In The Spotlight: Designer Carla Stovall

Published August 28, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Happy Friday y’all! We have another great spotlight today! As always, if you are or represent an upcoming artist, designer, producer, etc., and are interested in a feature on the blog, visit our Features/Submissions page for more information!

Today, we have designer Carla Stovall! Raised in Dallas, Texas, Carla began developing a love for fashion as a kid, even drawing out her own designs. She received her degree in Fashion Design and Merchandising at Wade College in her hometown, where she learned how to sew and improved upon her designing and illustration skills. The designer acknowledged she has always paid close attention to styles people wear in Dallas, both the good and the bad. “To this day, when I see certain people, I [think] ‘If they just would’ve done this, that would not look like that on them,” Carla said honestly. “Half the time, I notice that people wear things that don’t appear like it matches their shape.” Those thoughts inspired Carla to begin creating custom pieces for others who are not the ideal “square” or “hourglass” shape.

The designer stated that she is inspired by Venny Etienne, designer of LeVinity, who actually attended Wade College as well, and spent time talking with Carla about fashion. “He inspires me because he started like I did,” she said. “He just had a different way of doing it, and different vision [for his designs].” She also loves paying attention to the small details or items she sees in daily life that the typical person may not even be phased by. Those minor details often inspire her own custom designs. Carla’s mom, who passed away a few years ago, also serves a big inspiration and motivates the designer to keep doing what she loves. “My biggest drive is thinking about how proud my mom would be of me,” she said. “I push myself to keep going so I can make her proud.”

Though she admitted that she only focused on designing off and on at first, Carla began pushing herself to hone her craft. During her time at Wade, she had a professor that would always compliment her work and encouraged her, even when she didn’t realize her potential herself. One of Carla’s dresses was actually showcased for the college’s 50th anniversary, which allowed her to connect with other designers and staff. “At that time, I started thinking ‘Well dang, if everybody thinks that I do good work, maybe I really need to get into it,” the designer said. Carla eventually started her boutique, Couture Station, which offers a variety of clothing for different body shapes for women. “It’s more of complimenting the best parts of you,” she said of the line. She also stated that she focuses on making sure her designs are distinctive from the pack. “One thing about Couture Station is that I try to not to do things that you can find in stores,” Carla stated. “There’s going to be something that makes it stand out from all the rest.” Her mission is to make ladies feel super confident and fly while rocking her clothes!

In addition to continuing to build her brand, Carla is working on  a fashion show with her sister set for November, opening it up to other upcoming designers for a chance to showcase their work as well.What sets this designer apart is that she refuses to limit herself to trends, always thinking outside the box when it comes to her clothing. Though Carla still balances a full time job with designing, she has a dream of expanding her brand across the country. The designer has a concept of a store that provides clothing, accessories, footwear, beauty products, and more, and offers quick turnaround for custom pieces, but still gives a peaceful vibe for customers (she calls it “Lowes meets Starbucks!”). The vision would provide customers to get everything they need for a complete look right in her store. Definitely a great idea!

You can connect with Carla and learn more about Couture Station on Facebook and Instagram

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