 

In The Spotlight: Manfred Kidd

Published November 20, 2014 by BrittanyShawnte

I really am grateful for the opportunities to interview the up and coming! I got an email from a reader last week saying how he appreciates my features, and how he’s found some great artists because of the spotlights I do, which made my day. Doing what I love and having people connect with that is the greatest feeling!

Just to let y’all know, I have some great events and interviews to finish out 2014, so definitely be on the lookout! Celebrity news has been pushed to the backburner a lot, I know, which I’m trying to get back on track with. Pray that I find a balance come 2015!

Ok, enough personal stuff. I have another spotlight for you all today. Check out Swedish alternative pop-rock duo Manfred Kidd! The duo, composed of members Victor Crusner and Fredrik Folkestad, first met in elementary school but then went their separate ways for a while. They randomly bumped into each other on a tram in Göteborg, and discovered that they both had turned to music, which inspired them to work together. “The music we made became something neither of us could do on our own,” they said in a statement. “Finding that out was probably the moment we knew we wanted to do this.”

Being from Göteborg ,Sweden, Manfred Kidd is inspired by the seasonal changes of the country from grey to color, which they say is a true reflection of their own music. “As we see it, our sound is color while our lyrics are more of that grayer shade,” the group acknowledged. The duo also honored the Beatles’ George Harrison as an influence on their music.

The duo released their EP, Where Were You When You Were Us (WWYWYWU) on May 20, 2014 (you can get your copy here!). The debut single from the EP, “Lights” was actually a homage to Göteborg, and Victor and Fredrik produced the track together. “We have different roles within our collaboration, but keep it between us throughout the making,” the group said. Check out Manfred Kidd performing the track below!

How they function as a duo and “the electricity of our live set” is what Manfred Kidd feels sets them apart from other groups. In the future, they want to be actively touring and to keep putting out great music.

You can hear more on Manfred Kidd on SoundCloud and YouTube, as well connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

In The Spotlight: Manfred Kidd

Published November 20, 2014 by BrittanyShawnte

I really am grateful for the opportunities to interview the up and coming! I got an email from a reader last week saying how he appreciates my features, and how he’s found some great artists because of the spotlights I do, which made my day. Doing what I love and having people connect with that is the greatest feeling!

Just to let y’all know, I have some great events and interviews to finish out 2014, so definitely be on the lookout! Celebrity news has been pushed to the backburner a lot, I know, which I’m trying to get back on track with. Pray that I find a balance come 2015!

Ok, enough personal stuff. I have another spotlight for you all today. Check out Swedish alternative pop-rock duo Manfred Kidd! The duo, composed of members Victor Crusner and Fredrik Folkestad, first met in elementary school but then went their separate ways for a while. They randomly bumped into each other on a tram in Göteborg, and discovered that they both had turned to music, which inspired them to work together. “The music we made became something neither of us could do on our own,” they said in a statement. “Finding that out was probably the moment we knew we wanted to do this.”

Being from Göteborg ,Sweden, Manfred Kidd is inspired by the seasonal changes of the country from grey to color, which they say is a true reflection of their own music. “As we see it, our sound is color while our lyrics are more of that grayer shade,” the group acknowledged. The duo also honored the Beatles’ George Harrison as an influence on their music.

The duo released their EP, Where Were You When You Were Us (WWYWYWU) on May 20, 2014 (you can get your copy here!). The debut single from the EP, “Lights” was actually a homage to Göteborg, and Victor and Fredrik produced the track together. “We have different roles within our collaboration, but keep it between us throughout the making,” the group said. Check out Manfred Kidd performing the track below!

How they function as a duo and “the electricity of our live set” is what Manfred Kidd feels sets them apart from other groups. In the future, they want to be actively touring and to keep putting out great music.

You can hear more on Manfred Kidd on SoundCloud and YouTube, as well connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

In The Spotlight: Michael Schulte

Published November 17, 2014 by BrittanyShawnte

Looking forward to getting a couple of features on some great artists up for you all this week! Right now, we have alternative/folk singer Michael Schulte! Based in Germany, Michael started singing around the age of six.“I just simply loved to sing the songs I heard on the radio and the CDs my mom and dad used to play,” he remembered. “I would sing the whole day and bother my family, event hough I think it was quite good already!” The singer never had any guitar or singing lessons, just learning by actually doing. He was able to develop amazing vocal and playing skills, and wrote many of his own songs!

At 17, the singer discovered YouTube, and began to upload some of his own videos. “I thought it could be a great idea [because] I was really too insecure to go out and play on stages,” Michael said. “So I did that and, all of a sudden, I had thousands of people following me, listening to my stuff. That was a great feeling!” After doing YouTube videos for a few yea!” After doing YouTube videos for a few years, and growing a dedicated fanbase, Michael began to realize that he could do this for a living, and set out to do just that!

His parents definitely had an influence on his sound by offering him Irish folk, Celtic, and acoustic music to listen to. He was also inspired by Ben Howard, London Grammar, Alt-J, James Blake, and Muse, especially for his latest album The Arising, which was released back in October. “I worked two years on the album and really had the chance to find out for myself, what I want to do,” Michael said. “What style, what sound it should have, and with whom I want to work.” The singer, still new in the industry, listened to different styles of music and played over 100 concerts which helped him harness his sound for this new album. He worked with producer Rob Stephenson to create tracks for this sophomore project. “We tried out many different things on every song and I think you can hear how much love we put in and how rich in details the album is,” Michael said. “I wanted it to not be flat and normal, but edgy and special.” He hopes that listeners really feel the music and the messages behind each song, and that they are able to relate. Check out his official video for track “The Maze” below!

Currently, Michael is writing for a few other artists, but mostly focuses on his own music. In the future, Michael’s plans for his career are rather simple. “I would be super happy if I can just carry on with what I do at the moment and just do what I love, playing gigs and record new music.”

You can learn more about Michael on his official website, as well as connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube!

In The Spotlight: Michael Schulte

Published November 17, 2014 by BrittanyShawnte

Looking forward to getting a couple of features on some great artists up for you all this week! Right now, we have alternative/folk singer Michael Schulte! Based in Germany, Michael started singing around the age of six.“I just simply loved to sing the songs I heard on the radio and the CDs my mom and dad used to play,” he remembered. “I would sing the whole day and bother my family, event hough I think it was quite good already!” The singer never had any guitar or singing lessons, just learning by actually doing. He was able to develop amazing vocal and playing skills, and wrote many of his own songs!

At 17, the singer discovered YouTube, and began to upload some of his own videos. “I thought it could be a great idea [because] I was really too insecure to go out and play on stages,” Michael said. “So I did that and, all of a sudden, I had thousands of people following me, listening to my stuff. That was a great feeling!” After doing YouTube videos for a few yea!” After doing YouTube videos for a few years, and growing a dedicated fanbase, Michael began to realize that he could do this for a living, and set out to do just that!

His parents definitely had an influence on his sound by offering him Irish folk, Celtic, and acoustic music to listen to. He was also inspired by Ben Howard, London Grammar, Alt-J, James Blake, and Muse, especially for his latest album The Arising, which was released back in October. “I worked two years on the album and really had the chance to find out for myself, what I want to do,” Michael said. “What style, what sound it should have, and with whom I want to work.” The singer, still new in the industry, listened to different styles of music and played over 100 concerts which helped him harness his sound for this new album. He worked with producer Rob Stephenson to create tracks for this sophomore project. “We tried out many different things on every song and I think you can hear how much love we put in and how rich in details the album is,” Michael said. “I wanted it to not be flat and normal, but edgy and special.” He hopes that listeners really feel the music and the messages behind each song, and that they are able to relate. Check out his official video for track “The Maze” below!

Currently, Michael is writing for a few other artists, but mostly focuses on his own music. In the future, Michael’s plans for his career are rather simple. “I would be super happy if I can just carry on with what I do at the moment and just do what I love, playing gigs and record new music.”

You can learn more about Michael on his official website, as well as connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube!

In The Spotlight: Buffalo Sunn

Published July 31, 2014 by BrittanyShawnte

Keeping up with my goal of at least one spotlight a week (no matter what day it falls on *smiles*)! Still looking for great writers & bloggers as well to develop more content for the site, so email me at for more information! 

Today, on The Spotlight, we have rock/alternative band Buffalo Sunn! Based in Dublin, Ireland, the group utlilizes retro 60s sounds as well as modern day beats to make up their unique sound. Four of the band’s members are actually brothers (the Paxton brothers–Daniel, who serves as songwriter, guitarist, and lead vocalist, Neil, who plays the keys, guitar and delivers backing vocals, Conor on keys and guitar and Ruairi on bass). The other two members (“honorary members of the Paxton clan) are Donagh O’Brien who plays drums, and Patrick McHugh who sings and plays guitar. The Paxton brothers themselves were sent to learn piano at an early age. “We hated it at the time because we had to go every Friday straight from school,” Daniel, who served as spokesman in this interview, recalled. “So while everyone was off for the weekend playing, we had to go to lessons!” However, after a few years, the brothers got the hang of piano and picked up guitar quite easily as well, becoming true musicians at just 12, 13 years old!

When the band officially formed, they first went by Sweet Jane, releasing their album Sugar For My Soul along with several EPs together. In October 2013, they officially changed their name to Buffalo Sunn, with the idea coming from knowledge of Native American tribes and their hunting yet respect of the buffalo. “They hunted the buffalo in a way that they got everything they needed from the animal like food, cloth, [and] tools,” Daniel said. “It was the center of their [lives], and a very scared animal as they respected it. [It] was never over hunted [by them].” The second part of their name, “Sunn,” stemmed from the sun which gives crops and heat. The band added the second “n,” taking from the vintage amp company, Sunn.

When it comes to their music, Buffalo Sunn takes inspiration from a variety of different artists like the Beach Boys, CSNY, and ABBA. “I think when it comes to our sound, the music that would inspire us is a lot of bands using harmonies,” Daniel said. “I’m a sucker for good harmonies.” The band’s latest track, “By Your Side,” is taken from their upcoming debut album, By The Ocean, which is set to be released later this year. The mid-tempo track produced by Grammy award winning producer Pat McCarthy, can be seen from a standard relationship or friendship point of view, being there for someone through it all. Daniel says was made “to evoke an emotion from the listener,” which, if you take the time to listen, it definitely will stir up feelings for those you love in your life! Get your copy of this great single now on iTunes, and check out the video below!

Though Buffalo Sunn’s debut album isn’t even out yet, they’ve already started working on their next album, which will have about 15 tracks. In terms of what sets them apart, Daniel just says the band does their own thing and hope that people like and connect with it all. “I think it’s when you really try hard to please people or try to cash in on a current scene that’s when you’re f****d,” he said honestly. “We love playing music and the biggest reward is playing to people who really dig our sound.”

You can check out more from Buffalo Sunn on their official website and SoundCloud, as well as connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube!

In The Spotlight: Buffalo Sunn

Published July 31, 2014 by BrittanyShawnte

Keeping up with my goal of at least one spotlight a week (no matter what day it falls on *smiles*)! Still looking for great writers & bloggers as well to develop more content for the site, so email me at for more information! 

Today, on The Spotlight, we have rock/alternative band Buffalo Sunn! Based in Dublin, Ireland, the group utlilizes retro 60s sounds as well as modern day beats to make up their unique sound. Four of the band’s members are actually brothers (the Paxton brothers–Daniel, who serves as songwriter, guitarist, and lead vocalist, Neil, who plays the keys, guitar and delivers backing vocals, Conor on keys and guitar and Ruairi on bass). The other two members (“honorary members of the Paxton clan) are Donagh O’Brien who plays drums, and Patrick McHugh who sings and plays guitar. The Paxton brothers themselves were sent to learn piano at an early age. “We hated it at the time because we had to go every Friday straight from school,” Daniel, who served as spokesman in this interview, recalled. “So while everyone was off for the weekend playing, we had to go to lessons!” However, after a few years, the brothers got the hang of piano and picked up guitar quite easily as well, becoming true musicians at just 12, 13 years old!

When the band officially formed, they first went by Sweet Jane, releasing their album Sugar For My Soul along with several EPs together. In October 2013, they officially changed their name to Buffalo Sunn, with the idea coming from knowledge of Native American tribes and their hunting yet respect of the buffalo. “They hunted the buffalo in a way that they got everything they needed from the animal like food, cloth, [and] tools,” Daniel said. “It was the center of their [lives], and a very scared animal as they respected it. [It] was never over hunted [by them].” The second part of their name, “Sunn,” stemmed from the sun which gives crops and heat. The band added the second “n,” taking from the vintage amp company, Sunn.

When it comes to their music, Buffalo Sunn takes inspiration from a variety of different artists like the Beach Boys, CSNY, and ABBA. “I think when it comes to our sound, the music that would inspire us is a lot of bands using harmonies,” Daniel said. “I’m a sucker for good harmonies.” The band’s latest track, “By Your Side,” is taken from their upcoming debut album, By The Ocean, which is set to be released later this year. The mid-tempo track produced by Grammy award winning producer Pat McCarthy, can be seen from a standard relationship or friendship point of view, being there for someone through it all. Daniel says was made “to evoke an emotion from the listener,” which, if you take the time to listen, it definitely will stir up feelings for those you love in your life! Get your copy of this great single now on iTunes, and check out the video below!

Though Buffalo Sunn’s debut album isn’t even out yet, they’ve already started working on their next album, which will have about 15 tracks. In terms of what sets them apart, Daniel just says the band does their own thing and hope that people like and connect with it all. “I think it’s when you really try hard to please people or try to cash in on a current scene that’s when you’re f****d,” he said honestly. “We love playing music and the biggest reward is playing to people who really dig our sound.”

You can check out more from Buffalo Sunn on their official website and SoundCloud, as well as connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube!