RECAP: "Let Sleeping Dogs Wake"-The Challenge Rivals 3, Episode 9

Published June 30, 2016 by BrittanyShawnte

We’re getting towards the end of The Challenge: Rivals 3, and the teams are going in hard core! Picking up from last week, we see part two of last week’s challenge. The teams are tired and cranky, and now have to answer all these questions about what all happened in “Up All Night.” There’s a series of eight events that have to be put in order, and then there are a series of eight questions that have to be answered about each event. Again, the winning team will get $1000 each and a day trip to Huatulco, in addition to being safe from elimination and sending two teams in to possibly face The Jungle!

Some teams are really in sync and can figure things out easily, but others, who really didn’t pay attention, really struggle with this! Some of them would have trouble remembering all this on a normal day, but the fact that none of them have gotten any sleep makes it ten times worse! Sarah and Bananas are able to easily come up with the right answers in the right order, winning the day’s challenge! Meanwhile, other teams are really going through it trying to figure this out. Slowly but surely, different teams are able to knock it out. Surprisingly, Wes and Nany, along with Nicole and Dario, are the last two teams left. Much to Bananas’ happiness, Wes and Nany end up losing, and are heading straight to The Jungle! T.J. tells Sarah and Bananas that they can choose two teams to go along on the day trip and be safe from elimination. They choose Vince and Jenna (obviously since that’s Bananas’ cousin), as well as Cory and Ashley.

Back at the house, everybody IMMEDIATELY knocks out. No showers or nothing! Talk about exhaustion. That night, Nany vents to her cousin Nicole about having to go into The Jungle, and thinks that Nicole and Dario will probably be voted in too, especially since Nicole hasn’t formed any type of alliance except with Nany. That night, Sarah and Bananas have their power team dinner, talking about they really work well together. . They make an AMAZING team, and were definitely my favorite to win from the get go, because where one lacks, the other is strong. They both know how to play the game! It’s good to see them in a better place, not only as team members but as friends.

The next morning, the winning and chosen teams head out for their trip to Huatulco. Bananas sees it as a “business trip” though, and he and Vince plan to talk to Cory on their day trip to establish next steps and possibly form a new alliance. They head out on a boat, talking, dancing, and swimming at the ocean, but also talk about the game. The alliance was formed between the three teams, but really, Bananas reveals it was just to put Cory at ease! Vince and Bananas plan to get Cory back for voting them in the elimination round which ultimately sent them home during The Challenge: Bloodlines. It’s a little petty, but also smart, because Cory and Ashley are a strong team. So they’re just biding their time, making those two feel safe for now! Meanwhile, back at the house, Wes vents to Jamie and others about how he’s annoyed that Bananas has been able to skate through this challenge. The plan for half the teams left is to win, and vote in either Sarah and Bananas or Vince and Jenna every time to break up this alliance.

At deliberations, Sarah and Bananas vote in Devin and Cheyenne, simply because they would never be in the position to save anyone because they don’t win. Using that same strategy, Sarah and Bananas also vote in Jamie and KellyAnne, who have been in the bottom two a lot this season. It took these two both by surprise, KellyAnne more than Jamie, because they thought they were good with Sarah and Bananas. In his confessional, Jamie makes it known that if he comes back, he’s coming after Bananas hard. Afterwards, different teams vent about how Bananas plays the game, and they realize that they should’ve come together a long time ago to shake things up. I mean, it’s a game! You play to win.

At the end of the episode, the teams head to The Jungle, where Devin and Cheyenne manage to pull white skulls, sending KellyAnne and Jamie into The Jungle to face Wes and Nany! The teams play “Hear Me Out,” which is literally a blind game of soccer. In guys’ and girls’ heats, everyone has to play blindfolded, while the team member on the sideline helps guide them. T.J. also advises them to listen to the ball, which rattles. The first team that scores two points wins. If there is a tie after two rounds, a coin flip will determine whether there will be a guy’s heat or a girl’s heat to break the tie.

This game is a MESS! All of it probably would’ve been better if the other teams had to be dead silent, but EVERYONE is yelling, making it hard for the people playing to hear any clear direction from their teammates. It’s definitely intense, but funny to watch! Nany manages to score in the girl’s heat, and Jamie wins against Wes, making the score 1-1. Because the game is tied, T.J. flips a coin to see who will be playing the final around. It’s tails, so it’s a guy’s heat, and it’s going to be a BATTLE especially since soccer player Wes wants to redeem himself! After a crazy back and forth between the two guys, Wes manages to get to the goal by feeling around the fence and goal, dragging the ball with his feet, sending KellyAnne and Jamie home. Because he just can’t win with grace, Wes then curses basically everyone out!

Back at the house, Bananas and Vince now know that one of them basically has to win in the challenges from here on out, or they will probably be voted in to The Jungle. Of course, Wes, along with Devin, plan to do exactly that!

Check out all new episodes of The Challenge: Rivals 3 on Wednesday nights at 10 p.m. only on MTV! 

Images via MTV

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