Veronica Mars Movie Gets the Green Light

Published March 14, 2013 by BrittanyShawnte

Good news for Veronica Mars fans—a movie for the canceled series is in the works! After a Kickstarter campaign was created on March 13 to raise $2 million to bring Kristen Bell‘s character to the big screen on, fans raised the money (and then some!) after only one day! People must have really loved that show!

“Hallelujah! It’s a green light my friends,” tweeted Rob Thomas, creator of the show which aired from 2004-2007. “I love you all, but particularly the donors among you.” Kristen also wrote, “I love you guys. You are all SO spectacular. I am speechless.” “Dear pope,” she added, shouting out newly elected Pope Francis. “I’m sorry VM fans stole your thunder on your 1st day. I mean, I’m not really that sorry, but I thought it would be polite to say so. XO.”
Rob kicked off the Kickstarter on Wednesday with a challenge on the page: “Here it is. Our one shot to see a Veronica Mars movie happen. Kristen is in. I’m in. Let’s do it!” The creator told Forbes that the Kickstarter was created to “gauge fan interest” and their hope was to raise $2 million in one month. Well, fans collected over $1 million in just four hours and got the job done after one day — and they’re still donating. “Keep in mind that the more money we raise, the cooler movie we can make,” he wrote on the page.

Fans were also given an incentive of various gifts they would receive depending on how generously they donated. If they pledged $10 they would receive an emailed copy of the script, but if they pledged $10,000 or more they would get “a speaking role in the movie.” People are crazy enough to do it too!

I was never a huge fan of the show, but I might actually check it out on Netflix or something from the beginning and see if I get into it. I’ve been on this kick where I watch series that I’ve never seen from beginning to end for the hell of it (I finished 9 seasons of One Tree Hill about a month ago haha!). Congrats to the show’s cast and crew for actually getting their movie!

Image via Justin Lubin/Warner Bros./Getty Images

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