In The Spotlight: Indie Pop Artist Lauren Waller

Published June 17, 2016 by BrittanyShawnte

Another spotlight for you all to end the work week, and even more on the way! If you work in the arts and entertainment industry and are interested in a feature on The Spotlight, visit our Features/Submissions page for more information.

Today, we have indie pop artist Lauren Waller! Growing up in L.A. and spending a good amount of time in central California, the singer said she has always been surrounded by music. Lauren’s father is actually a singer and musician as a hobby, and she and her brother even grew up taking piano lessons. Lauren also took on the drums for a while, until she realized, to her dismay, that her parents weren’t ever going to ever get her an actual drum set!

Lauren sang in church choirs too, but admitted she was always shy about my voice. “I was 5 when my brother convinced me I didn’t have a good voice so I always believed it,” Lauren revealed.  “When I was 17, I finally talked myself into singing a solo in a school concert.” That was the first time anybody realized that she could really sing, and from there, the artist realized that music was what she wanted to pursue. “I realized that singing and getting to express myself that way was something I loved and made me the happiest so I knew that’s what I wanted to do,” Lauren said.

The pop artist gives credit to the city of L.A. for inspiring her as an artist. “L.A. has such an eclectic feel because of the variety of people living in it,” Lauren stated. “Being surrounded by such different and bold people has pushed me to be my own person and has made me love who I am as a person and I try to have that come across in my lyrics and in my sound.” She’s also inspired by Sara Bareilles (her favorite artist since she was 12), along with Ron Pope and other newer artists like Melanie Martinez, Halsey, and Clairity. “They all have very cool sounds that haven’t taken over mainstream radio completely yet,” she said of the newbies to the industry.

Lauren herself has been busy creating new music in the studio, releasing her debut EP, Perhaps, on SoundCloud back in December. Lauren actually got to debut her first single, and another great track, “Never Were,” on RTE, Ireland’s National Television, at the International Rose of Tralee Festival (a huge music fest in Ireland!). “It was about a boy and a relationship that just never worked out for me,” Lauren said of the track. “The premise of it is a boy who was choosing between two girls and spoiler alert: I wasn’t the right girl.” Check out “Never Were” and the entire Perhaps EP below!

In addition to her music, Lauren is working on her degree in Theater Arts Production and Design at Pepperdine University in Malibu. The singer actually just wrapped up her junior year! Focusing on stage management, she works with various groups of people, running rehearsals and shows, etc., and is learning how to effectively communicate and troubleshoot productions. Definitely a lot on her plate! When asked how she balances school and music, Lauren admitted that it wasn’t the easiest thing to do. “Between my normal classes and the demanding rehearsal schedule that we have at Pepperdine for our shows, sometimes it is difficult to balance school and music,” she disclosed. “But music is what I’m most passionate about so I always put in the time to sit down and work on music.

Lauren believes what sets her apart from other artists is both her voice and lyrics. “I hear a lot that my voice is pretty distinct so because of that it’s hard to make comparisons to other artists,” the artist said. “On top of that, in my writing I try to be as honest and as open as possible.” In the future, the singer wants to be able to make her music into a full time profession. “As long as I am working and doing something I love, that’s what I want for my career,” Lauren said. “I would love continue working towards a goal of being a recording artist and I would also love to someday tour and further develop as a live artist.”

Since she’s out of school for the summer, Lauren is currently busy writing as much new music as she can right now, so we hope to hear even more great work soon!

Lauren’s Social Media Links:


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