
All posts for the month June, 2010

Paranormal Activity 2 Trailer

Published June 30, 2010 by BrittanyShawnte

Hey yall. Sorry for the late afternoon post, but I was working really, REALLY hard today at the J-O-B, proud to say 🙂

It’s official. There will be a Paranormal Activity 2! Lol ok this movie…I remember going to see it with my friends, and honestly, I was cracking up at it the whole time and making my comments, as I tend to do with each and every movie I see. I wasn’t even kinda freaked til at the very end, but it was still a very entertaining movie. For those of you who don’t know the story, it was about this woman Katie who had this demon inside her, and her husband Micah. The demon has been haunting Katie since she was a kid, which she fails to tell Micah LOL I wouldn’t have even married her if I knew all that. So basically they record what all goes on in their house at night with the demon, and it’s some freaky stuff. And it’s said to be true. At the end, Katie ends up killing Micah, throwing his body at the camera LOL and creeping up slowly to the camera, showing her demon possessed face. And now they are making a second one, and I’m definitely going to go see it!

Paranormal Activity 2 Teaser Trailer

Even though it might be kinda stupid and not even remotely scary, it will definitely entertain me cuz I was dying laughing at the first one. Plus I want to see what happens to the baby and the dog!!! LOL Lord forgive me, I’m evil. It’s slated to be released in October. Who’s going to see it?


Paranormal Activity 2 Trailer

Published June 30, 2010 by BrittanyShawnte

Hey yall. Sorry for the late afternoon post, but I was working really, REALLY hard today at the J-O-B, proud to say 🙂

It’s official. There will be a Paranormal Activity 2! Lol ok this movie…I remember going to see it with my friends, and honestly, I was cracking up at it the whole time and making my comments, as I tend to do with each and every movie I see. I wasn’t even kinda freaked til at the very end, but it was still a very entertaining movie. For those of you who don’t know the story, it was about this woman Katie who had this demon inside her, and her husband Micah. The demon has been haunting Katie since she was a kid, which she fails to tell Micah LOL I wouldn’t have even married her if I knew all that. So basically they record what all goes on in their house at night with the demon, and it’s some freaky stuff. And it’s said to be true. At the end, Katie ends up killing Micah, throwing his body at the camera LOL and creeping up slowly to the camera, showing her demon possessed face. And now they are making a second one, and I’m definitely going to go see it!

Paranormal Activity 2 Teaser Trailer

Even though it might be kinda stupid and not even remotely scary, it will definitely entertain me cuz I was dying laughing at the first one. Plus I want to see what happens to the baby and the dog!!! LOL Lord forgive me, I’m evil. It’s slated to be released in October. Who’s going to see it?


My Favorite Moments from 2010 BET Awards

Published June 28, 2010 by BrittanyShawnte

Ok, keeping my BET Awards theme today going…here are some of my favorite moments from last night’s show! Watch the videos after the jump.

Nia Long and Larenz Tate-Love Jones Flashback Larenz had me about to fall out…mmm.

Eminem’s Performance Got Keyshia and B.O.B. in there, but it was mainly for Eminem. Dude SLAUGHTERED!

There were several other moments I liked, but these were my top five!


My Favorite Moments from 2010 BET Awards

Published June 28, 2010 by BrittanyShawnte

Ok, keeping my BET Awards theme today going…here are some of my favorite moments from last night’s show! Watch the videos after the jump.

Nia Long and Larenz Tate-Love Jones Flashback Larenz had me about to fall out…mmm.

Eminem’s Performance Got Keyshia and B.O.B. in there, but it was mainly for Eminem. Dude SLAUGHTERED!

There were several other moments I liked, but these were my top five!


REVIEW: BET Awards 2010 Review

Published June 28, 2010 by BrittanyShawnte


I had to do it. I had to write a review for the BET Awards 2010 for a number of reasons. One, it was the 10th year anniversary of the show. Two, the show was so much of a mess last year, I had give my opinion on whether this year’s was better or not (cuz there’s always the chance of it getting worse, sad to say). Three, the show had some great (and somewhat iffy) nominations that I had to give my two cents on. So this post goes into detail about performances, awards won, outfits, and everything. I literally had my laptop open the whole time typing on all of this (and tweeting lol Twitter was crazy last night yall). It’s a real long post, but worth the read…

The BET Awards pre-show started off the night (or the afternoon over in LA). It was….ok. Of course, Terrence J and Rocsi hosted. Yeah. Point blank period, I miss AJ and Free. (Was I the only one excited to see a glimpse of Free only to be completely disappointed? Only heard her voice). Nick Cannon was wack with his interviews, too. Personally, I think everybody was done with him after Wild’N Out. Now he’s known to the world as Mariah’s husband.

The performances were cool, but it didn’t excite me much. It never really does. One of the performances that I was kind of disappointed with was Miss Dondria’s. Now, I love this girl. My co-worker had me watching some of her videos on YouTube that got her discovered, and I think that she has real talent. However, I didn’t like that she did her, I guess, “You’re The One” remix? with Jermaine Dupri. I like the original version, and that’s the version playing on the radio, so she ought to have performed that one. I still love her though. And Soulja Boy performed. TWICE. I don’t like either song that he was on (“All The Way Turnt Up”/”Pretty Boy Swag”), so I changed my channel to Bridezillas for a second.

And outfits? What the hell was Rocsi wearing?! Matter of fact, I didn’t understand what was going on through several people’s minds when they were dressing for the Red Carpet. Gucci Mane wearing all black, Debra Lee (president and CEO of BET Holdings, Inc) wearing that disastrous pink getup, and Rocsi with that ugly denim mess that didn’t even flow. And Nicki Minaj, I understood the symbolism with her outfit (the Wilma Flintstone look) A friend explained on Twitter that it symbolized Bedrock going platinum. Nicki, I’m happy for you and Young Money, BUT STILL!!!!!! I appreciate Nicki’s style because it’s unique, and a lot of times, it looks good. Better than it would be if other people tried it. But no. That was just too much. Too too much. But it’s Nicki, so I figured there would be some crazy looking wig. I liked the dress though. Now some people rocked it. Taraji. MY GIRL! Loved her outfit. It was classy. T.I. looked sharp in his little suit too. But overall, people either did too much with their outfits all together, or weren’t dressed for the weather. Yall know it’s hot in Cali!

The pre-show did have its good moments though. Favorite moment was Monica’s win for the Centric Award, even though she should have been nominated for Best Female R&B Artist, but I guess Still Standing came out too late. Next Year!!!! (*fingers crossed*) It was good to see the cast of The Game too!!! They made their presence known, and announced that new episodes of the game were coming in January!!!! THANK GOD UP ABOVE!!! But ummm…was I the only one who noticed Brittany’s outfit was cut up a little too much and a little too low on the hips cuz you could see….the outfit was heading down…ok. Moving right along.

Now to the main event. Kanye West opened the show with “Power,” performing on top of a volcano with weather changes going on in the background. I like the song, and it was real good to see Kanye back. And opening too? Good move BET. Then Miss Queen Latifah took the stage and went on people in song lol (yall hear her go on Wayne and Drake? All in fun lol). Then she took it back to her hip hop roots and did a little verse on Drake’s “Over.” It was a hot opening to me, and I loved her as hostess.

Something different that BET did that I really liked were the kid pics of all of the nominees. Saw Miss Beyoncé as a little baby awww, and Drake with his jacked up fro, but he was still cute. The first award of the evening, the Best Female R&B Artist award, went to Miss Alicia Keys (who looked good with her baby bump btw). I thought that Beyoncé would take it, but as long as one of them won, I was good. Did yall see how Swizzy brought his son, too? And how the boy had said on the red carpet that one of the performers he was looking forward to the most was Alicia. Awww moment LOL bet Mashonda was mad. Ehhh…this whole Alicia/Mashonda/Swizzy drama. People calling Miss Keys a homewrecker and all that. Bah. If the home was all that together in the first place, Alicia wouldn’t have got him HELLO! But I digress….

Am I the only one noticed that the BET AWARDS show did very little handing out of actual awards? I was looking forward to Best Actress, Best New Artist, and a few others, only to have to look up some of them on Wikipedia smh Full list of winners in the post below this one. Had to put them in a different post. This one is long enough.

Young Money was in the building last night. Drake took home Best Male Hip Hop Artist which I was happy with. Honestly, that man’s lyrics really move me. He speaks on everything from success to love to family. I love him. Young Money took home the award for Best Group, which no one saw, but it did happen. Congrats to them. Now…here’s my issue. Nicki Minaj took home the Best New Artist Award AND the Best Female Hip Hop Artist Award. I take issue. I knew it was going to happen because of her popularity and style. I have to admit, I’m slow to hop on her train, but I made it. However, I feel that with these awards, she should’ve won one or the other but not both. Best Female Hip Hop Artist in my sight was a fluke anyways. For one, with the nominees, we ain’t seen Missy and Kim come out with anything new for quite some time, and I don’t know who this Rasheeda chick is, sorry. Apparently, she’s done quite a few records, but if no one knows you then why are you in this category? So of course, Nicki was going to win. But if the nominees hadn’t really done much this year, why have the award in the first place? Upping the drama between Kim and Nicki I guess. What Nicki did deserve to win, which I had to force myself to admit because of of my love for Wale, was Best New Artist. Nicki has made a name for herself this year. No one can deny that. And I’m a little excited for her album.

Side note cuz I had to throw it in here somewhere…did yall see Nia Long and Larenz Tate…LOVE JONES!!!! Larenz is sooo sexy. Ok. I’m done.

Performances, for the most part, were hot. T.I. tore up the stage with “Yeah You Know” from Takers, showing everybody that the King is back!!! Alicia Keys performed a medley of songs. “No One”, “Sleeping With A Broken Heart”, among others. Wish she wouldn’t have been moving like that with that baby inside her though. Eminem’s performance KILLED!!!!!!! Diddy’s was dead. Too much fog and mike issues. T.I. killed his verse, but you couldn’t hear Nicki (at all that night, no matter what mike she used)

Hands down, my favorite performance was Chris Brown’s tribute to Michael Jackson. Jermaine Jackson introduced the performance by saying that there was one tribute that we have yet to see. Dag on right!!!! CB should’ve performed last year. PERIOD. I don’t care about this mess with Rihanna. He did it. He apologized. He’s dealing with the consequences he was dealt. LET IT GO. Rihanna’s moved on. Why can’t we do the same? He ain’t hit yall. TEAM BREEZY!!!!!! lol ok I’m back. Chris just straight killed it! From beginning to end. From “The Way You Make Me Feel” to “Smooth Criminal” From his walk on the stage to his moonwalk (Take notes, Mr. Jamie Foxx). And the most touching part was his break down in the middle of singing “Man In The Mirror.” People can say that it was a publicity stunt and all that, but it’s obvious how much MJ had an impact on Chris. You can see it in every single one of his performances. Can’t nobody tell me that that was a show. I also think that part of the breakdown may have come from him being happy to be back on stage after a trying year, and realizing that his mistake cost him. BUT I’M HAPPY HE GOT TO PERFORM!!!!!

Drake performed as well, and yall know I love him. People got on his actual performance, and get on his performing skills overall, but lyrics are all I need to be impressed. And Drake impresses me. I could go on that whole performing vs. lyrics thing, but this post is long enough. Time to wrap up. There were also performances from El Debarge, Tyrese, Kirk Franklin and company (dedicate to Haiti), which were nice. Tyrese took me there too yall. Not gonna fake. MMMMM….

The night wrapped up with John Legend winning the Humanitarian Award and Prince, the Lifetime Achievement Award. I never really knew about all of the ways that John has served, but it’s amazing for him to have done all of this. People can let the fortune and fame get to their head, and don’t even think about giving back. Prince sat back on his tribute. I don’t think he was into them until Alicia and Patti took the stage and killed! Lol I love Patti! Yall see her kick off them shoes doing “Purple Rain?!” As only Patti could do lol.

And then the performance with DJ Khaled and all them…yadda yadda. “All I do is win win win…Everybody hands go up!” Ok we got you. And the night was over. And I must say that I quite enjoyed myself. It was 50 million times better than last year’s, and it was the best one that I have seen in quite some time. So congratulations BET for getting your act together and doing better. I look forward to the day when I go for myself, cuz uh I’m going yall! Gonna interview people for a magazine, I SPEAK IT NOW!!!! lol hope yall enjoyed my review. Sorry for the length. It’s the writer in me.


REVIEW: BET Awards 2010 Review

Published June 28, 2010 by BrittanyShawnte


I had to do it. I had to write a review for the BET Awards 2010 for a number of reasons. One, it was the 10th year anniversary of the show. Two, the show was so much of a mess last year, I had give my opinion on whether this year’s was better or not (cuz there’s always the chance of it getting worse, sad to say). Three, the show had some great (and somewhat iffy) nominations that I had to give my two cents on. So this post goes into detail about performances, awards won, outfits, and everything. I literally had my laptop open the whole time typing on all of this (and tweeting lol Twitter was crazy last night yall). It’s a real long post, but worth the read…

The BET Awards pre-show started off the night (or the afternoon over in LA). It was….ok. Of course, Terrence J and Rocsi hosted. Yeah. Point blank period, I miss AJ and Free. (Was I the only one excited to see a glimpse of Free only to be completely disappointed? Only heard her voice). Nick Cannon was wack with his interviews, too. Personally, I think everybody was done with him after Wild’N Out. Now he’s known to the world as Mariah’s husband.

The performances were cool, but it didn’t excite me much. It never really does. One of the performances that I was kind of disappointed with was Miss Dondria’s. Now, I love this girl. My co-worker had me watching some of her videos on YouTube that got her discovered, and I think that she has real talent. However, I didn’t like that she did her, I guess, “You’re The One” remix? with Jermaine Dupri. I like the original version, and that’s the version playing on the radio, so she ought to have performed that one. I still love her though. And Soulja Boy performed. TWICE. I don’t like either song that he was on (“All The Way Turnt Up”/”Pretty Boy Swag”), so I changed my channel to Bridezillas for a second.

And outfits? What the hell was Rocsi wearing?! Matter of fact, I didn’t understand what was going on through several people’s minds when they were dressing for the Red Carpet. Gucci Mane wearing all black, Debra Lee (president and CEO of BET Holdings, Inc) wearing that disastrous pink getup, and Rocsi with that ugly denim mess that didn’t even flow. And Nicki Minaj, I understood the symbolism with her outfit (the Wilma Flintstone look) A friend explained on Twitter that it symbolized Bedrock going platinum. Nicki, I’m happy for you and Young Money, BUT STILL!!!!!! I appreciate Nicki’s style because it’s unique, and a lot of times, it looks good. Better than it would be if other people tried it. But no. That was just too much. Too too much. But it’s Nicki, so I figured there would be some crazy looking wig. I liked the dress though. Now some people rocked it. Taraji. MY GIRL! Loved her outfit. It was classy. T.I. looked sharp in his little suit too. But overall, people either did too much with their outfits all together, or weren’t dressed for the weather. Yall know it’s hot in Cali!

The pre-show did have its good moments though. Favorite moment was Monica’s win for the Centric Award, even though she should have been nominated for Best Female R&B Artist, but I guess Still Standing came out too late. Next Year!!!! (*fingers crossed*) It was good to see the cast of The Game too!!! They made their presence known, and announced that new episodes of the game were coming in January!!!! THANK GOD UP ABOVE!!! But ummm…was I the only one who noticed Brittany’s outfit was cut up a little too much and a little too low on the hips cuz you could see….the outfit was heading down…ok. Moving right along.

Now to the main event. Kanye West opened the show with “Power,” performing on top of a volcano with weather changes going on in the background. I like the song, and it was real good to see Kanye back. And opening too? Good move BET. Then Miss Queen Latifah took the stage and went on people in song lol (yall hear her go on Wayne and Drake? All in fun lol). Then she took it back to her hip hop roots and did a little verse on Drake’s “Over.” It was a hot opening to me, and I loved her as hostess.

Something different that BET did that I really liked were the kid pics of all of the nominees. Saw Miss Beyoncé as a little baby awww, and Drake with his jacked up fro, but he was still cute. The first award of the evening, the Best Female R&B Artist award, went to Miss Alicia Keys (who looked good with her baby bump btw). I thought that Beyoncé would take it, but as long as one of them won, I was good. Did yall see how Swizzy brought his son, too? And how the boy had said on the red carpet that one of the performers he was looking forward to the most was Alicia. Awww moment LOL bet Mashonda was mad. Ehhh…this whole Alicia/Mashonda/Swizzy drama. People calling Miss Keys a homewrecker and all that. Bah. If the home was all that together in the first place, Alicia wouldn’t have got him HELLO! But I digress….

Am I the only one noticed that the BET AWARDS show did very little handing out of actual awards? I was looking forward to Best Actress, Best New Artist, and a few others, only to have to look up some of them on Wikipedia smh Full list of winners in the post below this one. Had to put them in a different post. This one is long enough.

Young Money was in the building last night. Drake took home Best Male Hip Hop Artist which I was happy with. Honestly, that man’s lyrics really move me. He speaks on everything from success to love to family. I love him. Young Money took home the award for Best Group, which no one saw, but it did happen. Congrats to them. Now…here’s my issue. Nicki Minaj took home the Best New Artist Award AND the Best Female Hip Hop Artist Award. I take issue. I knew it was going to happen because of her popularity and style. I have to admit, I’m slow to hop on her train, but I made it. However, I feel that with these awards, she should’ve won one or the other but not both. Best Female Hip Hop Artist in my sight was a fluke anyways. For one, with the nominees, we ain’t seen Missy and Kim come out with anything new for quite some time, and I don’t know who this Rasheeda chick is, sorry. Apparently, she’s done quite a few records, but if no one knows you then why are you in this category? So of course, Nicki was going to win. But if the nominees hadn’t really done much this year, why have the award in the first place? Upping the drama between Kim and Nicki I guess. What Nicki did deserve to win, which I had to force myself to admit because of of my love for Wale, was Best New Artist. Nicki has made a name for herself this year. No one can deny that. And I’m a little excited for her album.

Side note cuz I had to throw it in here somewhere…did yall see Nia Long and Larenz Tate…LOVE JONES!!!! Larenz is sooo sexy. Ok. I’m done.

Performances, for the most part, were hot. T.I. tore up the stage with “Yeah You Know” from Takers, showing everybody that the King is back!!! Alicia Keys performed a medley of songs. “No One”, “Sleeping With A Broken Heart”, among others. Wish she wouldn’t have been moving like that with that baby inside her though. Eminem’s performance KILLED!!!!!!! Diddy’s was dead. Too much fog and mike issues. T.I. killed his verse, but you couldn’t hear Nicki (at all that night, no matter what mike she used)

Hands down, my favorite performance was Chris Brown’s tribute to Michael Jackson. Jermaine Jackson introduced the performance by saying that there was one tribute that we have yet to see. Dag on right!!!! CB should’ve performed last year. PERIOD. I don’t care about this mess with Rihanna. He did it. He apologized. He’s dealing with the consequences he was dealt. LET IT GO. Rihanna’s moved on. Why can’t we do the same? He ain’t hit yall. TEAM BREEZY!!!!!! lol ok I’m back. Chris just straight killed it! From beginning to end. From “The Way You Make Me Feel” to “Smooth Criminal” From his walk on the stage to his moonwalk (Take notes, Mr. Jamie Foxx). And the most touching part was his break down in the middle of singing “Man In The Mirror.” People can say that it was a publicity stunt and all that, but it’s obvious how much MJ had an impact on Chris. You can see it in every single one of his performances. Can’t nobody tell me that that was a show. I also think that part of the breakdown may have come from him being happy to be back on stage after a trying year, and realizing that his mistake cost him. BUT I’M HAPPY HE GOT TO PERFORM!!!!!

Drake performed as well, and yall know I love him. People got on his actual performance, and get on his performing skills overall, but lyrics are all I need to be impressed. And Drake impresses me. I could go on that whole performing vs. lyrics thing, but this post is long enough. Time to wrap up. There were also performances from El Debarge, Tyrese, Kirk Franklin and company (dedicate to Haiti), which were nice. Tyrese took me there too yall. Not gonna fake. MMMMM….

The night wrapped up with John Legend winning the Humanitarian Award and Prince, the Lifetime Achievement Award. I never really knew about all of the ways that John has served, but it’s amazing for him to have done all of this. People can let the fortune and fame get to their head, and don’t even think about giving back. Prince sat back on his tribute. I don’t think he was into them until Alicia and Patti took the stage and killed! Lol I love Patti! Yall see her kick off them shoes doing “Purple Rain?!” As only Patti could do lol.

And then the performance with DJ Khaled and all them…yadda yadda. “All I do is win win win…Everybody hands go up!” Ok we got you. And the night was over. And I must say that I quite enjoyed myself. It was 50 million times better than last year’s, and it was the best one that I have seen in quite some time. So congratulations BET for getting your act together and doing better. I look forward to the day when I go for myself, cuz uh I’m going yall! Gonna interview people for a magazine, I SPEAK IT NOW!!!! lol hope yall enjoyed my review. Sorry for the length. It’s the writer in me.


BET Awards 2010 Winners

Published June 28, 2010 by BrittanyShawnte

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Monday yall! I’m actually energetic today. This morning’s posts are dedicated to the BET Awards 2010! I liked it a lot. The show was the best I’ve seen it be in a long time, probably since Miss Mo’Nique. Others may disagree on that opinion, but I’m sure we all can agree that it was better than last year’s mess! So congrats BET for getting on people’s good sides again 🙂

I had to post the full list of winners from last night’s awards, because they only announced what six? Leaving me disappointed because some of the main categories I wanted to hear, I had to look up online smh. But here goes the full list. (I talk about some of them more in my review)

Best Female R&B Artist-Alicia Keys (As long as it was her or Beyoncé, I was good)
Best Male R&B Artist-Trey Songz (Yuppppppp! I must admit he did his thing this year)
Best Gospel-Marvin Sapp
Best Female Hip Hop Artist-Nicki Minaj (Hmmm…)
Best Male Hip Hop Artist-Drake (I truly do love this man…listening to him as I type this post)
Best Group-Young Money (We knew that. Look who they were up against anyway…)
Best New Artist-Nicki Minaj (Best Female Hip Hop AND Best New Artist? I will discuss in my review…)
Best Collaboration-Jay-Z & Alicia Keys – Empire State of Mind
Video of the Year-Beyoncé f/ Lady Gaga – Video Phone (Go Bey!!! I wish she would have been there)
Video Director of the Year-Hype Williams
Best Actress-Mo’Nique (I figured)
Best Actor-Idris Elba (Man is FINE!!!!)
YoungStars Award-Keke Palmer
Best Movie-Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire
Fandemonium Award-Chris Brown (YAYYYYYYY!!!! TEAM BREEZY!!!!!)
Subway Sportswoman of the Year-Serena Williams (Serena done won like 6 out of 10 years…)
Subway Sportsman of the Year-LeBron James (This is LeBron’s fifth….time to switch it up perhaps BET?)
Viewers Choice-Rihanna f/ Young Jeezy – Hard (No RiRi? Figures…love her and all but I wasn’t all that pressed to see her.)
Centric Award-Monica (LOVE HER!!!!)
Best International Act-Dizzee Rascal (UK) (Idk who you are but congrats!)


BET Awards 2010 Winners

Published June 28, 2010 by BrittanyShawnte

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Monday yall! I’m actually energetic today. This morning’s posts are dedicated to the BET Awards 2010! I liked it a lot. The show was the best I’ve seen it be in a long time, probably since Miss Mo’Nique. Others may disagree on that opinion, but I’m sure we all can agree that it was better than last year’s mess! So congrats BET for getting on people’s good sides again 🙂

I had to post the full list of winners from last night’s awards, because they only announced what six? Leaving me disappointed because some of the main categories I wanted to hear, I had to look up online smh. But here goes the full list. (I talk about some of them more in my review)

Best Female R&B Artist-Alicia Keys (As long as it was her or Beyoncé, I was good)
Best Male R&B Artist-Trey Songz (Yuppppppp! I must admit he did his thing this year)
Best Gospel-Marvin Sapp
Best Female Hip Hop Artist-Nicki Minaj (Hmmm…)
Best Male Hip Hop Artist-Drake (I truly do love this man…listening to him as I type this post)
Best Group-Young Money (We knew that. Look who they were up against anyway…)
Best New Artist-Nicki Minaj (Best Female Hip Hop AND Best New Artist? I will discuss in my review…)
Best Collaboration-Jay-Z & Alicia Keys – Empire State of Mind
Video of the Year-Beyoncé f/ Lady Gaga – Video Phone (Go Bey!!! I wish she would have been there)
Video Director of the Year-Hype Williams
Best Actress-Mo’Nique (I figured)
Best Actor-Idris Elba (Man is FINE!!!!)
YoungStars Award-Keke Palmer
Best Movie-Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire
Fandemonium Award-Chris Brown (YAYYYYYYY!!!! TEAM BREEZY!!!!!)
Subway Sportswoman of the Year-Serena Williams (Serena done won like 6 out of 10 years…)
Subway Sportsman of the Year-LeBron James (This is LeBron’s fifth….time to switch it up perhaps BET?)
Viewers Choice-Rihanna f/ Young Jeezy – Hard (No RiRi? Figures…love her and all but I wasn’t all that pressed to see her.)
Centric Award-Monica (LOVE HER!!!!)
Best International Act-Dizzee Rascal (UK) (Idk who you are but congrats!)


Ne-Yo Expecting First Child

Published June 26, 2010 by BrittanyShawnte

A few days late with this post, but I figured I would be writing it soon enough after seeing all of these pics with Ne-Yo and his girlfriend Monyetta Shaw. During a photoshoot to promote his upcoming album Libra Scale, Ne-Yo told Ebony magazine that he is indeed expecting his first child.

“I am 30 and I do have my first child on the way, and I’m very, very, very excited about that,” he admitted. The baby is reportedly due in January of next year. “It’s a New Year’s baby and I’m just in a really good place right now,” Ne-yo said.

Congrats Ne-Yo! I’m sure you will be a great father! Can’t wait for September 21 (the release date for Libra Scale). I need new material from Ne-Yo badly…


Ne-Yo Expecting First Child

Published June 26, 2010 by BrittanyShawnte

A few days late with this post, but I figured I would be writing it soon enough after seeing all of these pics with Ne-Yo and his girlfriend Monyetta Shaw. During a photoshoot to promote his upcoming album Libra Scale, Ne-Yo told Ebony magazine that he is indeed expecting his first child.

“I am 30 and I do have my first child on the way, and I’m very, very, very excited about that,” he admitted. The baby is reportedly due in January of next year. “It’s a New Year’s baby and I’m just in a really good place right now,” Ne-yo said.

Congrats Ne-Yo! I’m sure you will be a great father! Can’t wait for September 21 (the release date for Libra Scale). I need new material from Ne-Yo badly…