In The Spotlight: Designer Renata Eileena

Published August 13, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Keeping the spotlights coming! As always, if you are or represent an upcoming artist, designer,producer, etc., and would like to be featured on The Spotlight, please visit our Features/Submissions page for more information!

Today, we have designer Renata Eileena, owner of custom line Reneta Eileena, LLC. Raised in Philadelphia, Renata has always had a love of fashion. Though she noted that Philly has its own unique style, the designer admitted her own style is outside of that, finding inspiration from “literally everywhere,” pulling from art, TV shows, etc. “When you’re an artist, you can get inspired from literally looking out the window,” Renata said. She is also inspired by Christian Louboutin, Yves St Laurent, and Betsey Johnson.

The designer eventually went to school for fashion, though she found out that wasn’t something she actually wanted to study. Instead, she experimented with sewing and creating her own clothing line. “I kind of realized that sewing wasn’t for me,” Renata chuckled. “I realized that I really, really love shoes, and I was always seeing people with the same [shoes].” The designer decided to start creating her own custom footwear as a hobby, and, thus, Renatta Eileena, LLC was born!

Renata started creating her custom shoes back in 2010, though it wasn’t an official business until last year. During that time, she was also working at a temp agency, when she was fired out of the blue. After that unexpected hit, the designer decided to try her hand at making more shoes to supplement her income. After gaining another job, she was, unfortunately, let go again last year. “[After that], I just said ‘You know what, I’m not going back to work. I’m going to make sure I design footwear and I take this seriously,” Renata stated. Everything happens for a reason!

Currently, Renata Eileena, LLC offers a variety of custom heels and sneakers, as well as a few bustiers. Renata definitely hopes to expand the brand in the future to including more clothing and beauty products. “I want a clothing line, I want a lipstick line. I want an eyelash line. I want everything!” she said excitedly. “I want to take over the world of fashion, man.” Though she wants to go into major production, the designer will strive to keep the authenticity and uniqueness of her brand intact. “My number one thing that I don’t want to do is blend in,” Renata said firmly.

In addition to working on expanding her line, Renata is also hosting her first conference for entrepreneurs entitled, “The Entrepreneur Revolution Shall Be Televised,” this fall! She was inspired to hold this conference by her own ups and downs as a business owner, as well as her side business as a financial planner, consulting with other budding entrepreneurs. A common denominator in many of her clients is that they lack the support and confidence they need to truly succeed. “I really want to pour into people. I want to help build people’s mindsets,” Renata said of the conference, which will be held on September 19, 2015 at the Urban Art Gallery in Philadelphia. The day-long event will have workshops on finance, branding, mentorship, etc., and will allow upcoming business owners to network with each other as well. “I need people to understand that you can live your dream. I feel like a lot of people are settling,” Renata said, stressing that entrepreneurs have to have vision and clear-cut goals to get to that end dream! “Once you have your eye on something, you have to be relentless, fearless, [and have] so much determination,” she stated. (Sidebar: we had a great conversation about dreams and goals, and she ended up pouring a lot into me on a day I really needed it!). Renata plans to eventually hold these conferences all over the country, and even branching off into schools.

Renata believes that her creativity and uniqueness is what sets her apart from other designers. “I was born to create,” Renata said. “I eat, sleep, breathe creativity. I’m not trying to be like anybody else.” In the future, she would like to hold more conferences, as well as hold a specific conference regarding fashion and finance. She also wants to go into production of a fashion show specifically for custom designers, whose incredible, unique styles don’t typically make it to Fashion Week or other typical fashion shows. “I really see Renata Eileena as an international brand!” the designer said. I’m telling you, Renata is DEFINITELY someone to look out for! She has the necessary drive, passion, and vision it takes to succeed in any venture, and I look forward to seeing what’s ahead for her!

You can check out more from the designer on her company website! You can also follow her on Facebook and Instagram!

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