Arnold Schwarzenegger Will Replace Donald Trump on Celebrity Apprentice

Published September 14, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

NBC has announced a new “CEO” for Celebrity ApprenticeArnold Schwarzenegger!

According to Entertainment Weekly, the former California governor and actor will lead the series, set to return in 2016. He takes the reins from Donald Trump, who was fired himself from the show back in June, when NBC reportedly cut ties with him after his derogatory remarks towards Mexican immigrants.

“We are thrilled to be opening a powerful new chapter in the story of the Apprentice franchise,” said Paul Telegdy, president of alternative and late night programming for NBC Entertainment. “Arnold Schwarzenegger is the epitome of a global brand in entertainment and business, and his accomplishments in the political arena speak for themselves. It was Arnold’s personal passion for the format that Mark Burnett and Donald Trump built over the last decade, as well as his fresh take on how to take it to new heights for today’s audiences, that made him the man to hire. The Celebrity Apprentice … will be back!”

“I have always been a huge fan of The Celebrity Apprentice and the way it showcases the challenges and triumphs of business and teamwork,” Arnold said in a statement. “I am thrilled to bring my experience to the boardroom and to continue to raise millions for charity. Let’s get started!”

I’m not a huge fan of the show myself, but I’m intrigued to see  how Arnold will be as a host. Guess we’ll see next year!

Image via Johannes Simon/Getty Images

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