In The Spotlight: Singer/Songwriter Adrean Black

Published July 28, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Another spotlight for the week, and definitely more on the way! If you are or represent an upcoming artist, designer, producer, etc., please visit our Features/Submissions page for more information on how to be featured on The Spotlight.

Today, we have singer/songwriter Adrean Black! Adrean fell in love with singing at a very young age. “I was three years old and used to go into my closet with my parents’ cassette tape player and sing like no one could hear me,” she laughed. “My mom also said I was the loudest pre-schooler on our little children’s choir.” Adrean’s mom signed her up for vocal lessons shortly after. When the singer’s grandmother bought her a Walkman in the third grade, the singer would stay up all night listening to music, and she fell in love. Adrean started writing songs in middle school, and honing her craft. Eventually, Adrean went into partnership with her friends, producers Sir Elroy and Rob Flom, forming music production group RichKid Music. “That’s when we really started taking it seriously, knowing that we could really do something with our talents combined,” she said.

Hailing from Philadelphia, the singer acknowledged that a majority of her dad’s family are musicians as well, so any get together ended up in “some kind of jam session,” she said. “I was in love with not only the talent in my family but also the people on the street,” Adrean admitted. “Now that I’m older and am doing shows, I am so honored to see and know so many extremely talented artists from this city. I love that I can perform alongside them and represent Philly.” Inspired by various artists like Whitney Houston, Karen Clark Sheard, Tori Kelly, Kendrick Lamar, George Benson, Stevie Wonder and so many more, this gifted singer has a deep love and passion for music that shows in her projects.

Adrean released her first project, Perfect Dream, back in 2011, produced by Sir Elroy and Rob Flom. She collaborated again with them, as well as Daniel El, for her most recent project, 50/50, which was released on June 23. “50/50 is a project that, collectively, we as RichKid felt was a good showcase of my songwriting, but more on the fun, lighter side,” the singer said of the EP. “We wanted this project to be feel good and up beat.” The album was titled 50/50 because the songs are half pop and half R&B, blending fun, dance tracks with mid-tempo ballads for listeners. One of Adrean’s favorite songs on the EP is the track “Not Worried,” which hits home for her personally. “I’ve been a people-pleaser all my life, to the point where I’ve made decisions for my life based on what I think will make others happy, whether that would be my parents, a significant other, friends, family, etc,” she admitted. “I still struggle with that today. But I remember writing this song as kind of my declaration of taking ownership of my life and my choices and not being so concerned about what others may say about it.” The singer hopes that listeners enjoy the music, and are encourages to express themselves through her music!

Check out a little preview of 50/50 below!

Currently, Adrean has been performing various shows throughout the summer, and is preparing for the A3C Festival this October, which she’s definitely excited about. When it comes to potential differences between her and other artists, Adrean admits that she’s not “image driven,” focusing more on working on her craft. “I do hope that, when people come to shows and listen to my music, that my love for this really shows through,” she said. “I hope that people enjoy themselves and just really have a good time with it the way I do.”

In the future, Adrean hopes to work as a songwriter and maybe even a vocal coach for other aritists, as well as running RichKid with her partners. “I’d love to have a career like James Fauntleroy,” she stated. “He writes so many amazing songs and does features and background. He also puts out music when he wants and performs from time to time. That would be ideal for me!”

To hear more from Adrean, visit the singer’s SoundCloud. You can also connect with her on Facebook and Twitter!

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