RECAP: "Woulda, Coulda, Almost, What?"- Zoe Ever After S1, E4

Published January 27, 2016 by BrittanyShawnte

Zoe Ever After is turning out to be a pretty decent show! Picking up from last week, Zoe goes out with a guy named Stephen, who she used to have a thing in college. Things are actually looking pretty good between them. As they talk, a random guy approaches Zoe trying to talk to her. Stephen confronts him, though not violently. However, Zoe goes further, threatening to hurt the guy with her Louboutins! Later, Stephen and Zoe make out in the elevator on the way up to Zoe’s place, missing their stop several times! Stephen tells her that if she hadn’t dropped out of school to marry Gemini, they could’ve had something happen sooner between them. This is true! Stephen seems like a good guy for her. They flirt a little more, and end up making out half of the night!

The next morning, Zoe tells Valente and Pearl about her date with Stephen, admitting that they didn’t have sex. However, after all these years, Stephen is still the same as he was in college. Everyone, of course, is getting in her business, even Miguel, who pops up from under her desk stating that all of this talk is inappropriate! Zoe admits to Pearl that’s she never had sex with anyone but Gemini, and needs time to think things through. However, shortly after, Zoe decides to call Stephen, planning to finish what they started!

Later, as Gemini trains at the gym, Xavier asks for help for a school project. Of course, Gemini is no help at all! However, X also asks about Zoe having guy friends, and mentions Stephen from college, which freaks Gemini out! Obviously knowing their past, Gemini wants to know everything! Xavier doesn’t know much, except that he heard Pearl say that Zoe needs some “Brazilians,” Gemini plans for them to leave, presumably so he can break them up.

That night, Pearl hosts a trunk show at the company, planning to find a discounted wedding dress, However, an actual bride takes Pearl’s dress! The girl is clearly too big for it, but she and Pearl fight over the dress, and end up ripping it! Of course, you know that Pearl breaks down into dramatic tears!

Meanwhile, Stephen comes in to see Zoe. All kinds of weird things happen that Gemini HAD to have planned! Amir makes him show three forms of ID and plans to get a thumbprint before he can come up! However, when Stephen calls Zoe, Zoe tells him to let Stephen up this minute or she’s going to beat him up. While Stephen and Zoe make out, Jessica, a supermodel that lives in the building, randomly comes in from the balcony, interrupting them! Then Miguel shows up, stating that Gemini said she has rats he needed to get rid of! Gemini is clearly trying so hard to break them up! After Zoe kicks Miguel out, Stephen wants to head to the bedroom, but Zoe kind of freaks out. He tells her that, if she’s not into this, they don’t have to do anything more. She admits that he would be the only other person that she’s been with besides Gemini. While they talk, Gemini and Xavier walk in and completely mess up the vibe! Though he leaves, Stephen makes it clear that he is not intimidated by Gemini, planning to pick up with Zoe right where they left off.

After Stephen leaves, Zoe goes off on Gemini, who is clearly jealous! However, he knows she’s not over him yet, and he’s not over her. He states that he loves her, and goes in for a kiss! They end up having sex, but, afterwards, Zoe looks like she regrets it. She can’t believe she fell for the okey doke again! Zoe tells Gemini to go home, not wanting X to see him and get confused. At the end of the day, they’re divorced, and they can’t keep blurring the lines. Even though Gemini puts it down in the bedroom, they got divorced for a reason. Zoe tells him straight up that this isn’t his house anymore, and she’s not his wife. He gets upset, realizing that he’s stupid for wasting his time waiting for her, planning to walk out of her life for real this time. Zoe needs to figure everything out, and it’s going to take some time to do this.

The next day at work, Pearl tries to put her dress back together, and plans to still be the happiest bride ever. This girl is OBSESSED! When Valente asks Zoe about her romp with Stephen, she notes that she definitely got screwed…though not mentioning that it was by Gemini!

Check out all new episodes of Zoe Ever After on Tuesdays at 10 p.m only on BET! 

Images via BET

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