In The Spotlight: Singer Sydney Ranee

Published July 3, 2015 by BrittanyShawnte

Got a new spotlight for you all! As always, if you are or represent an upcoming artist, designer, poet, etc., and would like to be featured on The Spotlight, please visit our Features/Submissions page for more information.

Today, we have singer Sydney Ranee! Sydney began her musical journey rather early in life. “My mom said that before I could talk, I was always humming tunes,” she said. Believing in her talent, Sydney’s mother put her in performing art schools where her love for music began. “I got a chance to experiment with different genres of music,” Sydney said of her experience. “At the age of 10, I knew that music was definitely something I wanted to pursue.” The singer joined a jazz ensemble in high school, and also worked on gospel and R&B projects. Working with these different genres, Sydney discovered her voice and sound. You hear pieces of all of these genres in her current music!

Based in Los Angeles, Sydney admits that the city has played a major role in her music as well. “Everywhere I go, I’m surrounded by music or people in the arts, so it was very easy for me to fall into music,” she said. “I think what has helped the most was being able to see other artists performing and telling their stories.” Also inspired by Chaka Khan, Stevie Wonder, Prince, Jamiroquai, Jill Scott, and Etta James, Sydney uses her own life experiences and relationships in her lyrics and songs.

The singer recently released her new EP, Born to Run, on which she admits the title track was inspired by the movie The Notebook. “I started to imagine myself in that situation,” Sydney said. “You’re with someone that you love from the start and then suddenly they are taken from you. You get a second chance at love and you take it.” Produced by Illoquint, the track also features Stuart Sesepasara Jennings on guitar. “I hope that the listeners are able to hear the story and apply it to their own lives,” Sydney said of the track. You don’t have to only be “Born to Run” to love. I think “Born to Run” can apply to many things like music, education, or whatever you choose.

Check out the whole EP below!

Currently, Sydney is promoting her EP, and also plans to write and release more music by the end of the year. In terms of what separates her from other artists, she believes her sound is what makes her stand out. “I pulled from my roots in jazz, my love for R&B, and even threw in a little funk,” the singer said. “I love way too many styles of music to stick to one genre.” In the future, she plans to distribute her music worldwide, and speak to people through her lyrics and life experiences. Sydney also hopes to set up a tour, and visit some new places!

You can check out more from Sydney on her official website, as well as SoundCloud and YouTube. You can also connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

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