In The Spotlight: Rock/Pop Group Young-Borra

Published August 20, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

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Today, we have rock/pop group Young-Borra! The group, comprised of Jonas Young-Borra (lead vocalist/lyricist), Garrett DeTemple (vocals/bass/lyricist), and  Michael Curley (production), definitely has a unique sound that resonates with listeners. Jonas first met and began playing music with Garrett during their time at Purchase College in New York.

Jonas, the group’s founder, was raised in the Bronx by his mother, who was a former Broadway actress/singer, and his father, a jazz saxophonist who studied with Jimmy Lyrons. “All I heard until age 10 was pre-1970’s jazz, classical and Broadway music,” the singer admitted. “I didn’t discover anything beyond that until my dad’s guitar player left some cassette tapes at the house with music from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. He soon fell in love with artists like Van Halen, Fine Young Cannibals, David Bowie, The Village People, the Rolling Stones, and The Beatles. Though Jonas admits that each of the band members have their own unique interests, they all “weren’t so much into what was the “norm” that other kids were listening to,” he said. “Together, our New York, fast-talking, fast-walking lifestyles certainly have affected our sound.”

Young-Borra’s latest track, “Surround Sound,” is an example of the group’s standout sound. Inspired by the band VHS or Beta, Jonas began working on the track on GarageBand a long time ago, but didn’t began working on it again until adding Michael on as producer. “Mike took the original ideas I had and melded it into something new,” Jonas said. “Garrett and I worked on lyrics until, after changing the melody several times, we finally got something that we liked.” The band recently released a music video for the song, which was mixed and mastered by the head of production at Purchase and Michael’s former professor, Peter Denenberg (Spin Doctor‘s “Two Princes” producer). The video itself was directed and edited by Erik Christopher Lopez. Check out the video below!

In the future, the group wants to travel the world, playing the biggest stages for audiences. “Young-Borra is a lifelong project now!” Jonas said. “Our goal is to be playing and writing music full time. This is all I want, all we want. It’s exciting.” Jonas himself wants the band to “exist with relevance,” not just being the next best thing coming out for the moment, and then the fire fades out. The group is definitely talented, passionate and fired up, so be on the lookout for more from them in the future!

You can check out more from the band on their official website, SoundCloud, and YouTube. You can also connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

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