Taylor Swift Talks Men, Music, and Media in New Vanity Fair

Published March 5, 2013 by BrittanyShawnte

Taylor Swift was open and candid in her interview for the April issue of Vanity Fair, discussing her music, the media’s opinion of her, and her infamous breakups with boy pop stars.

It’s no secret that many believe that Taylor is a clingy, boy-crazy young girl that only writes love songs, a rumor that Taylor strongly refutes. “Everybody in these tabloidy gossipy blogs, they think they have you pegged, like ‘Taylor’s boy-crazy’…For a female to write about her feelings, and then be portrayed as some clingy, insane, desperate girlfriend in need of making you marry her and have kids with her…that’s taking it and turning it and twisting it into something that is frankly a little sexist,” she said. “I’m sick of the tabloids saying I obsess over guys. Why would you obsess over guys? They don’t like it.”
According to the mag, Taylor did give a friend permission to spill the beans about her past relationship with One Direction’s Harry Styles. The friend said that the singer went after Taylor for a year, eventually wearing her down and getting close with her…and then was photographed making out with another girl. (Harry’s rep told the mag this was “undeniably false,” but who knows what the real deal is). Taylor’s friend continued saying that the couple got back together, though Taylor didn’t fully trust him. However, they broke up again before the Grammys, where Taylor seemed to be making fun of Harry’s English accent when she opened the show with “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together.” You can read more of the interview in the new issue of Vanity Fair (which Taylor looks great in!).

Regardless of what people say, I like Taylor more and more as time goes on. I’ve had “I Knew You Were Trouble” on repeat for the past few days now. Her songs are catchy and fun, perfect for the teen girl demographic that her brand is made for (I’m 22, and I still like her!). She’s not for everybody, but she’s perfect for many! I give her props because that girl can sell some albums!

Image via Vanity Fair

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