Rihanna Will Receive the Vanguard Award at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards

Published August 11, 2016 by BrittanyShawnte

Rihanna will be the recipient of MTV’s Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award at the Video Music Awards this year!

MTV made the announcement that RiRi would get the award, meaning we are sure to get a great medley of her music at the show on August 28! This is a huge honor for her, as it not only acknowledges her great visuals over the years, but her impact in pop culture overall, from music and fashion to film and philanthropy,

The singer couldn’t help but tweet her excitement!

Honored to take the #VMAs stage as your video #VANGUARD award recipient LIVE from NYC on August 28! pic.twitter.com/Yk0RMH2ODr

— Rihanna (@rihanna) August 11, 2016

Like I said, Rihanna has had some amazing visuals over the years, and has really grown overall as an artist. When she first came out, she was really just finding herself as an artist, and, slowly but surely, developed her sound and has been making waves ever since. One of my favorite songs and visuals that she’s done is “We Found Love”…check out the video below!


I tell you what. She’s come a LONG way from “Pon de Replay!” Congrats to Rihanna on this award!

Image via Samsung

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