Just Practicing 3-Nova (MIXTAPE)

Published April 5, 2013 by BrittanyShawnte

A Friday pick me up mixtape for you all! I want to start featuring more tracks and mixtapes on the blog, because there are a lot of talent artists out there that deserve their shine!

The artist for today I had the privilege of featuring a few years ago. His name is Nova, and he has released a new mixtape that you all should check out!

Just Practicing 3 is the 3rd and final installment to the Just Practicing series that Nova has been developing for listeners! The mixtape, released back in February, features singles “Fulfill My Dream” and “SoBe Live.”

Check out the mixtape below and download it to add to your collection! You can learn more about Nova and check out his work on his official website, as well as connect with him on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!

Download Mixtape | Free Mixtapes Powered by DatPiff.com

As always, any upcoming artists, designers, producers, etc, that want to feature their work on The Spotlight, feel free to email me at brittanyshawnte@jwwwd.com!

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