In The Spotlight: Designer Joi Lanell (Owner of Yatir Clothing)

Published August 4, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Another spotlight for you all! As always, if you are or represent an upcoming artist, designer, producer, etc., that is interested in a feature on The Spotlight, please visit our Features/Submissions page for more information.

Today, we have designer and owner of Yatir Clothing, Joi Lanell! Joi always had a true love of fashion, with her own parents even putting on fashion shows themselves when she was younger. Joi herself began drawing clothes as a kid. “It’s just kind of something that I was born into, and it’s something that I enjoyed also,” Joi said. Though she loved fashion, she began studying film in high school and her first year of college. However, the designer eventually realized that it wasn’t something that she had a true passion for, and she made her way back to fashion.

Raised in California, Joi stated that the Golden State definitely had a major impact on her style and designs. California’s style is very flashy, bold, and glam, and you see that in Joi’s own designs. She was also inspired by Pierre Balmain, as well as Missy Elliott‘s past collaboration with Adidas, since Joi is heavily into streetwear, which you also see in her own work.

In April 2011, Joi began her clothing line, Yatir Clothing. The Hebrew word Yatir is a word meaning “the most successful point” or “the highest point of success,” which is what Joi strives for. When she started the brand, Joi had actually just graduated from high school, and was having a hard time finding a job to help support herself. “I [thought], ‘What can I do to bring in money, but it’s something that I enjoy doing at the same time?'” she said. She started simply with t-shirts that she could afford to develop and put out, but it has since branched out to more shirts, skirts, dresses and other custom pieces!

Recently, Joi signed with stylist Ashley Chin‘s fashion public relations company, Vanguard House, to take Yatir Clothing to the next level. “I’ve been in contact with Ashley for quite a few years, around the time I started Yatir,” she said. “We both kind of have the same goals and visions for life and business, so we kind of clicked.” Joi thought the decision to work with Ashley and VH was the perfect opportunity to help build her own brand.

Joi is currently working on Yatir’s fall collection, which will feature a lot of prints and colors. The designer is also developing a fitness line, since fitness is something she’s definitely into. Around 16, the designer was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome, which slows metabolism and causes one to gain weight. Joi recently got into “I decided adding a fitness collection would be perfect for my line, because it’s also something that I’m passionate about.”

In terms of what separates her from other designers, Joi doesn’t follow standard fashion rules. “If I like it, I’m going to put it out, because I’m sure that it’s something that other people out there will like too,” the designer said. “If you like it, if you feel good in it, you can go out and wear it.”

Through Yatir Clothing, Joi would love to one day empower other young women to do things for themselves as well. She encourages upcoming entrepreneurs, whether in fashion or other industries, to not be afraid to start and try their ideas. “You’re going to mess up, but you just use that as a learning tool to help yourself to progress and get further,” Joi said. She also said that, regardless of any naysayers, that everyone should keep going towards their goals. “Just don’t give up,” the designer said. “It will be hard, but you just have to push forward and go through it. You’ll be a better person because you went through all the challenges, so just don’t give up.”

You can check out more from Yatir Clothing on the line’s official website. You can also follow the brand on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

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