MOVIE TRAILER: Lifetime Original Film Whitney

Published December 5, 2014 by BrittanyShawnte

After Lifetime‘s failed Brittany Murphy and Aaliyah biopics, many have understandable doubts Angela Bassett-directed biopic of the late great Whitney Houston. However, the official trailer for Whitney may just change your mind!

Lifetime has released the clip for the biopic, which stars Yaya DaCosta. Yaya is giving it EVERYTHING SHE HAS in this movie! The trailer showcases Whitney and ex-husband Bobby Brown‘s volatile relationship, including their fights and drug use. I LOVE Yaya as an actress, and she isn’t disappointing at all. I’m actually excited now and can almost breathe a sigh of relief.

Whitney premieres on Saturday, January 17, 2015 on Lifetime. Check out the trailer below!

What do you think of the trailer? Will it be a hit or huge miss like the Aaliyah biopic?

Image via Buzzfeed

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